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Last Night


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We looked really bad, but I'm not throwing in the towel. Our starters looked out of sync and that'll get better with time and repetition. It was our oline's first time together as a whole and it showed. I have no doubt that we'll see a better performance next week against the Bears. The tackling was atrocious to put it best. Lack of contact in camp is no excuse whatsoever. You know how to tackle... Go out there, hit and WRAP UP THE RUNNER!!!!!!!


After Nicks and Manningham things are gonna get really interesting. Devin Thomas looks really good out there and I still have high hopes for Cruz. Hixon is Hixon... Solid. This is a nice group. Eli was out of sync last night, but so was everyone else so I'm not worried about him. Great job on the baseball slide! Although I coulda sworn that when a QB gave himself up by sliding feet first the defense couldn't hit him.


I kno how we play in the preseason but I hope these guys turn up the intensity. They look quite lazy out there. I don't want to see Eli or anyone else getting taken off the field on a stretcher cause ppl wanna go half speed or just flat our blow assignments. Looking at you Baas.


JPP... If this guy continues like this he'll have 78909753346 sacks this year. Dude is a complete monster and basically said Osi might just be expendable. Good job last night. Keep it up.


Special teams... Good lord. I cant...


We have a lot of work to do.

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Osi is more than expendable... I think the Giants should just cash in and trade him while he has some value.. although I'm sure they tried but no one wanted to pay the price... too bad AZ gave up their pix to Philly for Kolb :jerkoff:


Eli was Eli... I wasn't impressed.. he seems to really suck when it's raining or when it's cold..


The OL did look out of sync but I guess that's what the preseason is for..


Hey Aaron Ross... learn how to fucking tackle dude.. seriously.. I can tackle better than that.. with no pads. and I'm half your size...


Tynes... dude sucks.


Did we have a return game? Not that I saw.


We gave up long passes... don't know what to make of that.. our run D looked good for the most part...


Cam Newton looks good.. but seriously JPP looks like a fuckin monster out there.. I'm sure teams will be double teaming his ass going forward... Canty looked good but I've known him to be inconsistent and fails to show up when we need a stop.. hopefully he continues to be a force or.. that Rookie is waiting on the wings.. between Canty and Osi we can save a lot of cap room...


What else?... WRs.. seems Hixon is clutch.. Thomas looks good too.. didn't see much of Cruz early on.. but they all need more reps to get into a rhythm...


Won't read too much into the first preasason game though.. more than I already did :)

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I saw some bright spots here and there. Mostly though, I felt like puking.....especially whenever our ST's were on the field.


I was really impressed with JPP of course, which is not really news. Couldn't really see much of Joseph and Austin, which I was hoping to see. I know nothing of CB Coe, but he seemed to be all over the place and getting the job done. Maybe he's a surprise diamond in the rough. After Sash got burned, he seemed to catch fire and do a lot of good things. I was hoping to see more of Hynoski, but what I did see he looked fairly good. Seeing him catch a ball made me feel good as I've so many memories of little dump passes bouncing off the hands of our big guys. Bear also caught a ball in a tough situation so I was pleased there as well. I was also happy to see Hixon mixing it up and making some good plays....hopefully he's back and ready to make a name for himself.


Others that caught my eye and seemed to do well: Adrian Tracy, Victor Cruz, Devin Thomas, Andre Brown.


We really got to get our special teams act together. Everytime we punted, they'd bring it back 30 -40 yards nearly eliminating the punt altogether. If that's the best we can do....we might as well go for it on 4th down everytime.


We have a long, long way to go before this team looks like it can win games. If I were coach, I'd start fining players who hit opponents, but didn't wrap up and tackle them. WTF is this "bump tackling" shit. GET YER FREAKIN ARMS AROUND THEM AND PULL THEM TO THE GROUND.

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We looked really bad, but I'm not throwing in the towel. Our starters looked out of sync and that'll get better with time and repetition. It was our oline's first time together as a whole and it showed. I have no doubt that we'll see a better performance next week against the Bears. The tackling was atrocious to put it best. Lack of contact in camp is no excuse whatsoever. You know how to tackle... Go out there, hit and WRAP UP THE RUNNER!!!!!!!


