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Best and worst Giants draft picks of all time.


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I used to love watching Dan Reeves trying to explain away another Dave Brown Production with that hang dog face and Georgia Drawl...Reeves looked like he caught his preacher watching shit porn... :Smiley_StirringShit: :puke:

The coach who used to scare the crap out of me was Ray Perkins. Man could stare a hole in your skull.

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George Young will always be the remembered to me as the man who rebuilt and then dismantled a great Giants team.


People always talk about Parcells walking out on the Giants......well, George Young was the dude who was trying to hire Bo Schembechler away from Michigan the year both of Parcells parents died during his rookie year, when he went 3-12-1. We'll never know for sure, because the Giants front office is way to classy to admit it, but I'd bet the ranch that the only reason Parcells was not canned was because Wellington Mara vetoed the decision. Again, I have no proof of that, but I couldn't see Wellington firing a rookie coach who just lost both his parents. That sort of scumbag move was entirely in Young's toolbox though, and don't think for a second that Parcells ever forgot.


And before Parcells won his 2nd championship, George made it clear that Belichick and Coughlin weren't in his plans either. No fucking way did Parcells split without Belichick and Coughlin knowing the plan.


Between the 3 of them, 7 Lombardi Trophies, but none of them as smart as George Young, apparently......so imagine the shock when the Giants looked like dog shit on a summertime sidewalk after he annointed Ray Handjob to lead the team. Dumping Phil Simms for Dave Brown was the cherry on that crap sundae.


Actually and this is nit-picking. Parcells was closer to Tim Mara than Wellington.

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The 2003 draft was a little of the worst and the best. We had 11 picks that year and burned the first on William Joseph (total bust) and picked up a half dozen players that were fodder waiting to be cut (Babers, Ponder, Drake, Lucier, Walter, etc.), yet we still managed to pick up Osi (2nd), Deihl (5th), and Tyree (our 3rd 6th round pick). If not for those 3 guys, it would've been a complete disaster.


With 11 picks, you should get more than 2 starters and a special teams player out of all that. I will forever be sickened when hearing "and with their first pick in this year's draft, the New York Giants select William Joseph, defensive tackle out of Miami". Uhggg

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The 2003 draft was a little of the worst and the best. We had 11 picks that year and burned the first on William Joseph (total bust) and picked up a half dozen players that were fodder waiting to be cut (Babers, Ponder, Drake, Lucier, Walter, etc.), yet we still managed to pick up Osi (2nd), Deihl (5th), and Tyree (our 3rd 6th round pick). If not for those 3 guys, it would've been a complete disaster.


With 11 picks, you should get more than 2 starters and a special teams player out of all that. I will forever be sickened when hearing "and with their first pick in this year's draft, the New York Giants select William Joseph, defensive tackle out of Miami". Uhggg


Walter and Shiancoe went on to be a starters, just not in NY :(

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Don't get the Hostetler choice on the good list. Not that it was a bad pick, and I actually liked it when it happened, but one of the best of all time? Why not someone like David Diehl?


I also feel our teams from the 1970's are under-represented in worst draft picks ever. Gordon King first round?


And I'd add Ian Allen to the worst picks ever, even if we didn't draft him.



A decade of "WTF" until they got Simms.


Lets look at the 1971 draft. ....a year when they needed literally everything on the defensive side of the ball....except FS (Lockhart) and DE (Dyer)...maybe they had some servicable LBs...but nothing else remotely special given the 1970 defense was 17th in a 26 team league .for a team.that went 9 and 5 due to having the the #5 Offense in 70' thanks to Tarkington, Johnson, Tucker, Herman, Old Reliable Joe Morrison and a pretty good line....


So...9 and 5....#5 Offense...#17 Defense in 1970...so..I know.....with the 18th pick in the 1971 draft...lets get us a kick returner....from West Texas State (aka..the 20th best football school in Texas behind Waco High School)


Taking Rocky Thompson in 1971 with the 18th pick in the first round...was the single worst draft pick in Giant history....as he was emblematic of the nonsense that would dominate the Giants insane missing the forest for the trees drafting for the next ten years....easily the worst decade in Giant's history....in a decade I got my first handjob, blowjob, fuck, car license, f cigerette, toke, and booze buzz....I got the New York Fucking Football Giants who stunk on Ice. ...almost single handedly ruining what otherwise was an epic decade for me...Charles T. Wagon.


The worst part of the Thompson pick...anyone...anyone????? The part that is the true salt in the wound....when they draft a kick retuner when they just needed a little fucking DEFENSE to get a little something-something going into the 1970's....the worst part...is who went right after Thompson......who went at 19th and 20th in the 1971 draft...right after Thompson went 18th.....cause...we needed a kick returner......at #19....Jack (fucking)Tatum and #20...Jack Youngblood....and oh...the fifth pick in the 2nd round that year.... Jack Ham ....two HOF and one who should be in the HOF Tatum. ....if they would have been remotely thining defense at all..they couldn't help but trip over one of those hard knocking cocksuckers...who could have been cornerstones for a decade.


JESUS it pisses me off to this day.


Thompson not being on this list calls into question the validity of the list.


C. Wagon.

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The worst was Joe Don Looney

Was a high draft pick a #1 and locked himself in his training camp room and baracaded the door for two days. Looney then did a stint in Vietnam

Ali Sherman could not get him to come out of the room despite many pleas


He was protesting the right to wear shorts to dinner


Best was LT

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The worst was Joe Don Looney

Was a high draft pick a #1 and locked himself in his training camp room and baracaded the door for two days. Looney then did a stint in Vietnam

Ali Sherman could not get him to come out of the room despite many pleas


He was protesting the right to wear shorts to dinner


Best was LT


Honestly...they should make a movie about that guys life...what a fucking character....who did the Giants get for him when they traded him to Baltimore...do you remember?



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