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Another Sunday Night Game????


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Being really early in the season...there is time to turn this around. Aside all the fuckups which you can go to any other thread for, i was pretty happy with how well they moved the ball in the first half.


We can only hope someone steps up this week and does what only another player on that team can do...hold people accountable and light a fire under their ass.


On a side note, anyone miss the Coughlin of old? The good feelings Coughlin is fine but the prick deep down inside him needs to start grabbing people by the face mask.

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Being really early in the season...there is time to turn this around. Aside all the fuckups which you can go to any other thread for, i was pretty happy with how well they moved the ball in the first half.


We can only hope someone steps up this week and does what only another player on that team can do...hold people accountable and light a fire under their ass.


On a side note, anyone miss the Coughlin of old? The good feelings Coughlin is fine but the prick deep down inside him needs to start grabbing people by the face mask.


that would be me, Remember the last titan game where Kiwi made the unforgettable error and without audio you can read every word spitting outta TC's lips... i want that grumpy old man back!!!!


There's also no leadership within the team. Leaders are suppose to chew up another player on the bench for making stupid game causing penalties or other BS..



below is an example:


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you guys talk like we are 2-6 not 1-2


I'm not here to make excuses for the Colts game.....that was an ass whipping there is no denying it. I'm going to throw that out as just a bad day


The Titans game we got mugged and beat ourselves. We nearly doubled their total yds and still lost.


Hopefully, the ship is sailing steady now. The stormy seas have calmed and we sail forward to the Super Bowl.

I saw a lot of good things in the 1st game and in the Titans game. Carolina is not chopped liver and we crushed them.


I'd like to see some Victor Cruz, and a lot more of JPP


Coughlin is old, he's slowed down....he has become almost irrelevant. The Cowboys battle on with an irrelevant HC, and Tony Dungy won a SB as an irrelevant guy. Sometimes pure talent can win it all.


I think we can get there and hopefully send Tom into retirement with a second ring


Its not impossible.

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if you cannot win on a national game regular season how in the world could you win a playoff game or SB?

I didn't say they can't win, I said historically they stink it up on night games. Which means, in the past, when they play night games, they play like crap. And seeing as they just came off 2 stinkers, I'd gladly trade off a night game for a 1:00 game. It's purely for conversations sake. No more, no less.

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I didn't say they can't win, I said historically they stink it up on night games. Which means, in the past, when they play night games, they play like crap. And seeing as they just came off 2 stinkers, I'd gladly trade off a night game for a 1:00 game. It's purely for conversations sake. No more, no less.


I can explain that. The New York market helps push the Giants into prime time even when they are less than deserving of the national stage. Usually only the teams that are expected to be good are on in prime time, so the Giants often wind up playing their toughest match-ups of the season in front of the whole country.


Thats why it seems like they 'choke' during night games.

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I didn't say they can't win, I said historically they stink it up on night games. Which means, in the past, when they play night games, they play like crap. And seeing as they just came off 2 stinkers, I'd gladly trade off a night game for a 1:00 game. It's purely for conversations sake. No more, no less.



Yeah you're right but I'm not throwing in the towel just yet....... LOL


If Coughlin loses this one badly the drumbeats will start for his head. What he is supposed to bring to the party is discipline, and discipline is the one thing the Giants seem to lack in spades.


I see the Giants winning this one.....just a hunch

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