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Is it Da'Rel Scott time yet?


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It was Da'Rel Scott's time as soon as Bradshaw went down....we could have kept the same exact style of play that we had with Bradshaw-Jacobs.....inexplicable why he hasn't been getting more touches.

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I thought Scott may have had more than just 1 carry, especially once Ware went out of the game. I think Scott may have gotten a screen pass or swing pass too at some point. Either way, I too think Scott needs to see more of the field. It appears there was an attempt to do so with kickoff returns.


I'd like to see Scott overtake Ware on the depth chart.

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perhaps a better question would be "is it Kevin Boothe time" because this kid Baas is not getting it done. Not that those around him are playing much better.



I will fight for Baas tooth and nail. You watch that game and watch Baas and Diehl and you will see the one who is not doing his job. Baas and Snee were the only two guys on that line that did their job last night. And Boothe is pretty damn good at Guard, but he sucks as a Center. Every time he's played Center this year he's had snaps into the ground, snaps into his own asshole... and he's much less an effective blocker when he's snapping, as well.


Seriously, watch that game, Baas is not the problem. He did get blown up by Justin Smith last week on that 3rd and 2 draw play, but he has been a consistently good performer, overall.

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Scott had 2 carries, an 8 yarder and a 3 yarder, also had a 9 yard reception in his only target. The fact that he didn't get more balls in the second half after Ware was knocked out of the game is inexcusable.


Now you're talking my language! :laugh:


I've been saying it for weeks....I'm assuming, and I do not know this for sure, but I'm assuming the reason Scott hasn't been in is because he either A. doesn't know the playbook which I find kind of difficult to accept, even if he is a rookie or B. they don't think he can block for shit. If he can't block for shit,try running him on 1st and 2nd down, don't pigeon hole him into a role of 3rd down back like you did to Tiki Barber for years. Hell, send him out for a pass a la Sproles...our offense can definitely be sooo predictable at times.

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Scott will get more touches once he gets blocking down. Its the only thing keeping him out of the game at this point. There isn't a rb that can run behind the offensive line as it stands right now.


Hey Jim before you decide to fight for Baas this season watch how he has performed so far this season. I'm having a hard time seeing Baas at center for the next 4-5 years.

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Scott will get more touches once he gets blocking down. Its the only thing keeping him out of the game at this point. There isn't a rb that can run behind the offensive line as it stands right now.


Hey Jim before you decide to fight for Baas this season watch how he has performed so far this season. I'm having a hard time seeing Baas at center for the next 4-5 years.



According to 99% of the GMB resident geniuses, Da'Rel Scott cannot pick up a blitz.

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According to 99% of the GMB resident geniuses, Da'Rel Scott cannot pick up a blitz.


Because they've seen him try so many times, haha


Seriously, it's like some of those dudes are at practice.

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99% of the GMB would love to see Da'Rel Scott get more playing time and just maybe spark something on offense.


Its not us who think he can't, its the staff. I can't argue with them. What I'd like to know is who exactly can block. We have three tight ends and we line Stacy Andrews out there when we need another blocker.


According to 99% of the GMB resident geniuses, Da'Rel Scott cannot pick up a blitz.

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Scott will get more touches once he gets blocking down. Its the only thing keeping him out of the game at this point. There isn't a rb that can run behind the offensive line as it stands right now.


Hey Jim before you decide to fight for Baas this season watch how he has performed so far this season. I'm having a hard time seeing Baas at center for the next 4-5 years.


Tempest, you may be one that DVR's the games, and re-watches it later to see what is happening on each play, who is getting physically beaten, and who is holding up their end, snap by snap, play by play, with a critical eye. But I do. And I'm telling you, Baas is not the problem. Is he dominant every play? No. But he is fighting out there and he wins a good majority of the time. David Diehl is getting killed on that line. He is physically being whipped, just about every play. So trust me, if you haven't watched these games with the detail I have, please don't imply I don't know what I'm talking about.

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I'm telling you I see something else when it comes to Baas. Not here to tell you what you know or don't know.

Tempest, you may be one that DVR's the games, and re-watches it later to see what is happening on each play, who is getting physically beaten, and who is holding up their end, snap by snap, play by play, with a critical eye. But I do. And I'm telling you, Baas is not the problem. Is he dominant every play? No. But he is fighting out there and he wins a good majority of the time. David Diehl is getting killed on that line. He is physically being whipped, just about every play. So trust me, if you haven't watched these games with the detail I have, please don't imply I don't know what I'm talking about.

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This is giving the Giant's coaching staff way too much credit, but what if they gave Da'Rel Scott the bulk of the carries with some new looks?


I'm probably (99% chance) wrong....but there could be some logic to it..... the Saints have had two weeks to prepare for the Giants, so a new gameplan with Scott would negate alot of that advantage....similarly, Green Bay is probably gameplanning to see Jacobs and/or Bradshaw, and they started on Friday morning.


Scott is 100% healthy, and no opponent has any NFL tape to look at with him.

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