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Some Q and A from LTTE


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Letters to the Editor -Pat Tarina


Q: What about David Diehl and the struggles he’s had blocking?

A: Blocking by an offensive lineman is a little different in that if a guy is struggling, he can get help from the tight end, a guard, or a back, depending on the scenario. But tell me when was the last time you saw a running back get any kind of help blocking?

Q: Was Sean Locklear really that bad to warrant a benching?

A: Not according to the coaches. However, the reason why he was removed from the starting lineup, per the coaches, is the very same reason why Stevie Brown will likely be removed from the starting lineup once Kenny Phillips returns. Players do not lose their starting jobs due to an injury.

Also, technically Locklear hasn’t technically been “benched” – he’s been given a new role, that of the blocking tight end.


There you have it folks Like T said Coughlin's Blind Loyalty . To me it should be Performance over position starter . Yet when it comes to the RB position they have said they will play who has the hot hand. I have not seen that yet.


Example: I know its past the trade date but if the Giants Traded for (and this Probably isn't comparable) Julio Jones , would Nicks or Cruz be benched?

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The policy is probably in place so players don't lie about the extent of their injuries to protect their jobs.

that's understandable but when one player is out playing the incumbent , that is when it doesn't make sense . When Locklear was in at RT he averaged giving up one sack per three games 2/6 . Now with Diehl in there, Diehl is averaging two sacks for each game 4/2. Should be Play by performance not play by loyalty.
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that's understandable but when one player is out playing the incumbent , that is when it doesn't make sense . When Locklear was in at RT he averaged giving up one sack per three games 2/6 . Now with Diehl in there, Diehl is averaging two sacks for each game 4/2. Should be Play by performance not play by loyalty.


I don't disagree, I just understand why they'd say that.

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Thoughts on this guys?


Q: Why isn’t David Wilson getting a chance on offense?


As the assistant coaches said on Monday, Wilson doesn’t have all of the pass blocking concepts down just yet. Let’s say the defense does something unexpected, the man in front of the back picks up a different guy than his original assignment called for, and that man happens to be the guy the back was originally assigned to block.

Let’s say in the process two defenders come free and the running back, not knowing what to do, goes to block the wrong guy, leaving another defender with a free path to the quarterback. Would it then be worth it to put someone out there who doesn’t yet have a grasp of how to adjust to that type of scenario at the risk of having the quarterback injured?


Q: So why not just put Wilson out there for a handful of plays?


A: That’s been the plan of late; the flow of the game, however, has dictated otherwise. Also right now because it’s widely known (by way of how the coaches deploy personnel), that he’s not quite there with his pass blocking, the coaches are somewhat limited as to how often they can put Wilson on the field with the offense.

If he comes onto the field, he’s either going to be a decoy or he’s going to get the ball in some capacity. Thus, if you’re a defense that’s done your homework on the personnel and its tendencies, if you have two options to guess from versus four or five, guess how much easier having fewer options to guess just became.



You can call it blind loyalty since you're only watching three hours. Coaches have seen a lot more and are playing the best players even if we don't agree with their assessment.

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that's understandable but when one player is out playing the incumbent , that is when it doesn't make sense . When Locklear was in at RT he averaged giving up one sack per three games 2/6 . Now with Diehl in there, Diehl is averaging two sacks for each game 4/2. Should be Play by performance not play by loyalty.


Normally, in such a scenario you would have to consider whether or not the right player "won" the job in training camp if the guy who comes in and replaces him plays exponentially better than the injured player....and make changes accordingly. Not Coughlin and company.


Plus, if after two games he still sucks, you have to wonder if he came back from injury too soon and whether or not he can be effective playing at less than full strength....

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Thoughts on this guys?


Q: Why isn’t David Wilson getting a chance on offense?


As the assistant coaches said on Monday, Wilson doesn’t have all of the pass blocking concepts down just yet. Let’s say the defense does something unexpected, the man in front of the back picks up a different guy than his original assignment called for, and that man happens to be the guy the back was originally assigned to block.

Let’s say in the process two defenders come free and the running back, not knowing what to do, goes to block the wrong guy, leaving another defender with a free path to the quarterback. Would it then be worth it to put someone out there who doesn’t yet have a grasp of how to adjust to that type of scenario at the risk of having the quarterback injured?


Q: So why not just put Wilson out there for a handful of plays?


A: That’s been the plan of late; the flow of the game, however, has dictated otherwise. Also right now because it’s widely known (by way of how the coaches deploy personnel), that he’s not quite there with his pass blocking, the coaches are somewhat limited as to how often they can put Wilson on the field with the offense.

If he comes onto the field, he’s either going to be a decoy or he’s going to get the ball in some capacity. Thus, if you’re a defense that’s done your homework on the personnel and its tendencies, if you have two options to guess from versus four or five, guess how much easier having fewer options to guess just became.



You can call it blind loyalty since you're only watching three hours. Coaches have seen a lot more and are playing the best players even if we don't agree with their assessment.


Because that doesn't already happen every game with just about every team and running back at least occasionally in the NFL. :wacko:

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