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Worst thing going for the Gmen


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    • Offensive coordinator
    • Defensive Coordinator
    • Eli Manning
    • CC Brown
    • Larry Tynes
    • Tom Coughlin
    • Antonio Pierce
    • Brandon Jacobs
    • All WR's

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Personally I think it is all on the shoulders of Gilbride. His inept play calling puts the defense in a hole every time they come on the field. This team is built for a power attack.. huge Running Back, great offensive line, and a bunch of possession wide receivers. He calls the game like this is the Colts or the Kurt Warner Rams.... If I could go back in time, I would find his parents on the night he was conceived and kick the old man square in the bean bag before he could spawn.

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Obviously the offensive playcalling. Right off the bat they were throwing deep and the few times they ran it was effective,.


The d played like shit, but turnovers and ineffective play on offensence just gave the ball right back to the eagles. The D, while shitty, never really had a chance. Eli was shit, but he's better than he played lately, jacobs looked good, but needs more carries early. You can't try to match big plays with the Eagles, you need to keep that O on the sidelines and pound the ball.

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So the Gmen have shat a brick 3 weeks in a row... WTF is wrong with this team?


I selected to defensive coordinator. Because our D is playing like shit all around. CC Brown happens to be the weakest link but the entire d sucks. Glifuck sucks too but at least we've known that for a while now. Eli is going thru his annual menstrual cycle right now.

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I selected to defensive coordinator. Because our D is playing like shit all around. CC Brown happens to be the weakest link but the entire d sucks. Glifuck sucks too but at least we've known that for a while now. Eli is going thru his annual menstrual cycle right now.


For $60 million you'd think he would be able to drop some coin on Kotex and Midol.

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The Co-ordinators! Plain and Simple. Gilbride we've known for a while is a shit-for-brains fragment of human excreta who should not be allowed even 10 ft near a playbook. Sheridan seems to be his illegitimate brother. These 2 need to go right now.


This team needs to get its act together soon. When are Ross and Boley expected back? CC Brown needs to be flung on the street immediately. Gilride can go back to being a QB coach, just dont fucking call plays! Sheridan is better off plucking pubes on the sidelines.

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I blame myself.....they haven't won since my old TV broke.


Seriously, though, in addition to everything stated above.....


Our special teams suck.....great move getting rid of our best Special Teamer (Tyree), in favor of a complete waste of roster space (Moss).


Kickoff game blows....seriously, how many more times are we going to be subjected to a weak-fucking-sauce Tynes kickoff followed by flag football tackling? Why do we refuse to sign someone with a fucking leg?


Look on the bright side....we're LUCKY to be 5-3 right now. At this rate, 9-7 looks optimistic.

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The Co-ordinators! Plain and Simple. Gilbride we've known for a while is a shit-for-brains fragment of human excreta who should not be allowed even 10 ft near a playbook. Sheridan seems to be his illegitimate brother. These 2 need to go right now.


This team needs to get its act together soon. When are Ross and Boley expected back? CC Brown needs to be flung on the street immediately. Gilride can go back to being a QB coach, just dont fucking call plays! Sheridan is better off plucking pubes on the sidelines.


Bump :ranting2:

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I blame myself.....they haven't won since my old TV broke.


Seriously, though, in addition to everything stated above.....


Our special teams suck.....great move getting rid of our best Special Teamer (Tyree), in favor of a complete waste of roster space (Moss).


Kickoff game blows....seriously, how many more times are we going to be subjected to a weak-fucking-sauce Tynes kickoff followed by flag football tackling? Why do we refuse to sign someone with a fucking leg?


Look on the bright side....we're LUCKY to be 5-3 right now. At this rate, 9-7 looks optimistic.


Bah!!! At this rate 5-11 looks most probably. 6-10 if calls go our way. 7-9 if other teams fuck up more than we do. Bastards!

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Brees, Warner and McNabb all targeted CC Brown's assignments heavily and I expect Rivers to do exactly the same.


Hopefully having Boley back at WIL, whenever he's actually ready, will at least contain some of the long TD runs. Those are flat out embarrassing.

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Brees, Warner and McNabb all targeted CC Brown's assignments heavily and I expect Rivers to do exactly the same.


Hopefully having Boley back at WIL, whenever he's actually ready, will at least contain some of the long TD runs. Those are flat out embarrassing.


This is exactly why I choose Sheridan. Fucking guy is setting his players up to fail. You have a safety who has never been good in coverage, even before being signed by the Giants, and yet you constantly put him in coverage situations? :blink: The Fuck. Play man and bring our terrible cover safeties in to pressure the QB. Our DBs are decent and should be able to cover their guy one on one but stupid shit like letting Jackson go into the secondary unopposed, the TD, is unforgivable. Webster should never be dropping into zone. He's the only good cover guy out there. Sheridan is reminding me more and more of Lewis who did this same stupid shit.

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To me, it seems like it's special teams and defense that's killing us lately. The plays surrounding halftime were ridiculous.


