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Tiki and Plax


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I believe what most people said that you could not fathom was that they loved him on the field- off the field he was divisive and not a good teammate. I still feel that way and may I add now he sucks as a commentator and fluff reporter.


Agreed. I never questioned Tiki's playing ability, I questioned and still question his off-field behavior and how it impacts him in retrospect as a Giants great. I can't list him as a Giants great because of it.

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Agreed. I never questioned Tiki's playing ability, I questioned and still question his off-field behavior and how it impacts him in retrospect as a Giants great. I can't list him as a Giants great because of it.



Well he is one nonetheless.


Here's a guy that did everything the organization wanted of him. He left it all out on the field every Sunday. He played hurt and never let it show. He mentored Jacobs and Ward.


When he commented about Coughlin's overbearing policies in 2006, there was a funny thing... HE WAS RIGHT! Coughlin WAS an overbearing asshole that gave his veteran leaders absolutely no respect. If I'm Tiki, I would be insulted, after everything that he's given and done, that he's checking up on me to make sure I'm doing the right thing at curfew.


Now, here's the other part of that... Tiki's comments, I believe, were part of the SOLUTION on Coughlin making changes. I believe Coughlin knew he had to change, and part of the reason was Tiki. Tiki retires, and the next year Coughlin has the leadership council, and he also is getting more involved with the players on a personal level and showing he cares about them. He takes them out bowling and gets to know them. Is Tiki solely responsible? No, I'm not saying that. But I think he is partly responsible. And had Coughlin NOT made those changes... I don't think we go to and win the SuperBowl in 2007.


Now, for his comments on Eli. I watched that segment on NBC live. He didn't say anything malicious. He was asked a question answered it, and the part that was edited out on SportsCenter was that he felt that Eli WOULD grow into more of a leader. But nothing of what he said there wasn't true either. Strahan said as much, too, maybe not in as large a forum and he said it in typical Strahan goofy fashion... so he can get away with it much easier. But pre-2007 Eli struggled to inspire his teammates to look at him as a leader... that is a matter of fact, and Tiki said so, but he DIDN'T say that Eli would NEVER be a leader. That was part of his job... to give insights on the Giants. It doesn't take away from anything Tiki did with the Giants. He was a great player who was villainnized for telling the truth. The media self-servingly enflamed that issue like they always do, in order to get a good soundbite from Eli and they got one.

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Well he is one nonetheless.


Here's a guy that did everything the organization wanted of him. He left it all out on the field every Sunday. He played hurt and never let it show. He mentored Jacobs and Ward.


When he commented about Coughlin's overbearing policies in 2006, there was a funny thing... HE WAS RIGHT! Coughlin WAS an overbearing asshole that gave his veteran leaders absolutely no respect. If I'm Tiki, I would be insulted, after everything that he's given and done, that he's checking up on me to make sure I'm doing the right thing at curfew.


Now, here's the other part of that... Tiki's comments, I believe, were part of the SOLUTION on Coughlin making changes. I believe Coughlin knew he had to change, and part of the reason was Tiki. Tiki retires, and the next year Coughlin has the leadership council, and he also is getting more involved with the players on a personal level and showing he cares about them. He takes them out bowling and gets to know them. Is Tiki solely responsible? No, I'm not saying that. But I think he is partly responsible. And had Coughlin NOT made those changes... I don't think we go to and win the SuperBowl in 2007.


Now, for his comments on Eli. I watched that segment on NBC live. He didn't say anything malicious. He was asked a question answered it, and the part that was edited out on SportsCenter was that he felt that Eli WOULD grow into more of a leader. But nothing of what he said there wasn't true either. Strahan said as much, too, maybe not in as large a forum and he said it in typical Strahan goofy fashion... so he can get away with it much easier. But pre-2007 Eli struggled to inspire his teammates to look at him as a leader... that is a matter of fact, and Tiki said so, but he DIDN'T say that Eli would NEVER be a leader. That was part of his job... to give insights on the Giants. It doesn't take away from anything Tiki did with the Giants. He was a great player who was villainnized for telling the truth. The media self-servingly enflamed that issue like they always do, in order to get a good soundbite from Eli and they got one.


Jim, you make a very strong case and I agree with you. However where I differ is I feel Tiki should've taken a more appropriate route to address the issue with the hard-ass coach... other than that... oh and the fact that Tiki talked retirement mid-season, I'm fine.

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Akk- we've been through this ad nasium. While some of the things Tiki said may have been valid, he could have gotten the same results by saying them behind closed doors directly to the man it applies. Airing it out in the press is either self promotional or passive aggressive. In Tiki's case, it was both. I would put him in the giants all time greats though. if you kept players out for being assholes, you'd have an empty trophy case

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