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This is how FOX Sports sees us right now


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"The Giants were able to tap into their desperation and dig deep for a huge win vs. Dallas. But frankly, without a couple crazy-big plays, the Cowboys outplayed New York on its home turf."


Agree with this remark or disagree????


The Cowboys "outplayed us"?????


LOL..........REALLY Looking at Wade Philips interview the next day I never would have guessed this


Wade- "Were not LOSERS......don't brand us as LOSERS....the seasons not over yet" Wade Wade its over really

Its over


And Tiger Woods never cheated on his wife either.......


That 24 yds rushing on 24 attempts really took it to us huh?.........we felt every one of those 24 yds deep in our bones




Where do these guys come up with this stuff

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I think what they were looking at was the fact that Romo passed for nearly 400 yards, contrasted with Eli not having the best day. Not putting it all on Eli, because his receivers had about 5 drops. But our offense didn't look GREAT. We stopped their run effectively but they passed on us a great deal. Our running game was only OK. We won because we got a big special teams touchdown and Eli and the defense played good enough. One thing we did not do in this game and we haven't done it all year was stop the opposing TE from having a big day. We have to be close to last in the league when it comes to defending TE's.

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But frankly, without a couple crazy-big plays...

what's so crazy about your tailback breaking a screen for a long run?

<rant> i think it's dumb when people say " if it wasn't for this long pass or this long run, he'd have had an average day.

well, if it wasn't for all of barry sanders long runs, he was a bad RB

if it wasn't for marino's long passes, he was average.

sheesh /rant

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I think what they were looking at was the fact that Romo passed for nearly 400 yards, contrasted with Eli not having the best day. Not putting it all on Eli, because his receivers had about 5 drops. But our offense didn't look GREAT. We stopped their run effectively but they passed on us a great deal. Our running game was only OK. We won because we got a big special teams touchdown and Eli and the defense played good enough. One thing we did not do in this game and we haven't done it all year was stop the opposing TE from having a big day. We have to be close to last in the league when it comes to defending TE's.


ill agree they out passed us




come on


if we dont go into a prevent D at the end we win by 14 points


The Cowboys did not look too good after the game

they looked beaten down

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I think what they were looking at was the fact that Romo passed for nearly 400 yards, contrasted with Eli not having the best day. Not putting it all on Eli, because his receivers had about 5 drops. But our offense didn't look GREAT. We stopped their run effectively but they passed on us a great deal. Our running game was only OK. We won because we got a big special teams touchdown and Eli and the defense played good enough. One thing we did not do in this game and we haven't done it all year was stop the opposing TE from having a big day. We have to be close to last in the league when it comes to defending TE's.


Right on. Isn't usually the MLB who covers TEs? EIther Goff can be a pleasant surprise or I expect our 1st rounder to be a stud MLB

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Big plays are essential to the game


FLipper Anderson?


The no call on pass interference against the 49rs?


David Tyree's catch


Why is it big plays only seem to mean anything to the Networks when they are committed against us not by us?


I think the Giants suffer from the Name NY on their helmets.........if we were the Kanasas City Giants our demoloshing of the Cowboys running game might have gotten a bit more mention..........BJ might have gotten more respect for his 75 yd dash......and not as I heard reported on ESPN

"It happened because a Cowboys LBer was out of position.....do tell

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Does it really matter? Besides, most of you are better at throwing the team under the bus than FOX or ESPN has ever been.


And why not. We root for a team that plays with heart. I don't mind losing if they leave it all on the field but I do have a problem when they flop.

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I think what they were looking at was the fact that Romo passed for nearly 400 yards, contrasted with Eli not having the best day. Not putting it all on Eli, because his receivers had about 5 drops. But our offense didn't look GREAT. We stopped their run effectively but they passed on us a great deal. Our running game was only OK. We won because we got a big special teams touchdown and Eli and the defense played good enough. One thing we did not do in this game and we haven't done it all year was stop the opposing TE from having a big day. We have to be close to last in the league when it comes to defending TE's.


I would agree....the Giants offense faltered at times. They got down 10-0, and were outplayed early, but the they battled back. Toward the end of the game, I think the Giant took over...in fact, they had a promising drive end with that INT in the endzone. And really, the Giants were up 14-0 toward the end of the game, but gave up a soft TD in the prevent, because they know how much us fans love a tight game.


