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It was just a fluke.


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Jason Pierre-Paul is a great public speaker... it was just a fluke that he said, "I likeded it" three times in a row during his first interview.


His first language was french, get off his nuts you ass hole.









Just a fluke, I <3 you Seph

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even that winning score was a fluke. Burress ran a simple route after all, Eli really throw a bad pass that the wind took into the arms of Burress (you know that desert wind, that often occurs in Arizona) (BB01 can explain.) Also, Belichick thought it was 86 still.


Oh, most definitely bigblue. As soon as he threw that pass, I looked at my buddy and said...."Its a good thing we have those AZ winds"....... :P

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After watching the highlights again I can't believe anybody thinks the Tyree catch is a fluke. Eli evades a sack and throws to Tyree who is the intended receiver. Now the holding of the ball to the helmet is of course what is considered more of the fluke but it's what made it a possible reception. If he brings the ball into his body it's punched out easily because Harrison's arm is across his body. If anything that was the smart catch. It's almost the only way the ball could have been caught.




If you think it's a fluke you have serious hater glasses on.

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