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well you guys got your wishes- your smarter than


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Rex Ryan, and Lovie Smith


You guys know your football.......I stand here totaly undressed........Rex and Lovie are as dumb as me........they signed Marion, and Plaxico.


Chicago according to most of you wasted $5 million on Marion Barber, and Eli finally opened his mouth and now we know why he never comments on anything........he has the brainpower of Kerry Collins (did anyone ever hear a Collins interview, I did....he has the IQ of a baboon)


The one guy who could get us 3rd and ones and score easily in the Red Zone- Tiki Barber is personna non grata because two mediocre talents- Coughlin and Eli do not like Tiki


I'm sure Philadelphia or Dallas will scoop him up for a song ($1 million per,) and he will lead the league in total yardage from scrimmage.



You are now seeing the inevitable consequences of having an over-bearing sideline lunatic as HC.......no one wants to play here but for the money.



Our HC should be Spags, Jon Gruden, or the Chin


Someone needs to coach Eli on throwing the ball away rather than float it off his back foot into the opponents defensive backfield


I'm afraid we are regressing into an 8-8 or even worse team for some time to come


Reese should be allowed to hire his own man as HC.....rather than have General Tom forced down his throat.

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Too funny.


Even if we lose Bradshaw, you don't see a difference in talent level between what Chicago had at RB and here? Name one of their starters last year.


And your response to the signing of Asomogoooga is signing a 34 year old receiver? We need a starter-level TE a hell of a lot more than we need to worry about a 3rd WR, who hopefully becomes 4th if Smith comes back. AND Tiki Barber? It's been 5 years since he RETIRED! Really, stop arguing to sign guys whose hey-day was 2006-2007.


What's restricting Reese is the cap, not Coughlin. Honestly, I think he's done a good job this year, all things considered. Hated losing O'Hara and Seubert, but I could see why; and everything else has been good. Yeah, we lost Cofield, but we've got two young guys lined up with Joseph possibly starting with more experience than Cofield did when he got his chance. Cofield had micro-fracture surgery on his knee, which is going to catch up to him eventually, especially on the line, so it was a decent call to limit how much was offered.


This recent "let Reese pick his head coach" ploy of yours is stupid, btw. 3 playoff appearances and a SB win kinda tells me that he's not bitching too much in the Front Office.

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Too funny.


Even if we lose Bradshaw, you don't see a difference in talent level between what Chicago had at RB and here? Name one of their starters last year.


And your response to the signing of Asomogoooga is signing a 34 year old receiver? We need a starter-level TE a hell of a lot more than we need to worry about a 3rd WR, who hopefully becomes 4th if Smith comes back. AND Tiki Barber? It's been 5 years since he RETIRED! Really, stop arguing to sign guys whose hey-day was 2006-2007.


What's restricting Reese is the cap, not Coughlin. Honestly, I think he's done a good job this year, all things considered. Hated losing O'Hara and Seubert, but I could see why; and everything else has been good. Yeah, we lost Cofield, but we've got two young guys lined up with Joseph possibly starting with more experience than Cofield did when he got his chance. Cofield had micro-fracture surgery on his knee, which is going to catch up to him eventually, especially on the line, so it was a decent call to limit how much was offered.


This recent "let Reese pick his head coach" ploy of yours is stupid, btw. 3 playoff appearances and a SB win kinda tells me that he's not bitching too much in the Front Office.


Matt Forte is actually very good. Barber will be the goalline/short yardage back.

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Too funny.


Even if we lose Bradshaw, you don't see a difference in talent level between what Chicago had at RB and here? Name one of their starters last year.


And your response to the signing of Asomogoooga is signing a 34 year old receiver? We need a starter-level TE a hell of a lot more than we need to worry about a 3rd WR, who hopefully becomes 4th if Smith comes back. AND Tiki Barber? It's been 5 years since he RETIRED! Really, stop arguing to sign guys whose hey-day was 2006-2007.


What's restricting Reese is the cap, not Coughlin. Honestly, I think he's done a good job this year, all things considered. Hated losing O'Hara and Seubert, but I could see why; and everything else has been good. Yeah, we lost Cofield, but we've got two young guys lined up with Joseph possibly starting with more experience than Cofield did when he got his chance. Cofield had micro-fracture surgery on his knee, which is going to catch up to him eventually, especially on the line, so it was a decent call to limit how much was offered.


This recent "let Reese pick his head coach" ploy of yours is stupid, btw. 3 playoff appearances and a SB win kinda tells me that he's not bitching too much in the Front Office.



yes. exactly. Reese's one big move came right out of the gates and got us 5 years younger at center. When called on last year Beatty held his own and will only get better. Even moving Diehl down to guard was a cap saver ( his contract pays 2 levels based on snaps at LT )


If we get Boss signed and maybe bring in a legitimate FB Jacobs could have a monster year.

