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What positions the Giants can target in the offseason.


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Who are the top 10 OL and top 10 TE going into the Daft this year?


As for drafting a qb to groom to replace Eli down the road. Perixlue..... gone..... Nassib. Not the one as far as we know....Unless Eli gets injured and Nassib is pressed into service we may never know. (Bledsoe/Romo)....(Bledsoe/Brady). Hopefully that won't happen. Now given the chance if Mayfield falls to us in the 1st round in the '17 draft... do we take him? If we do Do we SanDiego him (Rivers/Manning). Thus gaining more picks.... but what round. ...... don't worry about any of this though. Mayfield will be in Cleavland at 1.

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Early commentary I've read say it's a weak draft for OL...which sucks for us.


Eh, that's what FA is for... besides, just like we dumped Sheridan and Fewel... and Gilbride, we need dump whoever is our OL coach... Obviously he sucks donkey balls. You don't have at least 2 of your promising young OLs play at a lower level than the year before without pointing the finger at the coach... who the fuck is our OL coach anyway?


- Offensive Line – Mike Solari

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I'm not opposed to bringing in a vet...but youth is key there for longevity, so I'd be a little picky in which vets I'd consider. A 35 year old guy who has played well...I'd likely pass given the return on investment we'd end up getting. A 26 year old who has played mediocre...well, we kinda already have mediocre at spots, so why pay for no improvement? I don't know the correct course here without knowing who's going to be available, but the bottom line is, that there is a glaring need there and something should be done to address it.


The scouts and front office did a good job addressing the defense last year. I'm hoping that they're able to do the same thing on the offensive side of the ball this year...2 OL, 1 TE, 1 WR should be sufficient. The QB of the future would be bonus.


I wouldn't fire the OL coach just yet. We let Flaherty go, who was renowned as one of the best in the league. I'd give the new guy another year. Flowers lack of development is really the only major concern. Richburg may be playing hurt, I don't know. The right side isn't staffed very well and Pugh has missed games with an injury himself. Let Pugh get healthy and find out what's going on with Richburg before we make a determination on the coaching. Again, I'll give you Flowers' struggles as a strike against the OL coach, but I would want something additional before I'd be swayed to fire a coach.

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I'm not opposed to bringing in a vet...but youth is key there for longevity, so I'd be a little picky in which vets I'd consider. A 35 year old guy who has played well...I'd likely pass given the return on investment we'd end up getting. A 26 year old who has played mediocre...well, we kinda already have mediocre at spots, so why pay for no improvement? I don't know the correct course here without knowing who's going to be available, but the bottom line is, that there is a glaring need there and something should be done to address it.


The scouts and front office did a good job addressing the defense last year. I'm hoping that they're able to do the same thing on the offensive side of the ball this year...2 OL, 1 TE, 1 WR should be sufficient. The QB of the future would be bonus.


I wouldn't fire the OL coach just yet. We let Flaherty go, who was renowned as one of the best in the league. I'd give the new guy another year. Flowers lack of development is really the only major concern. Richburg may be playing hurt, I don't know. The right side isn't staffed very well and Pugh has missed games with an injury himself. Let Pugh get healthy and find out what's going on with Richburg before we make a determination on the coaching. Again, I'll give you Flowers' struggles as a strike against the OL coach, but I would want something additional before I'd be swayed to fire a coach.


Agreed. I also believe at least some of the OL struggles are attributable to scheme and predictability, particularly of our running plays. It's looked all too often like the opposing D was in the huddle with us. I think they pick up tendencies based on our formations, personal groupings, down & distance, field position, etc. It's a lot harder to block when the guy across from you has a pretty good idea where the play is going a split second after (or even before) the snap.

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