Last week, Feagles had a rare bad game, and we were giving them posession near mid-field all game. This week (while I just couldn't stomach watching the Eagles beat us like that, and didn't sit through the whole game) they were able to have big returns on us, and Hixon fumbled. It would have been nice if specials would have picked up some slack for the defense, but it doesn't look like that's going to happen.


Two of the last three games, the opponent has scored 5 TDs in the first half alone. I would love to blame that all on Sheridan, but how?


With Canty and Alford gone, our DTs are playing WAY too many snaps during games. Bernard isn't adequate, since he was really brought in as a pass-rushing specialist, and our run-protection is showing that. I still don't think Robbins and Cofield are at 100%, and with them playing as many snaps as they have, I doubt they will be this year.


To be charitable, with Boley out, our LBs are mediocre, and certainly not able to compensate for personnel losses in both the line and safety. They have achieved a perfect symmetry of not being able to cover receivers, or blitz effectively on passing downs. We used to be able to say that the LBs were capable of stopping the run, but with our DTs getting blocked that isn't happening, either. I'm no longer debating who should start on the LB crew, since it's now obvious that NONE of them should. The only LB that's shown any consistency is DeOssie, and only as a long snapper. AFAIC, we may as well start Kehl, Goff, and Sintim the next game, because we're not getting any production from that squad anyway and may as well see what we have with those guys. I have a nasty feeling the answer is "not much."


Our secondary is being killed by lack of safety depth, which was apparent even in the preseason. It makes our corners look bad because they are passing-off WRs to people who aren't in position. The lack of line depth right now means that QBs are getting all the time in the world to throw. With Ross out, we can't even try something out of desperation, like moving a CB to safety. We're fucked.


So, we've tried to play teams more than likely in playoff contention this year in the last three games without Phillips, Boley, Canty, Ross, and Alford. Guess what we found out? We can't compete with teams more than likely in playoff contention without Phillips, Boley, Canty, Ross, and Alford. Let's hope we find out that we can with Boley, Canty and Ross; and find out quickly.

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This is exactly why I choose Sheridan. Fucking guy is setting his players up to fail. You have a safety who has never been good in coverage, even before being signed by the Giants, and yet you constantly put him in coverage situations? :blink: The Fuck. Play man and bring our terrible cover safeties in to pressure the QB. Our DBs are decent and should be able to cover their guy one on one but stupid shit like letting Jackson go into the secondary unopposed, the TD, is unforgivable. Webster should never be dropping into zone. He's the only good cover guy out there. Sheridan is reminding me more and more of Lewis who did this same stupid shit.


How are you supposed to put a safety in something other than a coverage situation?...he's a safety...if you take him out of a coverage situation, you have to put a LB or a DL in a coverage situation in his place. Could one of them cover better than CC?

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I can't really lay the blame for the last few games at the feet of any one person or unit. The personnel is severely flawed at a couple spots - I'm looking at you, safety. Stronger units aren't playing up to their usual level due to injuries - I'm looking at you, defensive line. And the Giants Retard in the Workplace Charity, however nice an idea it may be, is affecting the product on the field - I'm looking at you, Kevin Gilbride.

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How are you supposed to put a safety in something other than a coverage situation?...he's a safety...if you take him out of a coverage situation, you have to put a LB or a DL in a coverage situation in his place. Could one of them cover better than CC?


Maybe a safety blitz and often or bring him down into short yardage coverage to help the LBs. Let the corners play man because Brown isn't helping them much anyway. I'll admit I don't watch every Brown play to see where he is but the big shocker to me was when Jackson was let go by Webster into the secondary so that one of our slow safeties could cover him. Seriously why the hell would Sheridan ever allow this scheme; which predictably lead to a TD. I doubt anybody on this MB would ever allow such a scheme and yet there it was. Webster is a good cover corner so why allow bad cover safety like Brown be in a situation where he will be beat. It's not his strength and it's not Rouse's either so he won't help. I feel like Sheridan is playing to the Giants' weaknesses and not adjusting to the injuries to allow different schemes. This is starting to remind me a lot of Lewis who stubbornly stuck to schemes that clearly didn't suit the Giants personnel.

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Dog's opinion - this team's main issue starts with the defense. Followed by the QB. the thing that carried them in recent history is a defense that could dominate and was dependable. that doesn't exist at this time. the last three teams they played all have the ability to turn things into a track meet, and the giants aren't cut out to keep pace. everyone wants to talk about the lack of effort being made to stay with the run game. they could rely on this in the past b/c the defense was more dominant. now, teams are putting up points quickly, and it will take you out of a game plan to run the ball when you know you have to score and keep up whenever you have the ball. yesterday was a perfect example. before things even got going, it was 13-0 and the defense showed no signs of having an answer.


couple that with the fact that manning is inconsistent, and now doesn't have the luxery of receivers that are yet able to bail them out and make the big plays, and the team is 0 for the last 3. the dog's thought has always been that the defense on this team made up for inconsistency on offense, and allowed them to be more patient with the run game.


as for the deep passes, one thing to remember is that nobody is forcing manning to take those shots. a QB has a progression to go through. Either the underneath routes aren't open, or he is doesn't see it (either could be true). Burress made up for a lot of mannings skill deficits by making big catches when the ball was thrown up high and far. although shockey didn't live up to his own billing, he demanded defensive attention (more so than boss, who is your average to slightly above average recieving weapon). and smith was far better as a third receiver than as a go to guy. good teams with solid defenses know this, and can load up on the run and force manning and the receivers to beat them. jacobs is unable to create on his own w/out the benefit of gaping holes, which no longer exist. try to hammer the run these days, and stick with it, and a lack of defensive stops results in a large point deficit...hence, the struggles begin.