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you guys go on and on about the things we've lost......the people who went elsewhere........how old Tiki, Marion, and Palx are....................how about how old Coughlin is...he is now the longest tenured Giants HC in history and the ship is listing to Port........his one SB victory coming of a fluke catch, and on Spanuolo's back


our cap situatuion (caused by wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy overpaying a mediocre QB BTW)


Where are the signings........the hope,any positive movement


You talk of the lineman we've cut (belicheck would have kept them and moved them in rotation to the bench).........can you not see where all this is headed??


yes I hope for a SB victory........I do it every year........so far I'm right about 1 out of 20 times on average


This team, I'm afraid is headed to hell in a hand basket...........they are reminding me of the Knicks


Hey UK did you see the Red Bulls tie your mighty Arsenal on a last minute Henry perfect pass?

That guy is incredible.........Is Man U in that tournament??...........the Red Bulls are my team, and I want a shot at them, we did not get on their recent demoralizing tour here :furious: .

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As a great Sporswrathian once said:


Jack vs Logic :LMAO:


What is the Logic of having a 10-6 team every year and having the Eagles beat the piss out of us game after game after game???

at some point the beloved staus quo this board loves has to change


I hope I'm still alive to see it :confused:

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you guys go on and on about the things we've lost......the people who went elsewhere........how old Tiki, Marion, and Palx are....................how about how old Coughlin is...he is now the longest tenured Giants HC in history and the ship is listing to Port........his one SB victory coming of a fluke catch, and on Spanuolo's back


Ever hear of Steve Owen? TC has a lllooooooonnnnnggggg way to go to be our longest tenured coach. And when Coughlin tries to slap on pads, I'll say he's too old to be a factor on the field as well.


our cap situatuion (caused by wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy overpaying a mediocre QB BTW)


Where are the signings........the hope,any positive movement


You talk of the lineman we've cut (belicheck would have kept them and moved them in rotation to the bench).........can you not see where all this is headed??


Why would Belicheck have kept them? They're both in their 30's, both injured. Maybe IR, but they aren't going to produce this season (not even as backups), or possibly even beyond that. And I loved both those guys, but no offensive line can stand forever except in our memories.


Meanwhile, we have a bunch of young linemen that have been waiting for years to get their chance. We upgraded center, we probably have a new LT--even if we don't, our absolutely worst-case scenario is that Kevin Boothe is a starting guard, which wouldn't be that bad. That would mean that Beatty, Petrus, and Brewer were ALL failed picks. Otherwise, Beatty becomes our LT for years, Diehl goes to guard this year until he moves to RT next year(unless they renew MacKenzie), and the best of Petrus/Brewer becomes our new guard in 2012. Rinse. Draft Tackles. Start again for the five years after that.


But you can't find that out if we doggedly continue to play Seubert/O'Hara. Like I said, I don't particularly like the move for sentimental reasons, but I understand it.


In a nutshell, if you are going to sign FA every time a position opens or needs replacing, you might as well trade your picks.


I guess that is the thinking on the linebacking crew as well--we've picked up 5 new guys between last year and this year. We have 2 spots supposedly penciled in on the starting rotation. These guys can't do it, then it's time to look at our linebacking coach: you can't attribute that many bodies failing purely on bad drafting and injuries (Wilkinson, Sintim, ad infinitum). With that many young guys, it doesn't really make sense to sign another Bullock, which is what they would do.


I'm not really worried about running backs, these guys know what they are doing in that department (remember, this team at one point had Jacobs, Ward, Bradshaw AND Ryan Grant). Obviously, they know talent there.


Tight End is the only position that really has me nervous. Love Pascoe, love Boss if he's a reasonable contract (the guy has had too many concussions to risk a big contract). But Pascoe is a blocking tight end, and Beckum has shown absolutely nothing to date. If you need to freak out over a position, that's a good one to pick.

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Now yer just fucking with us. Moss retired.


I doubt Moss has fully retired. I am sure if a contender calls him half way through the season because of WR injuries he'll be back. Let's just hope it's not the Giants.

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Now yer just fucking with us. Moss retired.

He "Retired" from Summer Camps...........he will be on someone's roster come Sept.........He's pulling a Gaptooth summer :rolleyes:


I dont know where you live but in NJ its been 95 every day for a month with humidity


the Giants start their workouts at 6PM and they are open to the public


The Jets have such an advanced training center the whole practice field might have AC

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I doubt Moss has fully retired. I am sure if a contender calls him half way through the season because of WR injuries he'll be back. Let's just hope it's not the Giants.


For the right price I wouldn't mind having him on the team.

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