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This weeks Giant rant


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AP came out today and said the Giants need to "stick together" :confused::facepalm::jerkoff:



The time to stand together was last week at home against a division rival. I don't think some fans grasp just how pathetic things have become. Within the last four games of the season for the last what four years. The Giants have blown locking up the division. And this years debacle wins first place for most pathetic. They lose to a 4-9 division team at home essentially giving away pole position to a garbage team. If the Giants lose any of the next two games and philly wins out at 8-8 Philly wins the division end of story end of season. Seriously how many times does this have to happen before John Mara actually does something about it? It's not about opinions any more or how this happened. It's happen the past three years in almost the exact same disheartening and pathetic way, and is now happening again. If the season pans out where Philly takes the division at 8-8 I don't care what anyone says this team stinks through and through. Looking for a good play here, a consistent player there, a good game called on a few series here and a few series there, a stop there a stop here JUST DOESN'T CUT IT. Hey John Mara save the lip service show us some serious attempt at change because as of today you all look like a bunch of fools, and I for one am tired of throwing my money, my time and emotional investment on something that greedily laps those things up and gives nothing back. Forget that, you give back less then nothing, and that includes effort. :puke:

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The Giants played so bad that I honestly felt I could have done better on that field than any of them outside of JPP and Eli.. and I'm still not 100% after the torn achellis... Dudes got no fucking heart... I guess it was too cold for their pussy asses.

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The Giants played so bad that I honestly felt I could have done better on that field than any of them outside of JPP and Eli.. and I'm still not 100% after the torn achellis... Dudes got no fucking heart... I guess it was too cold for their pussy asses.


I don't know about you but for me first off the team is Antrell Rolle I can't stand to listen to this guy yap anymore.



He doesn't know anything about football because he's not a fan but he loves to play. I have seen countless interviews by this guy and he's an unmitigated moron.

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I don't know about you but for me first off the team is Antrell Rolle I can't stand to listen to this guy yap anymore.



He doesn't know anything about football because he's not a fan but he loves to play. I have seen countless interviews by this guy and he's an unmitigated moron.


He needs to shut his mouth and Der Fuhrer needs to fine him. Every week after a loss he's throwing the team under the bus and acting like his play is exemplary.

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I think ownership needs to take a look at the coaching staff and GM.


Fact is, alot of guys aren't pulling their weight. Reese has invested a ton of money in guys like Rolle, Canty, Bernard, Baas......these guys haven't made a difference.


I like Coughlin, but if the best talent he can attract is Gilbride and Fewell, I'd like to see ownership offer him a job within the organization, and make a run at John Gruden or Jeff Fisher.

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I think ownership needs to take a look at the coaching staff and GM.


Fact is, alot of guys aren't pulling their weight. Reese has invested a ton of money in guys like Rolle, Canty, Bernard, Baas......these guys haven't made a difference.


I like Coughlin, but if the best talent he can attract is Gilbride and Fewell, I'd like to see ownership offer him a job within the organization, and make a run at John Gruden or Jeff Fisher.

As a fan I don't know what the solution is. I think Reese is great at drafting players and sucks at FA. I think Fewell has officially entered being one of the worst DC's this franchise has seen in years.

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I think ownership needs to take a look at the coaching staff and GM.


Fact is, alot of guys aren't pulling their weight. Reese has invested a ton of money in guys like Rolle, Canty, Bernard, Baas......these guys haven't made a difference.


I like Coughlin, but if the best talent he can attract is Gilbride and Fewell, I'd like to see ownership offer him a job within the organization, and make a run at John Gruden or Jeff Fisher.


You know.. speaking of Bernard.. we thought he was a deadbeat.. but come to think of it.. he almost never leaves the bench.. that's on the coaches too... he needs to make back up money.

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He needs to shut his mouth and Der Fuhrer needs to fine him. Every week after a loss he's throwing the team under the bus and acting like his play is exemplary.



I'm telling you guys he looks Borderline Mental Retardation....and retarded or not...if he was on my team...between my boot up his ass and being benched he would learn how to shut the fuck up. This guy is not a team player...even if all of the stuff he said is true.. :TD:

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I'm telling you guys he looks Borderline Mental Retardation....and retarded or not...if he was on my team...between my boot up his ass and being benched he would learn how to shut the fuck up. This guy is not a team player...even if all of the stuff he said is true.. :TD:


What was that last part, Exactly. I love Rolle, I would rather hear him, instead of Tuck and his sad sap routine. Oh yeah Tuck, injured or not, you got owned by Tyler fucking Polumbus. Justin Tuck should be getting ten sacks against Tyler Polumbus and a QB that holds the ball for 10 minutes. Rolle has been fine, he is ballhawking safety, playing out of position in the standing2.

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As a fan I don't know what the solution is. I think Reese is great at drafting players and sucks at FA. I think Fewell has officially entered being one of the worst DC's this franchise has seen in years.

I don't know about sucking at FA, but Reese is definitely no better than average there. Great at drafting, though.


Fewell? I don't know, man. We've had some really piss-poor DCs this past decade...

