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This Special Message Goes Out To NYHC GIANT, And Him Only...

Plax 4 Prez

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If I'm not mistaken you made fun of us for breaking our season high 8-game winning streak after having a 1 run lead in the 5th... but the Yanks just lost to the 4th place in the NL East Nationals!!! How do you lose vs one of the weakest teams in our division?? AFTER BEING UP 7??? Before you worry about our NL leading Mets who are up in thier division by 9.5 games, worry about your own... cause when we see you in Yankee Stadium, we're taking our 23-12 road record with us ;) plus 9 of the last 10... btw the Blue Jays are on your doorstep aswell...

Weak ass AL...

Baltimore (31-38)

Nationals (30-39)


you guys lost to the crappier team ;)


p.s. to all the innocent Yank fans I apoligize for the inconvenience.. I just had to serve NYHC :TU:

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totally fine for you to say this




it's a 162 game season, one game means absolutely nothing, escpecially in baseball.


All it takes is for a guy to have his curveball working that day or something and he can shut down anybody.


You guys are "kings of NY" in June. My hats off to you.

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totally fine for you to say this




it's a 162 game season, one game means absolutely nothing, escpecially in baseball.


All it takes is for a guy to have his curveball working that day or something and he can shut down anybody.


You guys are "kings of NY" in June. My hats off to you.

Nah, we understand. We just wanted to let NYHC Giant realize what he said yesterday and how stupid it was.


It's over now, we're cool NYHC :TU:

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Nah, we understand. We just wanted to let NYHC Giant realize what he said yesterday and how stupid it was.


It's over now, we're cool NYHC :TU:

Exactly, Me and gateb aren't proclaiming nothing, but sometimes people get upset that were happy, which we have tons of reason to be happy... and a couple of Yank fans thought it was necessary once our 8 game win streak was over by the Orioles to poke fun... In my head we aren't Kings of NY until we win the World Series... even then when/if we win the WS we are Kings of NY only until the next season starts and the Yanks and Mets try to respectively make it back to the crown... I will admit we have a couple of Met fans that like to think we are the gods of NY, but reallity hits hard, especially to Met fans... we could have the best record in baseball and make it to the WS, and lose and it would not mean a thing...a whole season down the drain... just like the Braves, winning god only knows how many Division Titles with only one WS win to show for it

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Well it's good to see some good trash talking amonst us Yankee/mets fans..Yeah, we did shit the bed today, but remember...W.S. championships are not won in June. I'm goin' on vacation tomorrow mornin', so I won't be around. See you freaks in a week! :TU:


P.S.- Mets are currently losing 4-2.

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Well it's good to see some good trash talking amonst us Yankee/mets fans..Yeah, we did shit the bed today, but remember...W.S. championships are not won in June. I'm goin' on vacation tomorrow mornin', so I won't be around. See you freaks in a week! :TU:


P.S.- Mets are currently losing 4-2.


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Well it's good to see some good trash talking amonst us Yankee/mets fans..Yeah, we did shit the bed today, but remember...W.S. championships are not won in June. I'm goin' on vacation tomorrow mornin', so I won't be around. See you freaks in a week! :TU:


P.S.- Mets are currently losing 4-2.

Our loss was just as bad as yours today. We looked HORRIBLE.

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Weak ass AL...


:LMAO: I'm assuming you're joking, right? The NL blows, boss. Your team was on an 8-game winning streak against NL teams, until a "weak ass" AL team (actually, the Orioles really are a weak ass team- when they play AL teams) came in and took two straight from them (looking to make it 3 today).


I won't even get into the All-star games, the past couple of World Series (speaking of 8-game winning streaks), and the boatload of AL pitchers who go over to the NL and find new life.

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It is so stupid how Yankee fans and Met fans are at each others throats. One team is in the AL and the other in the NL. Each side should worry about their own damn divisions and be happy that both teams are doing well because that is what is best for the city. Also all these games don't matter because when it is all said and done there is only one successful team in the MLB and that is the team that brings home the championship. With that being said I hope for another Subway Series.



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:LMAO: I'm assuming you're joking, right? The NL blows, boss. Your team was on an 8-game winning streak against NL teams, until a "weak ass" AL team (actually, the Orioles really are a weak ass team- when they play AL teams) came in and took two straight from them (looking to make it 3 today).


I won't even get into the All-star games, the past couple of World Series (speaking of 8-game winning streaks), and the boatload of AL pitchers who go over to the NL and find new life.


Over the past 6 years the NL has been far more balanced than the AL in terms of competitiveness. Some of those Drays, Tigers, Royals teams have been the most putrid ever. The AL has been much more top heavy with teams such as the Yanks and Sox far superior to what the best the NL had to offer. I think that gap is starting to shorten a bit as some AL teams get better.


There is no arguing the AL has been much more powerful since 1995 when they came back from the strike. The running record since is AL 7 NL 4, take out the 4 WS titles that the Yanks attained(all the while beating the piss out of teams in both leagues) its a bit closer than one might think.

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take out the 4 WS titles that the Yanks attained...


That's ludicrous. And you can call it "balance", but I call it mediocrity.


Anyway, while the AL does have a few bad teams every year, those teams aren't any different than some of the DBack, Expo, Rockies, Pirate teams we've seen. Regardless, the AL has swept the last two series, and won 7 out of ten with what amounts to an automatic out every ninth hitter for half of the games. That's dominance.

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:LMAO: I'm assuming you're joking, right? The NL blows, boss. Your team was on an 8-game winning streak against NL teams, until a "weak ass" AL team (actually, the Orioles really are a weak ass team- when they play AL teams) came in and took two straight from them (looking to make it 3 today).


I won't even get into the All-star games, the past couple of World Series (speaking of 8-game winning streaks), and the boatload of AL pitchers who go over to the NL and find new life.

;) I was joking Sally... NYHC Giants said that the NL was horrible and weak, then the Yanks lost to the Nationals, and the Blue Jays got swept by the Marlins... so I poked fun at him

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My point was that during the Yankee dynasty years there were not many teams in the AL fighting them neck and neck like the SOX have the past 3 years. Other than the race with the O's in 96 and the O's winning in 97 the Yankees beat the brains out of both leagues through the WS. Clearly the AL has been better the last few years, but in those previous years the Yankees were so far superior to any team in either league.

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