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What we can take out of Giants/Jets


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Good points everyone....not much to add, other than I'd like to see Cruz play against the 1st string next weekend.


JPP's sack was a great athletic move...he has quite a reach, and will definitely have his paws in the face of QB's this season.


Didn't catch all of the 1st part of the game because I was at work, but I'll rewind it tonight to see Linval Joseph.

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We'd call that a 'hospital pass'.


was nice improvisation for Eli and Bradshaw's part. But there was far too much pressure given up by the O-line last night. Granted, starters were out and TEs weren't around, but damn, I'll be looking carefully to make sure that improves. If not, will be a long season.

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I'll remember it as the first game in "X Unkown" Stadium where we whipped the Jets axxes pillar to post


dont give me the 2nd team BS...........ol Rexie was playing his starting D late into the game and Cruz pixxed on them


Yeah, a lot of the 1st team offense too. The Jets wanted to win that game, and the Giants 3rd string & waiver fodder handed their heads to them. That doesn't tell us much about the regular season Giants, but it does tell us that the Jets are probably WAY over hyped.


I'm not so worried about the Giants offense, it looked to me like they've got stuff that they're comfortable with but instead are working things out in the preseason. Steve Smith wasn't out there, Nicks was barely used, the offensive line was an experiment, there are no TEs playing that will make the roster (okay, Pascoe has a chance), and Barden was receiving forced reps to get him experience. Thats not the team we'll see in the regular season.

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was nice improvisation for Eli and Bradshaw's part. But there was far too much pressure given up by the O-line last night. Granted, starters were out and TEs weren't around, but damn, I'll be looking carefully to make sure that improves. If not, will be a long season.


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NONE of the backs could get penetration between the tackles and I don't think last nights game, with the extremely depleted blocking as you pointed out, was a good measure of any of them. Bradshaw was useless in running plays, but most of the time the backs were getting gang-tackled behind the line. Not their fault.



I think that's a real important point; it seemed like we were running very basic plays on both sides of the ball, while the Jets were emptying their playbook for the whole world to see, especially defensively. They really wanted to win bragging rights last night. The fact that we still crushed them on the scoreboard using limited plays is something of a positive.




Exactly...the Jets always treat this like the fucking Super Bowl and usually end up hurting one or two of our guys for their bullshit.

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I know it's just the preseason, blah, blah, blah. But what good is the preseason if we can't jump the gun and make ridiculous, outlandish statements?



Here's what I got out of tonite's game:


1. The defense has a LONG way to go. Those starting tackles looked awful and were getting pushed all over the place. WHY is Rocky Bernard running with the "ones?" Justin Tuck didn't look like he was trying very hard, until Gruden informed me that I was actually watching JASON Tuck... then it sort of made sense.


2. Ahmad Bradshaw should be starting for the Giants.


3. It looks like we may have legit backups at the QB position for the first time in years. I was impressed with both Sorgi and Bomar.


4. Cruz looks like he'll take Sinorice Moss' job.


5. Even though Barden didn't do much, I paid a lot of attention to him when he was on the field... he is definitely running better routes and looks to be much more explosive off the line... not as slow and clumsy as he looked last year.


Linval Joseph also made a nice play against the Jet's 1st team.


JPP had some good reps as well, even if it was against the backups.

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