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I will not even tolerate a Gilbride. His own wife and mother shouldnt tolerate the numbnuts. His children shouldnt tolerate. Society shouldnt tolerate him. he had no right to share my oxygen! The bugger should have a restraining order slapped against by all clipboards! The fuck should be run out of town as of yesterday!! Im not able to fathom how he is still on the team after years of the same fuckupation.


Preach it brother...too many people think he is one of the mainstays of Giants dominance these past few years....THE GIANTS WIN DESPITE GILBRIDE...NOT BECAUSE OF HIM!!! :punk: :punk: :punk:

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It really is ridiculous to see them constantly looking to WRs when nothing is there instead of drawing up something that has a running back release and run a pattern. I would be interested to see the targets by position this season just to see if there is, like I suspect, a huge discrepancy compared to other teams. Obviously you want to throw the ball to the players on your team with the best hands, receiving abilities, route running, physicality, and shit, the ones farthest down the field....and yeah that's typically your WRs, but damn, little dump offs to the running back out of the backfield (instead of always keeping them in to block), designed routes to your running back, screens from the shotgun formation, playaction TE Stick/Sit routes, TE over the middle, etc.....these plays and the proper execution of these types plays are what keeps drives going! They are typically high percentage plays that are guaranteed to get you some yardage if your players can simply execute and they don't throw all your eggs in one basket like calling back-shoulder fades or chucking up prayers in the hopes you'll draw a PI which Eli did way too frequently this season. I also find it hard to believe that it is an execution issue....I think it's more that Gilbride is stubborn and gets lost when his cookie-cutter offense isn't converting third downs or scoring points. Pile on early points by opposing teams and all logic (and the gameplan---not that it was any good) flies out the window as we watch as the entire team panics and Eli can't get the ball into the triple coverage he's throwing it into.


Another thing, virtually any time I've seen this team bust off a big run under Gilbride and Coughlin, it has been by using a nifty, well-designed, finesse/pulling blocking scheme and running it off tackle. I don't think there is a better designed off-tackle/counter play than the one the Giants employ. Virtually any time they ran this play against the Eagles, it busted off huge yardage. Why we don't utilize blocking schemes like this more often is beyond me. Instead they like to run it up Chris Snee/David Baas's backside and constantly bash their heads against the wall because they only pick up a yard or two, but this is the NY GIANTS!!!!! No way would they ever change the philosophy of a power-house, smash-mouth ground game!!!!! Thing is, we don't have a guy like Alfred Morris who can gain 4 yards just by dragging guys as he is falling down.



Ayup...exactly the reason why Gilbride should be exiled. When I see other teams in second/third and longs dump it off to the RB and/or a well designed TE route over the middle where he sits in the hole of the zone... I just shake my head. Look at Brady...look at fucking Tony Romo...there is a reason why Witten is his girlfriend...he bails him out of so many bad situations on the field. If we made twice as many throws to Bennett as we did this year we would be in the playoffs because it would have cut down on those low percentage throws you mentioned. Its really pathetic.

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Well Fewells D was ranked 31st in the league, frankly I think JR should sign anyone to try and get that improved.


Spags had been horrid though since leaving, maybe he was just a one hit wonder during the SB year.


There is that...I'm starting to think it was an issue of synchronicity...being in the right place at the right time for him. A perfect storm where you had an aging but game MLB in Antonio Pierce; and an all pro Hall of Fame DE in Michael Strahan who had been here since the last years of LT...someone who understood the pulse of the team and who could lift his game when it counted. Or it could have been the Peter Principle writ large. I'm never a fan of going backwards...unless its a world class coach with a proven track record like The Prostitute (e.g. Parcells)...Spags made his decision and that is that.

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How Gilbride gets more hate than Fewel baffles me.


Willy Gilly deserves a lot of blame and I agree Nas, Fewell is getting to much of a pass.


I know some can say "Well the defense created turnovers" When in reality you take away Browns freakish outbreak and the defense doesnt have nearly the same turnover ratio as people are trying to give it credit for, not to mention who knows if Brown can even continue the success in coming seasons.


The Giants D is ranked 31st among the defense this past season, sure they turned the ball over but when it came down to it they couldnt stop a single team when it mattered most and shit the bed just as much as the offense.


Both Gilly and Fewell could get hit by a truck for all I care, or go coach somewhere else but since both of them are horrid I doubt anyone would consider them for any position besides perhaps water caddy.

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Yeah, when your whole defense sucks out loud all year, don't expect your coach to be all sunshine and rainbows. How about a dose of STFU and listen to the guy? He's got a ring that says his way works. Of course, you have to have players, too... Michael Strahan and a young Justin Tuck doesn't hurt, you know.


