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Odell and Eli


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Now it's no secret that Eli isn't the most gifted QB when it comes to putting the ball where it needs to be on a WR, he does make the plays when it counts and in some games he's deadly accurate but most of the time he's the Eli we all know and love.


After drafting Odell (actually any player drafted for that matter) I began to read up on his college career and what experts who are more knowledgeable in evaluating talent then I'll ever be say on the kid.


I know the pick has gotten some criticism saying that Odell isn't the tallest WR and that the Giant's have a similar WR in Cruz, however I find the opposite of which to be true. Cruz is a WR who needs another WR to make him special, he needs to be able to slip behind the defense to pick up yards and Cruz does this by abusing nickle corners and LBs who have the unfortunate task with trying to shade him. Odell is a WR who can make plays by himself and is a threat in short passes and stretching the field, not to mention many of these experts feel he is arguably the best route runner in the draft, something a west coast system needs.


Odell I feel has the talent to play any position on the field X, Y or the slot WR and MacAndfries is going to have fun using him like he did with Cobb or Jones in Green Bay.


The main idea for this thread though is that Eli isnt the most accurate WR throughout the game but can hit the throws that matter and after watching this video and seeing how many passes that Odell has to adjust for, either being overthrown or in a bad spot, it's easy to see why the Giant's had him ranked so highly on their board.




Catches at 0:24,2:07,3:26, 6:20 and others in that video show how like Nicks he uses his body and adjusts to poorly thrown or placed passes.

Once he makes the catch he turns that play into a big play with his ability of being able to shake defenders and use his speed and size to his advantage. Look at some of the return plays and some of those runs after the catch and tell me this isnt something the Giant's have been lacking in the last 10 years.





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One observation... In a few catches he only had one foot inbounds


Yeah, I noticed that, too and I hate that about these highlight collections. Cut out that clip because it doesn't count. You see it on draft day coverage for ESPN, too.


Even one of those touchdowns would be no good.

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the best is when we drafted the center and the very first highlight clip was him standing there without making contact with anybody


maybe they were highlighting how well he snaps the ball

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I would like to see what Eli can do in this new system. He has only been in two previous systems and they were similar in concept. i never bought into the big receiver over the smaller guy, just put the better player out there. Who knows, maybe hitting receiver in their route will help his accuracy over throwing the ball to where he and his target thinks they should be.

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I would like to see what Eli can do in this new system. He has only been in two previous systems and they were similar in concept. i never bought into the big receiver over the smaller guy, just put the better player out there. Who knows, maybe hitting receiver in their route will help his accuracy over throwing the ball to where he and his target thinks they should be.

I would preferTalented and Tall. Like, I don;t know, Brandon Marshall,,,, *rubs chin*

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The rule in college is 1 foot, not 2 luke the nfl.



I know. But it's not an NFL worthy highlight if it wouldn't count in the NFL. To me, it's like, delete the clip, it's useless if it doesn't count. I'd rather see him run a solid route and catch the ball than him getting slammed by two dudes out of bounds and he luckily gets one foot in the endzone before his entire ass lands out of bounds.

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I know. But it's not an NFL worthy highlight if it wouldn't count in the NFL. To me, it's like, delete the clip, it's useless if it doesn't count. I'd rather see him run a solid route and catch the ball than him getting slammed by two dudes out of bounds and he luckily gets one foot in the endzone before his entire ass lands out of bounds.


Disagree, since those are the rules that is how he is playing.


Should we also get rid of all highlights where an opposing player didn't get drafted to the nfl?



I just disagree with the premise here.

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You don't see Randle in that role, with Cruz and Beckham playing Cobb and Jones?

Nelson play's X, Y and slot. He's not just a possesion WR. Randle has Nelson's body type, but Beckham's ability to control his body reminds me of Nelson.

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bowe just signed a big extension last year so it's pretty impossible to trade him.


if this fan base thought nicks was dogging it they wouldn't tolerate bowe for more than a few games

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bowe just signed a big extension last year so it's pretty impossible to trade him.


if this fan base thought nicks was dogging it they wouldn't tolerate bowe for more than a few games


I was being facetious...playing on an all LSU WR group

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All you need in college Prince.


CW> agon


Yea I understand that now... I love the pick... I know he's not 6 5" but I'm 5 5" and I couldn't stand the low expectations (God it was very sweet getting picked first in a Groton vs New London game back in 2002 :D )... this guy is 5 11 not 5 5... and taller guys tend to be stiff and very unathletic.. they rely on their heights.. very seldom you will find a Brandon Marshall out there...

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Disagree, since those are the rules that is how he is playing.


Should we also get rid of all highlights where an opposing player didn't get drafted to the nfl?



I just disagree with the premise here.



I don't understand the premise of your scenario.


I don't know, to me, a lot of those routes are Manningham-esque in that he runs himself out of the play. It's not like those are good completions in the NFL. I'm not impressed because he has the ability to run himself out of bounds, but because it's college, it's a completions. That's not a highlight that should have any bearing on whether he is drafted to the NFL. There's probably 3 or 4 catches in that highlight reel that don't even count in the NFL.

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