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I'm already over it.


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Pretty much.


For some reason I laugh this loss off.


Normally I'm in a foul mood when the Giants lose but I dont know why but I could just not care less.


Hope the Giants get pissed off and demolish the next 6 games straight.


I have to reconcile myself to the fact that the talent level in the NFL isn't really that braod.....or at least, not in the case of the Giants.


I've seen enough through the first 5 games to believe the Giants can't take ANYONE lightly, that's all.

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In today's NFL there is no such thing as "trap games"


Teams that miss the playoffs due to one lost game use the excuse of trap games.


Any team can beat any other team any given day.

There are trap games and today was one of them. Your just a really stupid person.

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And Golfer


I meant more like we were really relaxed from our two big road wins and took this game a bit lighter then we should have. Not in the sense that next week we play the Bills.


I got your back Osi, they weren't looking ahead, they came out with no fire and intensity because they thought they could show up and just win.

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No offense BIC


Your just buzzkill, normally i laugh at it but with the tough loss today and in combination with your annoying personality you made me

Lash out at you. I apologize if your feeling were hurt to the point where you cracked a tear or what Evs.

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I got your back Osi, they weren't looking ahead, they came out with no fire and intensity because they thought they could show up and just win.


Thank you Storm for showing Osi the way.


I can see your point but at the same time they spend the week getting ready for the team and should be playing for the W.


In todays NFL I dont believe in trap games, the Seahawks were 2-2 coming into this game...what was there to overlook?

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I got your back Osi, they weren't looking ahead, they came out with no fire and intensity because they thought they could show up and just win.

Exactly. I was upset that they didn't just come out with intensity. Same thing Happend

Last week in AZ following the Eagle win except we got our game together late.

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No offense BIC


Your just buzzkill, normally i laugh at it but with the tough loss today and in combination with your annoying personality you made me

Lash out at you. I apologize if your feeling were hurt to the point where you cracked a tear or what Evs.


No feelings hurt, to bad yours were when you started to insult me for no clear reason.


I have nothing towards you Osi, just find it odd you threw out an insult for no reason didnt think my comments would hurt you so much.

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No feelings hurt, to bad yours were when you started to insult me for no clear reason.


I have nothing towards you Osi, just find it odd you threw out an insult for no reason didnt think my comments would hurt you so much.

Ok just pretend that you havnt been baiting me for weeks to insult you lol. You've definately trolling my threads for a while. Your crazy as hell man, you should either get some help, smoke some herbs or just not post like some baby backed bitch.

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Thank you Storm for showing Osi the way.


I can see your point but at the same time they spend the week getting ready for the team and should be playing for the W.


In todays NFL I dont believe in trap games, the Seahawks were 2-2 coming into this game...what was there to overlook?


Yeah, exactly, you would think that would be the case with a professional football team, but I swear, sometimes the Giants do not look like they went out and prepared all week like a professional football team. There's some games where it looks like, damn they really got this teams number this week, must have been a great week of game planning and practice. Then, the next week it looks like they procrastinated all week, stayed up all night popping Adderall to study, and still bombed the test.

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Yeah, exactly, you would think that would be the case with a professional football team, but I swear, sometimes the Giants do not look like they went out and prepared all week like a professional football team. There's some games where it looks like, damn they really got this teams number this week, must have been a great week of game planning and practice. Then, the next week it looks like they procrastinated all week, stayed up all night popping Adderall to study, and still bombed the test.


I know what you are saying, I mean as Giants fans we all know about how the Giants can play up to the other team and play down to it as well.


I don't know why this loss is just so "meh" to me, maybe because it might turn things around the the Giants pull their heads outta their asses or maybe it's the turning point where the Giants collapse to an 8-8 season.


I do think Seattle played a good game, they had numerous turn over but kept fighting. Carrol(sp) has really created a good team environment there and has some really good players, really when you think about it put a good QB on the Seahawks and they could do some damage. However obviously today it hurts knowing that Jackson and then what's his face decided to come in and move against the Giants.


I dont know I just dont believe in trap games in the NFL today, there is to much preparation and game study involved for teams to go "Hey this is going to be easy" especially with the many upon many upsets in NFL history.

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The only thing Im upset about, is this is a conference game. But Im surprisingly not that upset either. Its the NFL, anyone can win any given day. Considering the center change and our lack of run stuffers due to injury, the fact they ran the ball well isnt durprising. We got plenty of time to get this thing straight.

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Pretty much.


For some reason I laugh this loss off.


Normally I'm in a foul mood when the Giants lose but I dont know why but I could just not care less.


Hope the Giants get pissed off and demolish the next 6 games straight.


This is a game we deserved to lose.. we had a chance to win it but Seattle played better than us on all fronts. I was in a foul mood after the game and all day yesterday... and usually I'm in a foul mood till Friday... I'm not in a foul mood.. the Eagles losing made it easier I guess... but oh my god.. can we stop the run?


Although I will admit when I saw the formation on that last play I said to myself wtf... something didn't look right.. that play for some reason creeped me out due to the small distance (players are all bunched up)


P.S. The Jets lost too.. fuck 'em. :)


Also I would like to add.. why don't we give credit to the team that won... they played very well.. their back up QB was airing it very well... much like the Yankees losing to the Tigers.. the Tigers played very well...

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