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Coughlin's Deciding Game?

Guest StrahansGap

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Guest StrahansGap

I think I'm stating the obvious here, but if the Giants lose to the Jets on Saturday....I think the Mara's will be forced to give Tom the boot. I don't think they'll have a choice.

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As Much as I do like Coughlin I think no matter the outcome the rest of the season it is time for a new Coaching Staff. This team has been just been way to inconsistent and while the players needs to be held accountable also it is also on the coaching staff

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Hire Vic Fangio (49ers DC) for HC and have him bring Jim Leavitt (LB coach) with him as DC.


I approve this message. The Giants have too many high D draft picks for it to be this bad. Getting a defensive minded HC would not be a bad idea.

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I can't disagree......if the Jets win, the final week of the season will be a mix of no-shows, Cowboy fans and "fire Tom" chanters. I don't know if Tisch and Mara can handle that, coming off the Redskin game.


I think it's safe to say that Tom's job is on the line, which sucks, but there it is.


The Good News: The 2 best players on the team - Manning and JPP - won't give up. And I think the Giants will fight for their coaches job.


If the Giants win 2 games, win the division, win a home playoff game?......then Tom deserves to stay, because quite frankly, he's had to work through a ton of injuries and GM who sucks at free agency. But I'd still want Fewell to get tossed, and Gilbride for that matter too. Most likely, in this scenario, Coughlin & Gilbride would stay, because of the numbers that Eli has put up.

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So do we root for the Giants to lose so we don't end up with four more years of the same old bullshit?


Maybe we'll get lucky and Coughlin will retire.


I don't think we have to settle for either or... coughlin is an iffy but Fewel is definitely a goner.

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Regardless of what happens, I want to see a lot of new faces on this team in 2011.


There are a collection of guys that are still resting on their Super Bowl laurels.....they are taking up valuable roster space and even more valuable cap room.


Time to clear the forest and reload for another Eli run while he is in his prime.

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whoever the coach is, i'd like him to open up the offense more. we have a top 5 qb, a top 5 wr and a rookie stud at the other wr position. i'd like to shore up the offensive line as best we can and become a passing offense like the packers and saints because we certainly have the personel for it

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Regardless of what happens, I want to see a lot of new faces on this team in 2011.


There are a collection of guys that are still resting on their Super Bowl laurels.....they are taking up valuable roster space and even more valuable cap room.


Time to clear the forest and reload for another Eli run while he is in his prime.


I'm not sure how many is "a lot" but some fresh blood in the roster is a must.. lots of dead weight with huge contracts.. Canty, Roll, Ross (he just sucks.. period), need a sure handed WR though I liked Manningham.. he's just a bonehead (wasn't Steve Smith the Carolina kind available in the offseason?)... Baas can't stay on the field.. Mackenzie was great for us... time to hang 'em up... BJ isn't worth the price and neither is DJ Ware... Bradshaw stays.. Scott moves to #2... we need a stud RB via the draft but the LB issue has to be addressed BOTH via FA and via the draft... we need to revolutionize that position... I think that pretty much covers it.. not a whole lot of changes in my eyes.. many changes have to happen on the coaching side... not sure if Coughlin will go.. though I've had enough... but I know... Fewel needs to go...

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We should all be talking about how they have all but locked up the division last week and thinking about that first playoff home game in how many years...instead here we are again wanting some type of change. Watching Philly grab the division. After looking at things that way I want them all fired Reese, TC, Killdrive, Fewell, and a host of players whom I'm tired of hearing the same pathetic bullshit from. They can all kiss "MY" ass.

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There are a collection of guys that are still resting on their Super Bowl laurels.....they are taking up valuable roster space and even more valuable cap room.


Agreed. The players that made this team a champion and a contender really aren't good anymore or are on the downside of their careers.


Bradshaw-Breaking down

Jacobs-A lot of things. uninspired play at times, attitude issues

Diehl-31 years old. Not what he was

Snee-I'm hoping this was just a bad year

McKenzie-32 years old. Not what he was

Tuck-Completely ineffective right now due to injuries

Osi-Breaking down and his style of play has lost it's impact

Tynes-Has always sucked but hit a miracle kick


There's the running game and pass rush that was the bread and butter of this team.

