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So we're 10-2...

Blue Jeans

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We're on pace to a 135-27 record! Go Mets!


But seriously, with the fast start out of the gates what is your prediction for the rest of the year. Keep in mind we have yet to play division rivals in the Braves (big series coming up) and the Phillies. Remember that the White Sox started 14-2 last year in their first 16 games, can we do that? Doubtfull but I hope!


I first made a prediction for a 95-67 season. I am now going to have to up that a total of four games to a record of 99-63. What do you think?

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We're on pace to a 135-27 record! Go Mets!


But seriously, with the fast start out of the gates what is your prediction for the rest of the year. Keep in mind we have yet to play division rivals in the Braves (big series coming up) and the Phillies. Remember that the White Sox started 14-2 last year in their first 16 games, can we do that? Doubtfull but I hope!


I first made a prediction for a 95-67 season. I am now going to have to up that a total of four games to a record of 99-63. What do you think?

Mets are doing unbeliavable good this year....i see them mkaing it to at least the NLCS with most likely winning it but losing in the WS....all the braves are hurt i think the mets have a good chance at winning the division!

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Our pen isn't deep enough to do this great consistently. I still see us going 93-69 or whatever I had us at and losing in 5 games in the NLCS.


88 wins and the division. swept by the cardinals in the first round. :TU:

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Our pen isn't deep enough to do this great consistently. I still see us going 93-69 or whatever I had us at and losing in 5 games in the NLCS.

with our batting line up, and the way our guys field the ball, there's np doubt in my mind that we will make it to the WS...

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with our batting line up, and the way our guys field the ball, there's np doubt in my mind that we will make it to the WS...

That's a very bold statement. I don't think our lineup is THAT deep to single handedly take us to the WS especially with our thin pitching staff and our suspect bullpen. No doubt we are a playoff team but I can't say that we'll definitely get to the WS...


Liking the optimism though :TU:

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Im thinking 95 wins. We really yet to play top notch teams but where doing what the yankees arent in beating teams we are sapoose to



95 wins is solid i think we will win 100 games this year tho easy... we havnt played any top notch teams yet???? who do you consider to be a top notch team in the nl???? only the mets and cards jump out to me.... and compare our lineup with the cards lineup and our pen with the cards pen and our starters vs the cards starters and u will see just how similar our two teams are....

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That's a very bold statement. I don't think our lineup is THAT deep to single handedly take us to the WS especially with our thin pitching staff and our suspect bullpen. No doubt we are a playoff team but I can't say that we'll definitely get to the WS...


Liking the optimism though :TU:


Our lineup is not that deep? Oh Jeez, you watched the Red Sox for too long, this is the National League, GateB

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95 wins is solid i think we will win 100 games this year tho easy... we havnt played any top notch teams yet???? who do you consider to be a top notch team in the nl???? only the mets and cards jump out to me.... and compare our lineup with the cards lineup and our pen with the cards pen and our starters vs the cards starters and u will see just how similar our two teams are....

Keep it realistic. We aren't winning 100 games this year unless quite a few unsung heroes come out of nowhere and some trades at the deadline. I don't think our pitching is consistent enough and Heilman, Sanchez, and Wagner can't pithc 140 games a year.


I think the X factors to this year are Floyd and Julio. If Julio turns out to finally live up to potential, he can be an amazing asset to this pen. And we all know what Floyd can do. Imagine his bat hitting like last year in our new lineup this year.

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We're on pace to a 135-27 record! Go Mets!


But seriously, with the fast start out of the gates what is your prediction for the rest of the year. Keep in mind we have yet to play division rivals in the Braves (big series coming up) and the Phillies. Remember that the White Sox started 14-2 last year in their first 16 games, can we do that? Doubtfull but I hope!


I first made a prediction for a 95-67 season. I am now going to have to up that a total of four games to a record of 99-63. What do you think?


I guess that "racist" GM of ours is pretty smart, after all, huh? :P

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Well our TRUE TEST comes over the next few days as we face the Braves at Shea, we need 2 out of 3 or a sweep to make an early season statement!

1/1 so far :) with Glavine and Zambrano pitching

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