After Nicks and Manningham things are gonna get really interesting. Devin Thomas looks really good out there and I still have high hopes for Cruz. Hixon is Hixon... Solid. This is a nice group. Eli was out of sync last night, but so was everyone else so I'm not worried about him. Great job on the baseball slide! Although I coulda sworn that when a QB gave himself up by sliding feet first the defense couldn't hit him.


I kno how we play in the preseason but I hope these guys turn up the intensity. They look quite lazy out there. I don't want to see Eli or anyone else getting taken off the field on a stretcher cause ppl wanna go half speed or just flat our blow assignments. Looking at you Baas.


JPP... If this guy continues like this he'll have 78909753346 sacks this year. Dude is a complete monster and basically said Osi might just be expendable. Good job last night. Keep it up.


Special teams... Good lord. I cant...


We have a lot of work to do.



Both Ernie and Jerry Reese are on record you can NEVER have enough quality linemen- Osi stays

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We looked really bad, but I'm not throwing in the towel. Our starters looked out of sync and that'll get better with time and repetition. It was our oline's first time together as a whole and it showed. I have no doubt that we'll see a better performance next week against the Bears. The tackling was atrocious to put it best. Lack of contact in camp is no excuse whatsoever. You know how to tackle... Go out there, hit and WRAP UP THE RUNNER!!!!!!!


After Nicks and Manningham things are gonna get really interesting. Devin Thomas looks really good out there and I still have high hopes for Cruz. Hixon is Hixon... Solid. This is a nice group. Eli was out of sync last night, but so was everyone else so I'm not worried about him. Great job on the baseball slide! Although I coulda sworn that when a QB gave himself up by sliding feet first the defense couldn't hit him.


I kno how we play in the preseason but I hope these guys turn up the intensity. They look quite lazy out there. I don't want to see Eli or anyone else getting taken off the field on a stretcher cause ppl wanna go half speed or just flat our blow assignments. Looking at you Baas.


JPP... If this guy continues like this he'll have 78909753346 sacks this year. Dude is a complete monster and basically said Osi might just be expendable. Good job last night. Keep it up.


Special teams... Good lord. I cant...


We have a lot of work to do.



Osi and a 3rd for Greg Olsen? I would gladly make that trade. The Panthers need a DE and are stacked at TE. That team impressed me last night. I think they will be far from pushovers this season. They need some wide receivers, consistent QB play, and a better defensive line.

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Osi led the league in sacks and strips last year.........you guys are absolutely NUTS


Thank God you do not make real personnel decisions


It's so painfully obvious we need a tight end or else this year Jerry Reese is going to finally prove you CAN have far too many talented defensive ends and not enough talented offensive outlets. There's a lot to be said for teams who don't have to force 8 yard curl routes and quick slants to the wide receivers all game. It's definitely something the Giants should think about. And you yourself Jack....you're the one saying that it isn't necessary or beneficial to cater to and resign oft injured players. If we don't move now, we lose Umenyiora after next year (which he will probably go through this same contract shpeil, anyway) regardless and don't receive anything from him. Or if we do try to trade him next year and his value sucks, we get like a 5th rounder for him.

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The panthers didn't trade for Olsen just to trade him again.


I would gladly take Shockey back for Umenyiora, then. Hell, their 3rd tight end is better than anything we have on the roster.

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Jerry and Tom may not be inviting Osi to dinner but they sure value him a heck of a lot more than you do


He's a top 5 DE in the NFL........that's why we demanded a 1st, and to be honest even a 1st is not enough


That's humorous.

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Lol Osi Umenyiora is not expendable at all


Sure he is but that ruins any chance we have this year at a SB for sure. Unless you are that hopeless and know we have ZerO chance then you trade him, but I have hope and I want Osi and his gambreaking ability on the field as many snaps as possible along side our studs

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My thoughts on the game:


Jordan Gross is a quality LT. He's a nine year starter, a former All-Pro, and 2 time Pro Bowler... he was a starter for the NFC in the most recent Pro Bowl. That said, JPP made him look like he belonged on the Charlotte High School JV squad. That alone tells you that JPP is not only good, he's special. However, I did see a couple of times where JPP seemed to dial down on his motor. In fact, on his second sack he almost gave up when he was initially blocked, then saw that the QB was scrambling a bit, and then turned it back on and got the sack. He needs to be going 100% of the time. I'm positive they will see this on film.