I guess Spags wasn't into the "injure players for money" culture....shocking.


I'd take Spags over Fewell in a fucking heartbeat.....at least Spags didn't lose games by rushing 4 guys who couldn't get to the passer, and dropping everyone else into a zone that formed a perfect fucking 5 yard radius circle around the dude about to catch the 22 yard pass on 3rd and 20.


Fewell had entire games where the pass rush and coverage didn't show up.....at least with Spags, teams had to earn their points.

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It doesn't make since. Back in 07, it was thought that our Defense won us the Bowl. and last year it was Eli who took over. Sorry Perry, but fucker you ain't getting any credit for that lacking defense.


The guy has 3 years to fix up the LB position. they brought in guys but never draft one who can do the job. Back when Spag was in charge, i don't recall us having any problem on Defense after week 2. Antonio pierce the slowest LB on the team looked like a HOF LB.


i want the Spag Back

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It doesn't make since. Back in 07, it was thought that our Defense won us the Bowl. and last year it was Eli who took over. Sorry Perry, but fucker you ain't getting any credit for that lacking defense.


The guy has 3 years to fix up the LB position. they brought in guys but never draft one who can do the job. Back when Spag was in charge, i don't recall us having any problem on Defense after week 2. Antonio pierce the slowest LB on the team looked like a HOF LB.


i want the Spag Back


There were a few games when neither the offense nor defense showed up.....Cincy, Atlanta, and Baltimore to be specific.


But your comments on the linebacking corp is dead on......they need someone who can beat the shit out of people.

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You can't win games without converting third downs and red zone trips. The Giants offense can't do that. Creating turnovers is literally the only way to hold OTHER teams under 21 points in today's NFL. And when the other team's offense is on the field for over 60% of the game like what happened in basically the entire second half of the season, the offense's performance directly impacts the defense's performance.


THAT'S why Gilbride deserves more criticism than Fewell. Besides, it was obvious the talent just wasn't there on defense. The talent was there on offense....a lot of it was kept on the bench the entire season.

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You can't win games without converting third downs and red zone trips. The Giants offense can't do that. Creating turnovers is literally the only way to hold OTHER teams under 21 points in today's NFL. And when the other team's offense is on the field for over 60% of the game like what happened in basically the entire second half of the season, the offense's performance directly impacts the defense's performance.


THAT'S why Gilbride deserves more criticism than Fewell. Besides, it was obvious the talent just wasn't there on defense. The talent was there on offense....a lot of it was kept on the bench the entire season.


This^ One of the reasons why Buddy Ryan called Gilbride's Run and Shoot offense the Chuck and Duck...because even when they are scoring they are not taking significant chunks of time off of the clock resulting in the defense being out there for 55-60% of game time...recipe for a gassed defense and losses. Look at the Pittsburgh or first Broke Back game...

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This^ One of the reasons why Buddy Ryan called Gilbride's Run and Shoot offense the Chuck and Duck...because even when they are scoring they are not taking significant chunks of time off of the clock resulting in the defense being out there for 55-60% of game time...recipe for a gassed defense and losses. Look at the Pittsburgh or first Broke Back game...


The Baltimore and Atlanta games we held the ball twenty minutes

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I'm tired of hearing about Buddy Ryan taking a swing at Gilbride. Buddy Ryan is a piece of shit while Gilbride never got as many chances as that fat fuck. Oh and by the way, he called 2 Superbowl winning drives.


Give it a fucking rest. Gilbride is a fine offensive coordinator.

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This^ One of the reasons why Buddy Ryan called Gilbride's Run and Shoot offense the Chuck and Duck...because even when they are scoring they are not taking significant chunks of time off of the clock resulting in the defense being out there for 55-60% of game time...recipe for a gassed defense and losses. Look at the Pittsburgh or first Broke Back game...


And in both of those losses, we gave up over 100 yards rushing. But, of course..that's on Gilbride and the offense. This is mind-boggling and your way smarter than this.

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And in both of those losses, we gave up over 100 yards rushing. But, of course..that's on Gilbride and the offense. This is mind-boggling and your way smarter than this.


Our offense had 168 total yards, in that Pittsburgh game, our D was gassed cause the O couldn't stay on the field. We had 20-10 led going into the 4th and the D had a Td in that game.

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I'm tired of hearing about Buddy Ryan taking a swing at Gilbride. Buddy Ryan is a piece of shit while Gilbride never got as many chances as that fat fuck. Oh and by the way, he called 2 Superbowl winning drives.


Give it a fucking rest. Gilbride is a fine offensive coordinator.



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Our offense had 168 total yards, in that Pittsburgh game, our D was gassed cause the O couldn't stay on the field. We had 20-10 led going into the 4th and the D had a Td in that game.


