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Uh-Oh Eli not behind the Burress signing


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after practice yesterday he had some derogatory things to say about the SB season when the team struggled to 10-6 before going on a tear


Eli was critical of Burress for contributing to the 10-6 part by not practicing all season.......only showing for games. :confused:


I'm not with Eli on this one, until Eli learns to lower his mid range passes to head height and below.........not 14 ft in the air. this is not Eli like.......he usually like Derek Jeter keeps any negative thoughts to himself....this is a bad time to switch approaches......he needs Burress


He's the anti-McNabb who oppositely threw at everyone's ankles under stress


The difference is McNabb was on the run going forward usually, while Eli like Lurch often throws ill advised passes off his back foot while under pressure launching a wounded duck into the defensive backfield hoping someone will catch it from our side ala the David Tyree Miracle...........Burress has shown he can grab those awkward balls over the DBs........Burress abuses DBs :confused:

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Can't you see what he is trying not to say? and why he is trying not to say it :facepalm:


Nope...........spell it out for me


and BTW Burress is a big part of the running game.............no one short of that guy in Pittsburg Hines Ward, can block downfield like Burress......with Burress out there you will see a lot more long runs


To me football is about Sunday, winning and entertainment


If a guy can be all pro and not practice all week I dont give a damm.........nor should the Giants......as I recall Gap tooth played without practicing for his last 2 years......these guys with supreme talent who are aging, are sometiems better off with the extra healing time

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highly doubtful.



Its all moot now


Plaxico is a starting WR for the Jets and Marion Barber will bring his toughness to start at RB for Chicago.....a fitting place for such a tough guy


I wish Plaxico the best.......he got the max sentence for shooting his own self


anyone else and they would have gotten commiunity service


Good Luck Plaxico, and thanks for the memories and that unforgetable SB catch

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