For all the crap that gets thrown around here about Canty, he again played great. He got a lot of single coverage thanks to Linval attracting doubles, and Canty exploited it.


Jernigan didn't wow me with elusiveness on punt returns. Hopefully he can show something the next game.


Sash I thought played well despite giving up the TD. He did seem to be around the ball a lot. But on the Olsen TD, he had an opportunity to try and separate the ball from Olsen right after the ball got there, and he didn't take it. Sash should've at least tried for the strip there.


Marvin Austin, despite not making any big impact plays, got good push on his bull rushes, and looked very explosive. Several times he got penetration up the middle, and he even did a stunt where he looked very fast. He's a force to be reckoned with RIGHT NOW.


Michael Coe played well. I think both he and Witherspoon were impressive, and both should make the team. I am very comfortable with our CB's.


As I said, Linval was getting doubled a lot, and Carolina successfully pushed him back utilizing two blockers. But when they tried to block him with one guy, Linval had tremendous push and almost overwhelmed the blocker. If this carries over to the regular season of Joseph getting the doubles, Canty should have a big year. Something to keep an eye on.


Hakeem Nicks had 2 big play opportunities down the left side. On the first one, Eli overthrew him, and on the second, the ball went through his hands. All in all, Nicks moved well and got open a lot.


I was disappointed with Eli's play. A little inaccurate and a few misreads where he went to a check down receiver too soon, or right when a receiver was getting open that would've gotten a first down. I'm not too worried though. This is just getting in your reps here, and I know that Eli will be prepared week 1.


Jonathan Goff was very good. I want to see more of the same, but if he continues to play like he did, I going to start really warming up to the idea of him being the long term solution at MLB.


I didn't see any impact plays out of Kiwanuka, or anything that really stood out to me, so I was a bit disappointed.


Tuck, like some of the other veterans, seemed to play at half-speed. Part of the reason why I really don't care about the outcome of preseason games.


I have the game DVR'ed, (NFL Network played a replay, so I recorded it), and I'm going to watch more with an emphasis on the linebacker play.

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The D as a whole played very well against the run (please correct me if after you view the game again to see if I'm wrong). but our pass D was atrocious at what seems to be the LB level... no surprise there.

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We have a long, long way to go before this team looks like it can win games. If I were coach, I'd start fining players who hit opponents, but didn't wrap up and tackle them. WTF is this "bump tackling" shit. GET YER FREAKIN ARMS AROUND THEM AND PULL THEM TO THE GROUND.


I don't know BB...I can see it in a Pre-season game.....doing the Dion Sanders "Business decision" tackle....I'd hate to lose a corner tackling 4th string RB in a preseason game....I have to figure that falls into consideration on these deals....


C. Wagon

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The D as a whole played very well against the run (please correct me if after you view the game again to see if I'm wrong). but our pass D was atrocious at what seems to be the LB level... no surprise there.



Nas, I will get back to you on that. Again, I'm not too worried as nobody should be at this point, as it's just a preseason game. Some of the big plays I saw in the passing game for Carolina came against the secondary. I think Webster and Thomas were playing defense like they do in the Pro Bowl, though (half speed). Of course, everybody saw that nice play on the ball by Boley... which was set up by pressure from JPP. But still. There were a few screens to DeAngelo and Goodson, I think, that gained far too much yardage. That is the kind of play we'll see a lot of from Dallas, they love to get Felix Jones the ball in that kind of way.

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Nas, I will get back to you on that. Again, I'm not too worried as nobody should be at this point, as it's just a preseason game. Some of the big plays I saw in the passing game for Carolina came against the secondary. I think Webster and Thomas were playing defense like they do in the Pro Bowl, though (half speed). Of course, everybody saw that nice play on the ball by Boley... which was set up by pressure from JPP. But still. There were a few screens to DeAngelo and Goodson, I think, that gained far too much yardage. That is the kind of play we'll see a lot of from Dallas, they love to get Felix Jones the ball in that kind of way.


I also think several teams will try to hurt us with the screens and dump off passes. We blitz and rely on the pass rush too much and it leaves us vulnerable to slow developing plays. Especially if we can't get to the QB fast enough.

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