It just goes to show how important the red zone defense is. For the first time in a long time, the Giants managed to get avoid giving up TD's, and that made the difference when they hit those big plays (Jacobs, Hixon).


Dallas / Giants games seem to often develope into shootouts, and this one was no different. But Fox was obviously not watching the 2nd half of the game, because I felt Dallas faded down the stretch.

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Well actually we iced the game because of the special teams touchdown and Eli played good enough to win but not having the best game? :confused:


Running game was fine. We won because we were clicking on all cylinders.


Sure they got their passes but the defense took them out of the game in the second half. You can focus on Witten having a good day or the Giants having a great day.


I think what they were looking at was the fact that Romo passed for nearly 400 yards, contrasted with Eli not having the best day. Not putting it all on Eli, because his receivers had about 5 drops. But our offense didn't look GREAT. We stopped their run effectively but they passed on us a great deal. Our running game was only OK. We won because we got a big special teams touchdown and Eli and the defense played good enough. One thing we did not do in this game and we haven't done it all year was stop the opposing TE from having a big day. We have to be close to last in the league when it comes to defending TE's.

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what's so crazy about your tailback breaking a screen for a long run?

<rant> i think it's dumb when people say " if it wasn't for this long pass or this long run, he'd have had an average day.

well, if it wasn't for all of barry sanders long runs, he was a bad RB

if it wasn't for marino's long passes, he was average.

sheesh /rant


Agreed. If we were any other team, it would have been a great win due to great play. :rolleyes:

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I'll say it one more time for emphasis


if you cannot run the ball in the NFL your chances of winning are paper thin, and your QB will usually have a huge losing day


we saw this over and over in the Kerry Collins era


if the D was keying run, the secondary was sparce and the rush limited......giving Kerry all day to pass the ball........eventually that led to a turnover, a TD or a stalled drive passind from 3rd and 13..........or worse with Pettigout flinching like he had tourrets disease

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Well actually we iced the game because of the special teams touchdown and Eli played good enough to win but not having the best game? :confused:


Running game was fine. We won because we were clicking on all cylinders.


Sure they got their passes but the defense took them out of the game in the second half. You can focus on Witten having a good day or the Giants having a great day.

Agreed. There's still a lot to do, but this was probably the most complete game all season.


Comparing it to the Raiders/Chiefs games isn't an accurate assessment due to the quality of opponent.

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Well actually we iced the game because of the special teams touchdown and Eli played good enough to win but not having the best game? :confused:


Running game was fine. We won because we were clicking on all cylinders.


Sure they got their passes but the defense took them out of the game in the second half. You can focus on Witten having a good day or the Giants having a great day.


Dude, I'm being realistic. I am not the kind of fan that is going to say everything was rainbows and puppy dogs with the team because we won a game. We did not click on all cylinders by any means in that game. Was I happy with the win? I was ecstatic. It's always great to win but even better sticking an 'L' on Dallas. But to say that we clicked on cylinders is just being a blind fan.


The best thing they did in that game was stop the Dallas rushing attack. That was a huge plus and a big improvement over recent weeks. They defense looked very motivated throughout. That was great to see. But if you're going to do an honest assessment of the game, then you have to look at why Witten was able to tear us up for so many catches/yards. What you are not recognizing is that this has been a problem for multiple weeks. Celek 4-61 1TD, Gates 5/67, Gonzalez 8/82 1TD, Sheffler 4/53, Witten 14/156... that is what we have been giving up to TE's the last 5 games. That is a major problem with this defense that you have to acknowledge is not being addressed and is a major reason drives are being extended by our opponents. They need to find a way to limit the success of opponents TE's.


Secondly, our offense was adequate, not great. We ran for 100 yards as a team. That was good enough. Eli was 11/25 passing. If we didn't have the drops, that would've been a better game, so some blame has to be placed on the receivers, because points were left off the scoreboard because of drops.


In summary, I am happy with the win but I don't think we can play that way every week and win. We have all seen better Giants football than was in that Cowboy's game and until I see that I am going to hedge my optimism a bit. But at least they showed an edge there that was missing in recent weeks.

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