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I blame myself.....they haven't won since my old TV broke.


Seriously, though, in addition to everything stated above.....


Our special teams suck.....great move getting rid of our best Special Teamer (Tyree), in favor of a complete waste of roster space (Moss).


Kickoff game blows....seriously, how many more times are we going to be subjected to a weak-fucking-sauce Tynes kickoff followed by flag football tackling? Why do we refuse to sign someone with a fucking leg?


Look on the bright side....we're LUCKY to be 5-3 right now. At this rate, 9-7 looks optimistic.


your broken TV is the best explanation I've heard so far......none of this makes sense


the air has just gone out ouf our balloon entirely

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I think it's the injury bug catching up with us and the team realizing it. You take a look at the D and we have guys like Ross/Phillips/Boley/Canty/Alford out, all these guys pretty much brought speed and depth to their positions. We're down to Robbins/Cofield/Bernard at DT and Bernard was only brought in for relief at the DT because his best years are behind him. We have basically no push up the middle in the 2nd half because out DTs are worn down and then they can contain our DEs. Then you look at our LB core, we started the season with decent front Clark/Peirce/Boley with Blackburn/Kehl/Wilk coming in for relief. Now were basically back to the pathetic front we put up last year in Clark/Pierce/Blackburn. Clark and Blackburn might as well not even be on the field since they contribute next to nothing and Pierce is being singled out and constantly getting a guard/tackle put on him in the running game. Then look at our secondary, we were formidable with Webster/Johnson/Phillips/Ross all young guys with speed and experience in the game. Now were down to Webster who is basically the only guy out there I would start on an NFL team. Johnson has been exposed as a decent safety but not starter material, CC is fucking pathetic but we honestly have nothing better to put in there...at this moment I would Bernard back there. Thomas has been alright but he is a second year player and having the pains of learning the CB position in the NFL which Webster and Ross both went threw.


At the start of the season we prided our D with having alot of depth to it and we could handle an injury or two, however we have injuries across every position or the D and now were starting the backups i.e. Blackburn/CC/Thomas/Bruce Johnson/Dockery. Lets face it this year the Giants have been hit hard by the injury bug, alot of guys are banged up and is more then likely the reason for them not being able to give it their all.


Seems like every game someone new gets banged up and someone else is going to miss the next couple of games.

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Brees, Warner and McNabb all targeted CC Brown's assignments heavily and I expect Rivers to do exactly the same.


Hopefully having Boley back at WIL, whenever he's actually ready, will at least contain some of the long TD runs. Those are flat out embarrassing.


You'd think after Brees tore him up our DC would find someone among CBs to play safety.. Simply put CC Brown is worthless, I wouldn't mind seeing the fuckin ball boy out there let alone a CB.

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How are you supposed to put a safety in something other than a coverage situation?...he's a safety...if you take him out of a coverage situation, you have to put a LB or a DL in a coverage situation in his place. Could one of them cover better than CC?


That dude is a safety-hazard.

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Maybe a safety blitz and often or bring him down into short yardage coverage to help the LBs. Let the corners play man because Brown isn't helping them much anyway. I'll admit I don't watch every Brown play to see where he is but the big shocker to me was when Jackson was let go by Webster into the secondary so that one of our slow safeties could cover him. Seriously why the hell would Sheridan ever allow this scheme; which predictably lead to a TD. I doubt anybody on this MB would ever allow such a scheme and yet there it was. Webster is a good cover corner so why allow bad cover safety like Brown be in a situation where he will be beat. It's not his strength and it's not Rouse's either so he won't help. I feel like Sheridan is playing to the Giants' weaknesses and not adjusting to the injuries to allow different schemes. This is starting to remind me a lot of Lewis who stubbornly stuck to schemes that clearly didn't suit the Giants personnel.


Thats a great point. But its also possible that Webster made a mistake too, either by missing a jam at the line or by not staying with his man. Webster has been great the last couple years, but nobody is perfect.


I believe in man to man coverage too...but then you've got the problem of manning up our LBs on TEs, RBs, and slot WRs. The way I see it, without a devastating four man pass rush and/or 3 starting caliber cornerbacks, it doesn't matter who the coordinator is, this team just doesn't have the defensive personnel to match up.

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You'd think after Brees tore him up our DC would find someone among CBs to play safety.. Simply put CC Brown is worthless, I wouldn't mind seeing the fuckin ball boy out there let alone a CB.


Terrell Thomas was mentioned as a potential 'tweener' when he was drafted, but with the injury to Aaron Ross we need him at corner.


And if you think CC Brown is slow getting to the sidelines, wait until you see Aaron Rouse.

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