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Come on bro.. it's a joke.. besides what's wrong with Jack? Personally.. he's one of my favorite posters. And so are you for that matter :wub:

Aww shucks!


Nothing wrong with Jakk at all, he's a great contributor.


I just don't consider myself to be nearly the extremist and I don't start THAT many threads.

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Come on bro.. it's a joke.. besides what's wrong with Jack? Personally.. he's one of my favorite posters. And so are you for that matter :wub:


Jack seems like a nice enough guy.



He can't help it if he's more like Lenny and less like George....

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Aww shucks!


Nothing wrong with Jakk at all, he's a great contributor.


I just don't consider myself to be nearly the extremist and I don't start THAT many threads.



.....that's why you're in a DISTANT second....

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Sorry guys I'll try to cut down on the posts.........I'm back over on the Giants.com board now too, but its not the board it was years ago with Kerryistheman etc


the biggest difference between that board and this is the Giants.com board, believe it or not, is more critical of Coughlin and replacements are being regularly discussed


Here it seems Coughlin is still the solid choice

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Sorry guys I'll try to cut down on the posts.........I'm back over on the Giants.com board now too, but its not the board it was years ago with Kerryistheman etc


the biggest difference between that board and this is the Giants.com board, believe it or not, is more critical of Coughlin and replacements are being regularly discussed


Here it seems Coughlin is still the solid choice


Well, put me in the crowd that doubts Coughlin's ability to lead this team much further into the future.

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Aww shucks!


Nothing wrong with Jakk at all, he's a great contributor.


I just don't consider myself to be nearly the extremist and I don't start THAT many threads.


I don't think you do either.. I just wanted to modify what BB01 said...

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A "ton of talent"? Really? I'm not so sure. Lets look at and put a letter grade on each unit, as they are right now.


OL - C- They have played exactly one game together, so hopefully this grade goes up....but that will take time and for that first game, this grade might be charitable.


RB - B+ There's no A Peterson or A Foster here but two very good backs who compliment each other beautifully.


QB - B- I know some here will dispute this but I think Eli is a little better than average, with alternating bursts of brilliance and brain farts.


WR - B- Yes, Nicks is one of the best and Manningham is a very good #2 receiver when he's dialed in but the lack of depth behind them brings this grade down. Too easy to double Nicks now. With a healthy Smith, this was an A.


DL - B Maybe this should be divided into DE, which would be an A and DT, which would be a C. And before you go screaming about how good Joseph/Canty are, calm down. They are good but here again, the injuries depleted any depth.


LB - C We have a rookie 6th round draft pick playing MLB. Enough said.


DB - C- Until Prince returns and gets up to speed,this is probably a charitable grade.


1 B+, 1 B, 2 B-'s, 1 C, 2 C-'s. Better than most of my old report cards but hardly Dean's List stuff!


Edit: forgot to grade special teams.....but do we really want to?

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Same here......but it ain't the first time or, I'm guessing, the last.


Fewel hasn't lived up to the hype.. Personally I thought we were getting a Fox/Spags type DC... so far I'm not impressed.. granted Spags shined in his 2nd season so let's see if Fewel can do the same. Gilbride ticks me off because he's a pass first guy.

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Look guys......the foundation of a pro football is the O-line


Ours is under-performing........thus our team is under-performing


Watch the Patriots O-Line and they just exude confidence and performance;

Also note how tall and athletic they are........there are no fatboys on that line

they are in shape


If the oline cant perform, the run game does not work, the passing game is rushed and mistake prone, and the D spends too much time on the field

gets winded and stops tackling


the field position is consistently poor...... and on and on...


Fassell noted this just before he was let go........he started frantically shuffling and re-shuffling them every week and poor Kurt Warner was nearly de-capitated.


We had a good line the 1st half of last year......then Coughlin put a hobbled O'hara back in there and we have been in a tailspin ever since


Eagles line is not good but that little bastaad Vick manages to get off a laser strike just before he gets clobbered......its uncanny.....The Packers QB also can get off that quick accurate pass........our guy, like Brady needs maximum protection and hes not getting it right now


Unless we run the ball well tonight I do not expect to defeat Steve Spagnuolo's constant blitzing.........it might be a total disaster


If we have to depend upon constant strippig by JPP and company we wont prevail


Eli has had the luxury of a very good O-line for 4-5 years.........now he has to compensate.....he has to use his head, throw it quick and sometime throw it away.....If Stokley can be the Stokley of old it will help immensely


Eli needs that saftey valve ........also I'd use Jacobs a lot.....both to punish the opponents D and to lay the wood on backfield blocking

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you are right it was Collins in Fassel's last year.......Senior moment.......I do remember Fassel's comments though and thought he was nuts

re-shuffling every week got his axx fired


but as I recall after a magical game one Kurt was running for his life the next year for 5-6 games the line was still in turmoil


then a fearless Eli came in and was really slinging the leather for a few games there.......then reality set in again


I stand by my statement


No stable qualified O-line and it does not matter what other players you have.


O'haras gone, Seuberts gone, McKenzie is getting old, and Diehl is playing a position he has not played for 5 yrs....

The kid Beatty is holding his own but he will have bad games.

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