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Jason Pierre-Paul says they're "relieved" to be facing Brees.


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I think you guys are making too much out of this. He said it was easier dealing with Breese as a DE defending the edge. This is common sense not smack talk. Also check out Giants rewind this week Tuck did get used on some key plays during the skins game. His mistakes cost the Giants some big plays.

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If I was JPP and his world-leading six sacks, I wouldn't give any bulletin board material to the guy that has a 122 career passer rating against us, 142 in the past two games, and threw for over 400 yards and 4 TDs in each of the past two contests.


How fucking stupid can you get?

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If I was JPP and his world-leading six sacks, I wouldn't give any bulletin board material to the guy that has a 122 career passer rating against us, 142 in the past two games, and threw for over 400 yards and 4 TDs in each of the past two contests.


How fucking stupid can you get?


Over the last two games Brees had a QB rating of 23..4 vs the Falcon and 33.0 vs the 9ers. This is not the same team that the gaints played last year or on 09. . Also JPP has only played against brees once in his career.


While I agree JPP should watch what he says in the media, with the playoffs on the line and Brees's past two stinkers, I doubt JPP can motiave Brees further. This IMO is a make or break season game for both teams.


IMO the Siants HAVE to have this game.

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Seriously what is with the Giants players kissing RG3's ass?


No wonder why he had has success against us when every single fucking defensive player thinks he's the best player to touch the field, Christ grow a pair.


I hear ya...this is from one of the comments on the article to which I also agree with...



Does no one understand the concept of context? Or do people just chose to ignore the obvious?

This is considered some sort of trash talk? or an insult?

I mean if that's that case reporters might as well just stop asking questions because players will just stop answering them if the answered are interpreted this way. This is the reason half the players just give stock answers half the time anyway.

JPP gave an honest answer here. He never said RGIII was better than Brees, or that Brees was easy to play against. He was speaking from HIS perspective, as a defensive end, and how a traditional pocket passer is easier to prepare for. That was the context!! He never said Brees wasnt dangerous, he said from HIS perspective its easier to prepare for. And he's right, its basic football. Playing defensive line is infinitely easier when you don't have to worry about the QB taking off on a 50 yard run. I think even Drew Brees would agree.

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This is why players are trained to give boring answers. And as much as I roll my eyes whenever I hear the same old thing in interviews, and as much as it's refreshing to see some personality sometimes, I'd much rather hear the players just give the "we have to focus on getting better each and every week," "take things one week/one game at a time," "Work on our execution," "have a great week of practice," etc et al.


All of these horrible cliche answers keep the focus on yourself, and not the other team. The compliments are ok. I'm not bothered by complimenting RGIII. Michael Jordan was the master at getting his opponents competitive edge softened. He would act so friendly to them, and stroke their ego even a bit, and then at tip-off, go out and try to absolutely destroy them. What you don't want to do is say something, anything, that puts the chip on their shoulder, gives them any added motivation to play harder, to want to beat you that much more. Everyone wants to win. But psychologically, when you feel that you have to earn respect, or you've been disrespected... that effort and focus is going to be at the maximum. And what has been an annoyance to me, is that certain players on this team don't seem to get that. Like Seph said, just keep your mouth shut. The bulletin board material matters sometimes, so don't offer any.


And I think it has a lot to do with winning a Super Bowl last year, or two for some of the players. This is what coaches mean when they say, you have to forget about last year. Last year is over and history. Some of these players seem to revel in their own greatness a bit. And I think it's a problem. And I agree with Osi a bit here, even though the way he is saying it is a little funny. Rolle, at least publicly, is showing himself to be the real leader on the defense, and is more seeing the big picture. As an outsider, I would rather see Rolle wear the 'C'. But I know I'm an outsider, as I believe we all are on this board. So we have a limited scope that influences our perspective of the team. And also, a change of captain-ship midseason would likely be too big of a distraction.


Real leaders don't need official status or recognizable symbols on their uniform to show they are a leader, either. But I do hope this team stops buying into their own hype, and again, it's not everyone. And yeah, I'm saying it coming off a big win. Rolle was absolutely right, they need to have that dog mentality if they are going to have a shot at repeating, because they are going to get other teams' best shot.

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And I do think what JPP said is absolutely correct, true, and common sense. But it also didn't HAVE to be said.


JPP needs to shut up until he actually does something again, like... gets a sack. This is four games in a row, that's not what great players do.

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