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I hate the "we have high draft picks, they have to be talented" argument. They aren't coached to a high level and they don't play at a high level. It's a mixture of shitty game plans and defensive schemes and shitty play. But highly picked in the draft doesn't mean they have to be good. For instance, no one would argue that Aaron Ross is that talented. The rest of the team is beat up with injuries this year and there are big time holes at DT, linebacker, CB, and even safety.

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When you're drafting outside of the top 10, it's a crapshoot. Quite frankly, there aren't any guarantees period but the later you get in the draft the less certainty there is. What really sucks for this team is they are good enough to not completely shit the bed, thanks to Eli and the playmakers we have at wide receiver(And Pierre-Paul). It's tough to find that "difference maker" when you're continuously drafting in the bottom half to bottom third of the first round. The team is in limbo and sometimes I think that can actually be worse than hitting rock bottom.

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I think I'm stating the obvious here, but if the Giants lose to the Jets on Saturday....I think the Mara's will be forced to give Tom the boot. I don't think they'll have a choice.



always a tricky situation...a new coach is obviously inevitable at some point, but new coach's track records haven't been the best. the dog is always leary of starting over, and again, this will draw heat, but the dog just doesn't believe the talent level on this team has been as high as most fans here think, and so perhaps he has overachieved given talent, injuries...etc...


getting new blood in can set a team back...see Josh McDaniels in Denver (and no, while the dog finds the Tebow ride to be entertaining, not sure it will last long there, so in the end, McDaniels moves will still set that team back)...

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When you're drafting outside of the top 10, it's a crapshoot. Quite frankly, there aren't any guarantees period but the later you get in the draft the less certainty there is. What really sucks for this team is they are good enough to not completely shit the bed, thanks to Eli and the playmakers we have at wide receiver(And Pierre-Paul). It's tough to find that "difference maker" when you're continuously drafting in the bottom half to bottom third of the first round. The team is in limbo and sometimes I think that can actually be worse than hitting rock bottom.


Aaron Maybin... Ryan Leaf... Blair Thomas... just because you have a spot in the first ten picks, that doesn't necessarily guarantee you a good player either. There's lots of #1 overall busts.

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always a tricky situation...a new coach is obviously inevitable at some point, but new coach's track records haven't been the best. the dog is always leary of starting over, and again, this will draw heat, but the dog just doesn't believe the talent level on this team has been as high as most fans here think, and so perhaps he has overachieved given talent, injuries...etc...


getting new blood in can set a team back...see Josh McDaniels in Denver (and no, while the dog finds the Tebow ride to be entertaining, not sure it will last long there, so in the end, McDaniels moves will still set that team back)...


I disagree here.. we're more talented than any other time in the Coughlin era... when we lose good coaches... (Fox.. Spags), we suck... it's more about coaching and far less about the players... granted we have a few who should and will be cut... just like any other team.

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I disagree here.. we're more talented than any other time in the Coughlin era... when we lose good coaches... (Fox.. Spags), we suck... it's more about coaching and far less about the players... granted we have a few who should and will be cut... just like any other team.


the dog just doesn't see it, and further more, the results speak to it in recent years.


a good QB

Solid receivers, but TE has been inconsistent, Nicks and Manningham are consistently injured, and all drop their share of passes

O-line was once dominant, and the team offensively was great during that time period, but that time period has passed, and the last few seasons it has been another area of inconsistency

D-Line - good, but Tuck is never healthy, Osi is never healthy and is limited as a player, Pierre Paul is young and still needs to develop, and the interior is not as strong as it was

Linebackers - relatively weak

Secondary - relatively weak and/or injured


so where is all the talent?


just a thought, but look at the teams that have brought in new coaches over the years, and have been on a coaching carousal ever since...not saying coughlin should stay, but the potential of change can take them from mediocre to worse...but then again, at some point it has to happen, and every team needs to retool...

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So do we root for the Giants to lose so we don't end up with four more years of the same old bullshit?


Maybe we'll get lucky and Coughlin will retire.



Nah...Cheerleader is one of those fucks who won't make it easy for anyone.....he should have retired last year and/or asked for a job upstairs if he had any feel for where he is at during this part of his life.

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Agreed. The players that made this team a champion and a contender really aren't good anymore or are on the downside of their careers.