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AP came out today and said the Giants need to "stick together" :confused::facepalm::jerkoff:



The time to stand together was last week at home against a division rival. I don't think some fans grasp just how pathetic things have become. Within the last four games of the season for the last what four years. The Giants have blown locking up the division. And this years debacle wins first place for most pathetic. They lose to a 4-9 division team at home essentially giving away pole position to a garbage team. If the Giants lose any of the next two games and philly wins out at 8-8 Philly wins the division end of story end of season. Seriously how many times does this have to happen before John Mara actually does something about it? It's not about opinions any more or how this happened. It's happen the past three years in almost the exact same disheartening and pathetic way, and is now happening again. If the season pans out where Philly takes the division at 8-8 I don't care what anyone says this team stinks through and through. Looking for a good play here, a consistent player there, a good game called on a few series here and a few series there, a stop there a stop here JUST DOESN'T CUT IT. Hey John Mara save the lip service show us some serious attempt at change because as of today you all look like a bunch of fools, and I for one am tired of throwing my money, my time and emotional investment on something that greedily laps those things up and gives nothing back. Forget that, you give back less then nothing, and that includes effort. :puke:


stupid question- who is AP?

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I think most Giant fans are in agreement that changes need to happen.


The real question is how long is the rebuild process going to be?


I'll support the Giants until the day I die but in the next five years if the Giants are rebuilding and struggling to put a winning season together you are going to have just as many people bitching about the same thing.

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I think most Giant fans are in agreement that changes need to happen.


The real question is how long is the rebuild process going to be?


I'll support the Giants until the day I die but in the next five years if the Giants are rebuilding and struggling to put a winning season together you are going to have just as many people bitching about the same thing.

Mannings window is now open. I don't think they are that far off with a complete 180. My biggest complaints are how they currently handle FA and Fewell. As much as I complain about killdrive, I don't think he's the biggest problem with this team.

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Mannings window is now open. I don't think they are that far off with a complete 180. My biggest complaints are how they currently handle FA and Fewell. As much as I complain about killdrive, I don't think he's the biggest problem with this team.


The problem I see isnt Eli, it's going to be the rest of the team and the glaring problems that need to be filled. It's not going to be a one season swing, it's going to be something that is going to take a number of seasons, especially if we are talking about a new coaching staff and the roster flip many people are calling for.


I'm sure Eli can get us 6-7 wins, much like this season however the problem is going to come with everything else on the team. I dont think we are as talented as the team was in '07 or recent years, am I saying the Giants are doomed for the next 15 years? No but I do think we are headed for a drought of three or more seasons of struggling to even put together a winning record or wild card spot while the team is trying to gel with atleast a new OC/DC maybe HC and hopefully a revamped roster.

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The problem I see isnt Eli, it's going to be the rest of the team and the glaring problems that need to be filled. It's not going to be a one season swing, it's going to be something that is going to take a number of seasons, especially if we are talking about a new coaching staff and the roster flip many people are calling for.


I'm sure Eli can get us 6-7 wins, much like this season however the problem is going to come with everything else on the team. I dont think we are as talented as the team was in '07 or recent years, am I saying the Giants are doomed for the next 15 years? No but I do think we are headed for a drought of three or more seasons of struggling to even put together a winning record or wild card spot while the team is trying to gel with atleast a new OC/DC maybe HC and hopefully a revamped roster.


I don;t know where you got me saying Manning was a problem. This team is not far away from being a contender. even with a depleted roster a poor offensive line and receivers that drop key TD passes they still are in the playoff race and competed with two of the top NFL teams this year (pats and packers). And a season where they had some games they just flat out gave up.


Aside from the oline there is more so a motivation and drive problem with this team and a complete and total lack of talent.

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The changes have to be made at the coaching level. These days, personnel changes are plenty from year to year, so you can't really ask for anymore than the usual. I don't anyone here truly foresaw Boss and Smith leaving, and things such as that will surprise us year to year from now on.


Tom and Co took us to the top of the mountain and then slipped badly down the mountain and now can't figure out their way back up. personnel can help so much but the coaching takes us to another level. He's had 8 years now and basically he's plateaued and if we give him another year I expect it will be worse because I think what's coming with these veterans is that they will have tuned him out if things go badly, hell it's probably already started.

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As a fan I don't know what the solution is. I think Reese is great at drafting players and sucks at FA. I think Fewell has officially entered being one of the worst DC's this franchise has seen in years.


Fewell is pretty much dead to me now. That 3rd and 17 was the coup de grace.


I realize I'm being overly dramatic, but Giants fans need good defense, especially at linebacker.


I've been eating the same shit sandwich for 3 years now.


As far as Reese is concerned....the bloom is totally off that rose.


I'll give him credit for a great 2007 draft, but the Giants won the Super Bowl with a team largely built by Ernie Accorsi.


Since that SB, Reese hasn't taken his Fuck You Pants off.


His Free Agency has sucked not only because of the lack of impact players, but the fat money that kept the Giants in the penalty box in 2010....and then, to add insult to injury he blows $27 Fucking Million on Baas.

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Exactly fuck Antonio Pierce....could not even do his most important job right...keep Plaxico from doing something stupid (e.g. shoot himself) and thereby derail the season.


Well, how bout going out on a Friday night before flying cross country?


1 to 10 on the stupid meter..thats about a 50.

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That is what I mean...when Plax goes lets hang...he should have said just that...he was supposed to be one of the mature ones...turns out he was the wrong choice. Plus he was in on the original coverup...causing Mayor for Life to get on his high horse when the Doc did not take Plax' name.

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