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Glass half empty.


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So... let me see if I got this right. We've blown through all but 4 million of our 24 million in cap space and the only starters we got were at G and RB?


Because honestly, two backup linebackers and a center that's been injured the past two years aren't exactly setting my world on fire.


Love the beason pickup though.

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I honestly don't see who we could of signed that wouldn't of eaten up all of our cap space in just one contract.


Also true.


When your drafts are so shitty that theres holes everywhere, I guess you have to rollthe dice on somewhat adequate and injured players.

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The Giants have Dominique Rogers-Cromartie coming in for a visit. He'd be a nice addition to the free agent frenzy. However, he's probably going to land on the Jets and simply using the Giants to maximize his payday. He turned down a six-year, $54 million offer from the Broncos so he's already out of our reach....unless they did some pretty fancy book work and reworking more contracts. Perhaps if they back loaded the contract and let him go in a couple of years.


I'm mostly worried about the offensive line and am thrilled that we got Schwartz and think Jennings will give us a good ground game paired up with Wilson. Benson signing is also a huge plus. If we lost him to another team, we'd be screwed again at the LB position.

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Jameel McClain is a backup or are you talking about the dude that failed his physical?


Because to me, the LB corps looks better right now than it did opening day last year. The no-man's land between our back field and defensive line has started to close up.


We also signed Trumaine McBride, Stevie Brown, Josh Brown among others.


McClain: ~2mil this year

Walton: ~ 2mil this year

Rashad Jennings: salary $750,000 this year

Haven't heard anything about Beason's contract except it's something like 3 years/ 19 mill


Schwartz is already on this, as well as Hynoski, Painter, Herzlich, both Browns:




So, with the last few guys dropping off, and assuming Beason's hit is around 6, it's going to be ~5 million left. And Baas number is still on the list.

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Baas' savings of 5 million doesn't become available until June 2, and from what I read, will be used to sign our draft picks.

Exactly--which means whatever we have is available for free agency--we don't have to worry about signing picks with this money.



Just saw on BBI that Beason's salary this year is $730,000. That means my 6 mill guess was way off.

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