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What a dumb axx rule this is- 35yd line Kick Off


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I think it was a health thing, if I recall correctly. To reduce concussions and shit.


Bullshit excuse, but the NFL is all about "protecting" players these days. Who cares that is more than likely the most dangerous sport in the world. These players have to have the illusion of safety! Regardless of the effects the rules have on the game. The late hit on the QB rule is the most arbitrarily applied rule in sports, IMO.

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I guess Sean McKoy and Devin Hester better start looking for another occupation


When are they scheduled to start wearing Tutu's and Point shoes??


Tom Brady has been wearing one for ages....well, only when his pants were pulled up and his weiner out of Ed Hochuli's mouth....

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Nothing like taking one of the most exciting plays in football right out of the Game


What is the knuklehead reason for this


No wonder we didnt re-sign Blackburn


Yes the moving of kickoffs was the reason we didn't resign a no name backup who didn't add anything a new cheap drafted player could provide. And how dare they want to limit the number of plays 250lb men slam into eachother head first.

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if they keep this up someone is going to start a new league where real men play real football


I dont recall kick offs causing a lot of concussions.........its usually sacks and pass plays over the middle


If concussions bother you that much subscribe to the Chess and Checkers channel.........or watch those poker shows

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if they keep this up someone is going to start a new league where real men play real football


I dont recall kick offs causing a lot of concussions.........its usually sacks and pass plays over the middle


If concussions bother you that much subscribe to the Chess and Checkers channel.........or watch those poker shows


Preaching to the choir here, bro. They are making it so that it's almost two hand touch on the QB anymore.

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Yeah it is all about trying to get an 18 game schedule. Has nothing to do with a Rutgers player and a Bills player both being paralyzed on kickoff returns because it is the most violent player in football.


Sarcasm is unbecoming of a gentleman.


That said, football players know what they sign up for and on any given play, someone could come away paralyzed. A tight end or a wide receiver coming over the middle to catch a pass is just as dangerous as kickoff coverage. Are we going to turn this into to the arena league and make the wide receivers start 10 yards behind the line of scrimmage? No, I think they will just make any hard, punishing hit over the middle a "hit on a defenseless receiver".

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This whole protection BS is just another reason for them to pitch a 18 game season.


It's a brutal sport though.. no denying that. They don't just use those bodies on Sundays.. it's a grueling season.. practices and travel... and injuries.

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Sarcasm is unbecoming of a gentleman.


That said, football players know what they sign up for and on any given play, someone could come away paralyzed. A tight end or a wide receiver coming over the middle to catch a pass is just as dangerous as kickoff coverage. Are we going to turn this into to the arena league and make the wide receivers start 10 yards behind the line of scrimmage? No, I think they will just make any hard, punishing hit over the middle a "hit on a defenseless receiver".


Asshole they did studies on the topic. It isn't sarcasm it is science. For an entirely minor part of the game those participating were at a far greater risk for life debilitating injuries.

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Asshole they did studies on the topic. It isn't sarcasm it is science. For an entirely minor part of the game those participating were at a far greater risk for life debilitating injuries.


Settle yourself, the way you phrased what you said was you being sarcastic. Sarcasm and science are not mutually exclusive.


Again, like I implied, they should probably focus on aspects of the game that occur more than (on average) 5 times a game.

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And as something I think the Giants have finally figured out, kickoff coverage and punt coverage are most definitely NOT a minor part of the game. It's one of the most important parts of the game.

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Easy there. Not only am I pointing out the protecting thing on special teams. I'm just simply. Pointing out that they can use this BS to push the 18 game season. Yes protecting player is something we all agree on but you just have to look at the business side of the game. That's something I like to point out. You telling me this game since the early century. There wasn't any injury and now they just want to change to rules to protect players??? Come on man.

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Question? Doesn't this just reverse the move from the 35 to the 30? I want to say this change was in teh early 90s and coincided with the adoption of the 2 point conversion.


Good Point.....I had not thought of that


Our Kicker could not reach the back of then end zone if they moved to the 50 :facepalm:

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Good Point.....I had not thought of that


Our Kicker could not reach the back of then end zone if they moved to the 50 :facepalm:


Back in 2002 I used to kick it from the 35 and it goes thru the uprights.. not sure I can still do that though.. havn't even tried in years... makes me wanna kick myself for sticking with the full time job I had back then because I didn't want to risk losing that job for a maybe :cry:

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It's a minor thing. I think the real playmakers will probably bring it out up to 5 yards deep anyway, and all this is going to do is create some more touchbacks on kickoffs. It doesn't do anything for punt returns, which, IMO, still provides great opportunities for returners.

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See, I agree with Lubz on this one. If they start making the ENTIRE game less rough, then that'd suck. But changing minor parts of the game to avoid serious injury, Im down with that. Lets not make this hockey, where the actual game is secondary to the fighting and violence. The game of football itself is awesome. Id rather eliminate some of the action that causes serious injury and get down to the X's and O's of football. The game is violent enough even without the kickoff returns.

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