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My glass is half full, and it' sunny outside my house.


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Well the one catch was close to 70 yards I believe....so if he went 6 catches for 50 yards after that, I'm still kind of concerned with that because it means that either Eli is being forced to throw the ball before the receiver is getting downfield because of the oline or it means that Gilbride is keeping the reigns on the team for some reason.....


Also, seemed like the long one he got open on a busted play, it didn't seemed designed to work out the way it did. Glad it did, though. But it seemed to me that ball was supposed to go short, too....




:D La la la la

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Well the one catch was close to 70 yards I believe....so if he went 6 catches for 50 yards after that, I'm still kind of concerned with that because it means that either Eli is being forced to throw the ball before the receiver is getting downfield because of the oline or it means that Gilbride is keeping the reigns on the team for some reason.....


Also, seemed like the long one he got open on a busted play, it didn't seemed designed to work out the way it did. Glad it did, though. But it seemed to me that ball was supposed to go short, too....


I think ti's because they kept running that quick toss which infuriated me since it's susceptible to INT going back the other way.

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Call me an asshole, call me negative. I could give a fuck less.


Eli's inconsistency and willingness to throw and pray when he's claimed to have the ability to read defenses thoroughly is bullshit. Brady, Manning, Rivers, Brees, and others I'm sure can tell where they should go with the ball BEFORE the snap based upon what the defense shows them. Eli often throws off back foot or throws into coverage. It just seems too much that he decides in the huddle who gets the ball regardless of the coverage. I haven't been overly impressed by Eli for a long time.


Offensive line I thought wasn't terrible given the new center, new LT, and Diehl's move to LG. That said, they have a long way to go.


WRs...Nicks accumulated some yards, I'll give him that. Where was he in the endzone? Manningham was mediocre and really didn't show me as much as I would have liked given that (1) it was a division opponent that he should have been hyped up for and (2) it wasn't the league's best defense he was going up against, not by a long shot.


RBs...played okay I guess. But again, consider the opposing defense.


Defensively, what the fuck. I mean really. What the fuck. How the hell is it that we have 16 good pass rushers and can't get pressure on Rex Fucking Grossman. Not only didn't we get pressure, we don't do diddly fuck against the run either. I know, we have an assload of injuries. I don't want to hear it. Injuries are an excuse my friends, and I've about had it with those. STFU and play.


If we play the rest of the season the way we played yesterday, we'll be lucky to win 8 games...LUCKY. The only way we're breaking .500 is IF we get Tuck, Umenyiora, and Amakamura all back healthy AND they gel AND they each play well AND they each stay healthy the remainder of the year. Oh, and IF our offense actually figures out how to attack. There is something to be said about taking what the defense gives you. There's something even better about dictating to an opposing defense what your offense will allow them to give you.

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I think ti's because they kept running that quick toss which infuriated me since it's susceptible to INT going back the other way.


I don't mind the quick passes....just send the receivers INSIDE instead of towards the sidelines. It's so much easier for a CB to defend an out than an in. With an In or a Slant, the wide receiver at least has his body between the ball and the defender. With the outs, it's pure timing from both offense and defense....a CB can easily jump the out route....it's not so easy to jump a slant.

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