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Will the Skins win the division?


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Guys we simply got outplayed this time around and I think its ridiculous at this point to be questioning the coaching of this team. Giants got outplayed out there and it is really just that simple. Giants are still in control and they'll be in the playoffs, just won't be pretty but it will happen.


Here's how I see it... The Redskins offense in its current form is ridiculously good. If I was a defender out there I'd be frustrated too. The good news is it's unsustainable... the ball bouncing the way it was they will have some fumbles along the way and RGIII will get popped more often than not.


Having said that, the D still held them to 17 points.. which is great. Where I think we shitted the bed was on offense... and of course that missed FG. There's no reason we couldn't score touchdowns instead of settling for field goals. Hakeem Nicks needed to be a tad more aggressive I think and Cruz tends to lose focus and drop balls.


I'm not panicking .. like I said the Skins look great on the offensive side of the ball and from what I know they were missing a few starters on the Defensive side... that team will be scary for years to come.

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I'm not panicking .. like I said the Skins look great on the offensive side of the ball and from what I know they were missing a few starters on the Defensive side... that team will be scary for years to come.



Way more than a few. Orakpo and Carriker out for the year = very mediocre pass rush.



The secondary is close to being a joke. Both starting safeties are out for the year which routinely leaves gaping holes. I have no idea why the Giants decided to run the ball late in the game. One of the few areas the Redskins defense excels. Big head scratcher there.



Haslett tries to make up for the horrible secondary by using a lot of different looks etc. etc.. That may be enough for us to slip into the playoffs somehow but this ain't a superbowl winning defense. Giants have issues as well and a bit of a tougher schedule so we could pull ahead.



It will be an interesting four games to watch. You guys are up a game so the balls in your court.

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Guys we simply got outplayed this time around and I think its ridiculous at this point to be questioning the coaching of this team. Giants got outplayed out there and it is really just that simple. Giants are still in control and they'll be in the playoffs, just won't be pretty but it will happen.



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Way more than a few. Orakpo and Carriker out for the year = very mediocre pass rush.



The secondary is close to being a joke. Both starting safeties are out for the year which routinely leaves gaping holes. I have no idea why the Giants decided to run the ball late in the game. One of the few areas the Redskins defense excels. Big head scratcher there.



Haslett tries to make up for the horrible secondary by using a lot of different looks etc. etc.. That may be enough for us to slip into the playoffs somehow but this ain't a superbowl winning defense. Giants have issues as well and a bit of a tougher schedule so we could pull ahead.



It will be an interesting four games to watch. You guys are up a game so the balls in your court.


Gilbride is the hammer type...with every thing being a nail....so whereas other offensive coordinators would either game plan or adjust if something was not working...Gilfuck will just keep on hammering... :P

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Gilbride is the hammer type...with every thing being a nail....so whereas other offensive coordinators would either game plan or adjust if something was not working...Gilfuck will just keep on hammering... :P



Haslett does something similar with continually going to prevent types of defense which is ridiculous considering how poor our secondary is. Any quarterback worth a salt can complete passes against us if we don't get a pass rush. Cornerbacks are supposed to have short memories but coaches aren't. If you see a scheme continually getting torched it's time to do something different.

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Haslett does something similar with continually going to prevent types of defense which is ridiculous considering how poor our secondary is. Any quarterback worth a salt can complete passes against us if we don't get a pass rush. Cornerbacks are supposed to have short memories but coaches aren't. If you see a scheme continually getting torched it's time to do something different.


Just goes to show us that like most professions...once you're in...incompetence or steady mediocrity is the rule rather than the exception. :P

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Way more than a few. Orakpo and Carriker out for the year = very mediocre pass rush.



The secondary is close to being a joke. Both starting safeties are out for the year which routinely leaves gaping holes. I have no idea why the Giants decided to run the ball late in the game. One of the few areas the Redskins defense excels. Big head scratcher there.



Haslett tries to make up for the horrible secondary by using a lot of different looks etc. etc.. That may be enough for us to slip into the playoffs somehow but this ain't a superbowl winning defense. Giants have issues as well and a bit of a tougher schedule so we could pull ahead.



It will be an interesting four games to watch. You guys are up a game so the balls in your court.


You and me and the entire Giants fan base - minus the coaches and Gilbride in particular. You take shots downfield in the first half and then you run the ball as if you have a lead when you are actually down. Giants took time off their own fucking clock by doing that shit. They always do it.

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Way more than a few. Orakpo and Carriker out for the year = very mediocre pass rush.



The secondary is close to being a joke. Both starting safeties are out for the year which routinely leaves gaping holes. I have no idea why the Giants decided to run the ball late in the game. One of the few areas the Redskins defense excels. Big head scratcher there.



Haslett tries to make up for the horrible secondary by using a lot of different looks etc. etc.. That may be enough for us to slip into the playoffs somehow but this ain't a superbowl winning defense. Giants have issues as well and a bit of a tougher schedule so we could pull ahead.



It will be an interesting four games to watch. You guys are up a game so the balls in your court.


Yep, running the ball against the Skins was a head-scartcher. The Giants play better against the better teams in the league (see 9ers, GB) and lose to the likes of the Eagles and Bengals...

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  • 2 weeks later...

They're killing the Cowboys right now and play them again, and the Giants aren't going to beat them in two weeks.


After that they play the Ravens, Eagles, and the Shits.


No reason to think they won't win all of those and finish 10-6, which will beat the Giants' 8-8 finish.



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