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Post game - the good, the bad, and the ugly


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And the NFL is more like a gentlemen's club filled robber barons smoking stogies than those effete academics in their ivory towers. No way in the world are they going to appreciate having their product damaged outside of the normal course of things. One day when Schiano is looking for another job he may find himself blacklisted and unable to work....see Fassel about that whole blacklisting thing... :P


Did we ever find out what Fassel did? Its not like he was Handley out there.

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Regarding the last play -


It was a dead play right from the start. The game was over and it was just a formality. The QB is practically on his knee while taking the snap. TB just was too frustrated that Eli riled up 25 pts in the 4th qtr and got the win. They wanted to just let off steam. Whether it was in the rules, or whether it was only a one score game or whatever - it was cheap to try that when it hasnt happened ever before. Accept that it was a good game, you lost and be classy about it. Ultimately its about - yes, its in the rules. Yes its only one score. But do you really want a WIN so desparetly at the expense of injury to others and in a manner such as this? I think most classy NFL teams would just say - Well played guys. Next time we will play harder. But not here. Here it was a slum level move and nothing more. A W in an NFL game shouldnt be put over and above injuries to an unsuspecting team and which has conveyed to you that they are taking a knee

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I found out what Fassell did-


He hired Johhny Lynn to replace John Fox.........had he hired a real DC it might have been different.......Coughlin has the same issues with hiring so so DCs


Anymore, the quality of defensive coordinators in the NFL overall has declined, in my opinion. There aren't many defensive geniuses out there anymore and the ones that are, are quickly dropping off...see Jim Johnson....and guys like Dick Lebeau are like 100 years old and won't be around forever. Also, the offensive philosophies and the rules have evolved so that premier defenses are no longer a necessity for championship teams. The good ones get swept up to become head coaches (Pagano).


I'd say we have one of the better ones....we have gotten to the QB under him, despite complaints about blitzing, forced turnovers, and kept the score within reach most games. Really all you can ask for anymore in the NFL.

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Anymore, the quality of defensive coordinators in the NFL overall has declined, in my opinion. There aren't many defensive geniuses out there anymore and the ones that are, are quickly dropping off...see Jim Johnson....and guys like Dick Lebeau are like 100 years old and won't be around forever. Also, the offensive philosophies and the rules have evolved so that premier defenses are no longer a necessity for championship teams. The good ones get swept up to become head coaches (Pagano).


I'd say we have one of the better ones....we have gotten to the QB under him, despite complaints about blitzing, forced turnovers, and kept the score within reach most games. Really all you can ask for anymore in the NFL.


To be fair though it's much tougher to be a DC now. The rules are usually skewing towards offense every year.

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