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My glass is half full, and it' sunny outside my house.


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Maybe the sky isn't falling.


Eli always seems to play well when everyone has counted him out. People are starting to count him out.


The O-line hasn't had a chance to jell. In fact, the entire team is rusty since the offseason was so short. Seubert is also still out there if we end up needing an immediate fix at OL when he gets healthy.


We should be getting back two starting DEs, and we'll have our first round pick back in three weeks.


This team has never quit under Coughlin, no matter how bad things have gotten. Can't say the same for most of the other guys that have been here.


JPP looks like an absolute beast and Ballard seems like he may fit in pretty well. Kiwi also had some nice pressures, as did Tollefson.


We look to have a good running game if Kevin Killdrive just decides to use them.


The Eagles didn't look overly impressive in their win, and Tony Homo now has a case of The Chokes that is going to haunt him all year.



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We didn't lose because of kick coverage teams?


Thaaaaa sun will come out...tomorrow!


Oh yeah, forgot to mention... we have an NFL caliber punter.


Would anybody really have felt good during that end zone punt if Matt Fucking Dodge was back there?

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Sorry guys I'm not getting over this loss till we win next week... Since the loss I've been feeling down and angry... and I blame the Giants.. namely Rolle, Eli, Gilbride, Fewel, and TC.


Rolle is over-rated

Eli is mediocre..

the other 3 suck balls.



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Sorry guys I'm not getting over this loss till we win next week... Since the loss I've been feeling down and angry... and I blame the Giants.. namely Rolle, Eli, Gilbride, Fewel, and TC.


Rolle is over-rated

Eli is mediocre..

the other 3 suck balls.





The thing is, even IF we win next week I don't think it says much about us. The Rams aren't going to have Steven Jackson, and they might not even have Sam Bradford. They lost their best cover corner and a starting OT has a sprained ankle. So yeah, we are capable of beating this team because they are not at full strength either. But it's not going to mean a whole lot after we get killed by Philly the following week.

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The thing is, even IF we win next week I don't think it says much about us. The Rams aren't going to have Steven Jackson, and they might not even have Sam Bradford. They lost their best cover corner and a starting OT has a sprained ankle. So yeah, we are capable of beating this team because they are not at full strength either. But it's not going to mean a hole lot after we get killed by Philly the following week.


It will cheer me up. This has been my face since sunday ~~~> :angry:

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Sorry guys I'm not getting over this loss till we win next week... Since the loss I've been feeling down and angry... and I blame the Giants.. namely Rolle, Eli, Gilbride, Fewel, and TC.


Rolle is over-rated

Eli is mediocre..

the other 3 suck balls.




In such a positive thread no one gives a fuckin shit about your negativity asshole. Cant we just be positive without bullshit. If you dont have anything nice to say stfu :ranting2:



With that being said I think if we beat the rams and steal one from the Egirls we can be a 10 win team. maybe even 11. I know ive got high hopes but its not like we havnt pulled shit out of our ass before so get those heads up Blue.:giants:

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In such a positive thread no one gives a fuckin shit about your negativity asshole. Cant we just be positive without bullshit. If you dont have anything nice to say stfu :ranting2:



With that being said I think if we beat the rams and steal one from the Egirls we can be a 10 win team. maybe even 11. I know ive got high hopes but its not like we havnt pulled shit out of our ass before so get those heads up Blue.:giants:


Oh I'm sorry.. we only lost half of our defensive starters for the season due to injuries... Osi decided to have surgery right before the season.. and we only lost to the fuckin redskins.. to fucking Grossman... not saying the skins suck.. but we lost because we sucked... Eli only handed them a fucking touchdown... and Rolle handed them a 1st down. What's there to be positive about?

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Maybe the sky isn't falling.


Eli always seems to play well when everyone has counted him out. People are starting to count him out.


The O-line hasn't had a chance to jell. In fact, the entire team is rusty since the offseason was so short. Seubert is also still out there if we end up needing an immediate fix at OL when he gets healthy.


We should be getting back two starting DEs, and we'll have our first round pick back in three weeks.


This team has never quit under Coughlin, no matter how bad things have gotten. Can't say the same for most of the other guys that have been here.


JPP looks like an absolute beast and Ballard seems like he may fit in pretty well. Kiwi also had some nice pressures, as did Tollefson.


We look to have a good running game if Kevin Killdrive just decides to use them.


The Eagles didn't look overly impressive in their win, and Tony Homo now has a case of The Chokes that is going to haunt him all year.




Excellent summary.


I really think an emphasis on the running game will help this line come together....when guys are trying to get comfortable, better for them to be firing off the ball than rocking back on their heels.

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Oh yeah, forgot to mention... we have an NFL caliber punter.


Would anybody really have felt good during that end zone punt if Matt Fucking Dodge was back there?


Pray we don't end up like the Bills with sending a Punter to the Pro Bowl every season the highlight of the entire year....year after year....lol

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In such a positive thread no one gives a fuckin shit about your negativity asshole. Cant we just be positive without bullshit. If you dont have anything nice to say stfu :ranting2:



With that being said I think if we beat the rams and steal one from the Egirls we can be a 10 win team. maybe even 11. I know ive got high hopes but its not like we havnt pulled shit out of our ass before so get those heads up Blue.:giants:


10 wins didn't get us into the playoffs last year, what on earth makes you think it will be enough to get there this year? We need AT LEAST 11 wins for a playoff berth.

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10 wins didn't get us into the playoffs last year, what on earth makes you think it will be enough to get there this year? We need AT LEAST 11 wins for a playoff berth.

Ehhh 10 wins will usually get you in. Sometimes u get in with 9 if your lucky. But 10 is usually the magic number. 11 is nearly guaranteed though.

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Everyone seems to have missed that, even with a crappy passing attack, Nicks hauled in 7 catches for 122 yards.



That's because he's awesome. Providing he stays healthy he will be mentioned with the Andre Johnsons and Fitzgeralds of the league in another year or two.

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Everyone seems to have missed that, even with a crappy passing attack, Nicks hauled in 7 catches for 122 yards.


Well the one catch was close to 70 yards I believe....so if he went 6 catches for 50 yards after that, I'm still kind of concerned with that because it means that either Eli is being forced to throw the ball before the receiver is getting downfield because of the oline or it means that Gilbride is keeping the reigns on the team for some reason.....


Also, seemed like the long one he got open on a busted play, it didn't seemed designed to work out the way it did. Glad it did, though. But it seemed to me that ball was supposed to go short, too....

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