A defensive touchdown that really wasn't a touchdown, we got lucky on that one. Gimme a break, the Steelers walked all over us that game. Pretty sure they converted nearly 80 percent of there 3rd down plays. That's pathetic.

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A defensive touchdown that really wasn't a touchdown, we got lucky on that one. Gimme a break, the Steelers walked all over us that game. Pretty sure they converted nearly 80 percent of there 3rd down plays. That's pathetic.


Ok yeah, that was the time of the season, I thought we're fucked, this D has no agressiveness to it all. Our D all the sudden got old and content. Like asj said, Fewell can only fire them up so much, once the hit the field it's to them.

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How Gilbride gets more hate than Fewel baffles me.


Because of the shit that our O does - we also play like the D does - get a bunch of yards between the 20s and then suck balls. We cant get enough TDs and we dont have the creativity to convert the 3rd downs. We always try to get a first down on the 1-2nd down. Thats why people dont realise how much of a fucktard Gilbride is. He's got no brains man. When the going gets tough - we have had to rely on no huddle and Eli's heroics to get us back in the game. Gilbride's playcalling has always been fucking stupid. If you see the game and not just look at which position we finished on offense - we will never realise the fucktard that Gilbride is. Running against the Skins, taking Wilson out of the game against Atlanta, fucking up the running game, shitty shitty mental fuckups in the red zone. Just look at how open the WRs are or the pass out of the backfield that some teams utilize so beautifully in other games. Ive never seen any such shit. Its like a rookie playing All-Madden level. Run between tackles, try some stupid outside run shit, draw plays and screen passes. Thats it - there is never a time when ive seen a D so perplexed that theyve not been able to figure out what we are doing. Its always been they know what we will do, but we have to do it perfectly well to execute. We cant even give a little bit of a cushion for a single slightly off-target throw where the WR has some room to work something out of it. Gilbride needs to die if Coughlin doesnt replace him.

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You can't win games without converting third downs and red zone trips. The Giants offense can't do that. Creating turnovers is literally the only way to hold OTHER teams under 21 points in today's NFL. And when the other team's offense is on the field for over 60% of the game like what happened in basically the entire second half of the season, the offense's performance directly impacts the defense's performance.


THAT'S why Gilbride deserves more criticism than Fewell. Besides, it was obvious the talent just wasn't there on defense. The talent was there on offense....a lot of it was kept on the bench the entire season.


Hey Storm


Im gonna have to go ahead and completly disagree with you here. Dont get me wrong, I hate Gilbride. And Im not going to waste a second defending him. But Fewell is down right horrible. The last game of the season showed me beyond any doubt that we had pleanty of talent on defense. Problem is up till the last game he refused to play tward our strengths. For instance, our LBers suck in pass coverage. But they are all pretty good at stopping the run, and blitzing. So when you play our defense as though everyone but the front 4 can cover, you take away our strengths. We blitzed the hell out philly. And we didnt just blitz, but were down right creative doing so. It reminded me of our glory days with Spags, and the score boarded reflected that very well. The whole time Im thinking, if we had played with this style of defense the whole year, we'd probably be looking at first or second seed. Instead we got sent home. And to me, its all fewells fault.

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Hey Storm


Im gonna have to go ahead and completly disagree with you here. Dont get me wrong, I hate Gilbride. And Im not going to waste a second defending him. But Fewell is down right horrible. The last game of the season showed me beyond any doubt that we had pleanty of talent on defense. Problem is up till the last game he refused to play tward our strengths. For instance, our LBers suck in pass coverage. But they are all pretty good at stopping the run, and blitzing. So when you play our defense as though everyone but the front 4 can cover, you take away our strengths. We blitzed the hell out philly. And we didnt just blitz, but were down right creative doing so. It reminded me of our glory days with Spags, and the score boarded reflected that very well. The whole time Im thinking, if we had played with this style of defense the whole year, we'd probably be looking at first or second seed. Instead we got sent home. And to me, its all fewells fault.


Good point.


I know that blitzing has it's perils, but there were times this season when the Giants defense looked great, and other times that it was like a turtle on it's back.....so schemes definitely had alot to do with it.

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You can't win games without converting third downs and red zone trips. The Giants offense can't do that. Creating turnovers is literally the only way to hold OTHER teams under 21 points in today's NFL. And when the other team's offense is on the field for over 60% of the game like what happened in basically the entire second half of the season, the offense's performance directly impacts the defense's performance.


THAT'S why Gilbride deserves more criticism than Fewell. Besides, it was obvious the talent just wasn't there on defense. The talent was there on offense....a lot of it was kept on the bench the entire season.


A defense that can't get off the field deserves what it gets. Our D was ranked 31st and like someone said.. you are what your record says you are..

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