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Do you want Osi to stay or go


Thumbs up or down on keeping Osi  

23 members have voted

  1. 1. Would like to see Osi Reamin a NY Giant

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Personally I think the Giants should do whatever it takes within reason to keep him if they want to seriously contend this year


This would be tantamount to ousting Dwight Freeney from the Colts :facepalm:


who cares if he does not like his GM........does he have to?

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Osi blew up today and ranted about criticism. His distraction is not good for the team.


Osi Umenyiora blasts “hypocrisy” of his critics

Posted by Michael David Smith on August 1, 2011, 6:21 PM EDT


Giants defensive end Osi Umenyiora says he’s tired of being criticized for wanting a new contract by people who say he should play out the contract he signed — especially if those same people don’t criticize the Giants for failing to let players play out the length of their contracts.


In an e-mail to the Associated Press, Umenyiora noted that when the Giants felt that Shaun O’Hara and Rich Seubert were no longer playing up to the level of their pay, the team cut those two veterans. But when a player like Umenyiora feels that he’s out-playing his contract, he’s criticized for seeking a raise.


“What really annoys me is the hypocrisy of people clamoring for my head for asking for a new deal or to be traded,” Umenyiora wrote. “Saying I have 2 years left on my deal. These contracts only mean something to us? Where is O’Hara? Where is Seubert? True inspirational football players. They were cut after being injured. They have years left on their deal.”


Umenyiora says that in the NFL, contracts are a one-way street: Players are supposed to honor them, but teams aren’t.


“The fact is in the business we are in, if you get injured, or they feel like you underperformed, they cut you without hesitation,” Umenyiora said. “But if you clearly outplay your contract, and ask for something to be done, you’re a bad guy and not a team player. It’s ridiculous.”


Umenyiora also seems bothered by the six-year, $72 million contract the Panthers gave to Charles Johnson.


“How does a guy who had one good year [no disrespect to Charles Johnson] sign a deal and make more than both me and [Justin] Tuck combined?” Umenyiora wrote in the e-mail. “It’s not right.”


Although the Giants have given Umenyiora permission to seek a trade, Umenyiora says he still would like to think things can get worked out with the Giants.


“I hope there is a chance,” Umenyiora said of staying with the Giants. “But who knows?”

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I kinda wish the NFL still had loyalty like in the 50s and 60s, back when a team and a player would have respect for each other.


Once money started getting into the numbers they are into today, everything became about the big pay day or trying to bring in the next great player to help get a SB win so you can get the money that comes along with it.

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Personally I want Osi to stay, but he needs to learn some professionalism. If you're unhappy with how things are going, handle them in the appropriate manner rather than crying to the media about it every 5 seconds.

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I voted yes, assuming you didn't really mean reamin'.


If you did, I respectfully wish to change my vote.


I like him as a player, but the incessant whining over his contract for years is a tired act. He is one of the better DEs in the league, but I don't know if he's top 5. I do know that complaining that players are getting paid more in contracts made after his is ridiculous.

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The guy actually done his jOb as a DE. Who else can you name that has as much strips as Osi?? Whoever thinks we he ain't worth a shit is an dumbass. You seriusly think we better off without one of the top DE in the league??


He might sound like a bitch for asking for more money but that's human nature dude wanna take acre of himself and get as much as he thj k he is worth. Let him be. I'm tired of all this"if you sign it you play it". Ever heard of dudes being cut?? Come on guys it's simple logic. Trams can cut you whenever but players can't just ask for more cash to save their own ass?? It's a crazy bunsiness out there and some of us fan might look at it differently.

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He actually has a really good point.


That if he felt so strongly about they JUST had a new labor agreement put together and he, and I'm sure plenty of other players, could have fought for more stability in their contracts.


Teams being able to cut you so easily is a fact of life in the NFL. The players are well aware of it so to try and cry foul over it to garner sympathy doesn't work on me.

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He actually has a really good point.


Till you read what Echo posted.. an article from when he signed a 6 year extension for which he made $21M in his first 3 seasons... that was a 6 year $41M contract... slightly under $7M per year. And when you look at his production, he hasn't lived up to the hype...

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sounds like Osi needs somw more incentive clauses in his contract.....big ones


im for that


I'm not. Incentives = We know you're a lazy asshole and this is the only way we think we can motivate you.

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he said he would rather stay a Giant if it can be worked out


I'm for that


It has been worked out. $41M 6 Year Contract. He still has 2 more years to go.. and the Giants are in a salary cap hell... he's been shown the money and we haven't really seen the production... at least nothing to live up to the current contract.

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This whole guaranteed contract argument is bullshit--who on god's earth was talking about cutting Osi? It's really pretty simple--he plays out his contract, he gets $41 million. That contract was HUGE for when it was signed, and the whole argument sounds idiotic when you realize that players like Taylor or White never saw anything close to that--is he a better player than either one of them? Is THAT fair?


Shit, pay me his guaranteed portion to do something I love to do--you wouldn't hear a peep out of me even if you made it a 10 year contract. I'd be set for life. Hell, I'll even let you injure my hip to make things equal.


The more he argues, the more he sounds like a 30 year old child.

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Did he get cut in 2006? How about 2008? How about his pay--was that reduced? When Tiki and Strahan retired, how much money were they asked to return--they were still under contract, and hadn't fulfilled it. That guaranteed money for Arrington still came out of our cap, even when he was injured and forced to retire after what? Two or three games?


My point is that an NFL contract is a crap-shoot for both sides.

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