Bradshaw-Breaking down

Jacobs-A lot of things. uninspired play at times, attitude issues

Diehl-31 years old. Not what he was

Snee-I'm hoping this was just a bad year

McKenzie-32 years old. Not what he was

Tuck-Completely ineffective right now due to injuries

Osi-Breaking down and his style of play has lost it's impact

Tynes-Has always sucked but hit a miracle kick


There's the running game and pass rush that was the bread and butter of this team.


These were all the guys I'm talking about.


Then, add the list of Reese's free agency blunders: Canty, Bernard, Rolle, Baas.....these guys need to be dumped as soon as possible....not sure if/when that can happen, but these dudes are not difference makers, and yet Reese is paying them stud money.

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Coughlin's job depends upon playoffs. I think the only reason he's been around as long as he's been is our continued playoff appearances. Even in years where we've missed playoffs, we've rebounded the next year to get in. That, and the SB win have carried him. This year, there have been too many unexplained losses where the team has just been 'flat'...Seattle, Washington twice, Eagles once. Though, if the Eagles beat the Cowboys and the Giants beat the Jets - we still have a very good chance of winning the division.


Part of me hopes the Giants make the playoffs, but I really don't think they can compete against NO or GB...so there's another part of me that hopes they'll lose out, get a better draft pick and get new coaching.

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Coughlin's job depends upon playoffs. I think the only reason he's been around as long as he's been is our continued playoff appearances. Even in years where we've missed playoffs, we've rebounded the next year to get in. That, and the SB win have carried him. This year, there have been too many unexplained losses where the team has just been 'flat'...Seattle, Washington twice, Eagles once. Though, if the Eagles beat the Cowboys and the Giants beat the Jets - we still have a very good chance of winning the division.


Part of me hopes the Giants make the playoffs, but I really don't think they can compete against NO or GB...so there's another part of me that hopes they'll lose out, get a better draft pick and get new coaching.


The outcome of the Eagles/Boys is irrelevant if we win both games against the Jets and the Boys... we'd be tied with the boys in term of record but got the tie breaker on them (head to head)

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The outcome of the Eagles/Boys is irrelevant if we win both games against the Jets and the Boys... we'd be tied with the boys in term of record but got the tie breaker on them (head to head)


I'm well aware...there are 16 remaining outcomes with the Eagles/Cowboys/Giants. Of those 16, Cowboys win the division in 10 of them, Giants win 5, and Eagles win 1. I could go into more detail, but I already did in the playoff scenario thread.




There are 16 scenarios now in which the Giants win 5, Cowboys win 10, and Eagles win 1. Listed below are remaining scenarios.




G: L-W (8-8)

C: L-L (8-8)

E: W-W (8-8) overall and head to head, plus division record


**So, the Eagles must win out and have the Giants beat the Cowboys in week 17. If either the Giants win OR the Cowboys win in week 16, Eagles are eliminated.




G: W-W (9-7) overall plus head to head with C

C: W-L (9-7)

E: L-W (7-9)


G: W-W (9-7) overall plus head to head with C

C: W-L (9-7)

E: L-L (6-10)


G: W-W (9-7) overall

C: L-L (8-8)

E: W-W (8-8)


G: W-W (9-7) overall

C: L-L (8-8)

E: W-L (7-9)


G: L-W (8-8) overall plus head to head with C

C: L-L (8-8)

E: W-L (7-9)


**So, Giants must either win out OR have the Cowboys lose to the Eagles in week 16 AND the Giants in week 17.




G: WL (8-8)

C: WW (10-6) overall

E: LW (7-9)


G: WL (8-8)

C: WW (10-6) overall

E: LL (6-10)


G: WL (8-8)

C: LW (9-7) overall

E: WW (8-8)


G: WL (8-8)

C: LW (9-7) overall

E: WL (7-9)


G: LW (8-8)

C: WL (9-7) overall

E: LW (7-9)


G: LW (8-8)

C: WL (9-7) overall

E: LL (6-10)


G: LL (7-9)

C: WW (10-6) overall

E: LW (7-9)


G: LL (7-9)

C: WW (10-6) overall

E: LL (6-10)


G: LL (7-9)

C: LW (9-7) overall

E: WW (8-8)


G: LL (7-9)

C: LW (9-7) overall

E: WL (7-9)

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