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The Better Tight End...

Guest Floyd The Barber

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I hope you do save and print it... That way when your stupidity starts to over-coming common logic… You can always reference back to this and come back to reality. In fact, if your ever at any social gathering. Take this with you, and use it at any point you feel you’re going to say something completely stupid.


Oh, lets go back to subject at hand, shall we?




Since you pronged ‘put’ to the equation. I’m going to have to do the same thing. You said “Put Bavaro in this pass happy offense and Shockey would never see the field.” Well, the same goes for Shockey. Put Phil Simms and the offensive line that Bavaro had, and you’ll see Shockey break numerous TE receiving records. With 4 different starting QB and a make shift line, Shockey has already put up way better number than Bavaro…


Shockey –1 Bavaro – .5




Ok, I’ll admit, Bavaro was a better blocker than Shockey, But not by much. For example: Tiki’s numbers have dramatically improved the last 2 years. And even though most of it is credited to Tiki…his teammate and Shockey had something to do with it also. And also, on SEVERAL occasion, both Tom Coughlin and Tiki Barber have praised Shockey’s blocking. So since they’re the professional and you’re, well a nobody, I’ll take tom’s and Tiki’s word over your any day. Yes, in the beginning of his career, Shockey couldn’t block to save his life. But like a true professional, he did what he could to improve and got better at blocking.


Shockey – 1.5 Bavaro – 1.5


Substance and attitude


Both has or had substance and attitude…Yes, Bavaro had a way about him, A quite tough guy feel to him. I remember Bavaro dragging people across the fields, knocking people out. But I don’t recall Bavaro making incredible catches. Shockey does and runs over people. You know Shockey makes some unbelievable catches over the middle. The one catch against San Diego, the one he did against the Rams when orcheleta (sp) was all over him. Also, the one against the 49ers, when Eli over threw an easy completion and Shockey made this unbelievable catch. Shockey run over players all the time. Ask Gibson, tank Williams and LaVar Arrington. Plus, Bavaro was vanilla and never pumped the offense up. Shockey does…before we drafted Shockey, we had a pretty good offense. However, they were always bullied against tougher defenses. That’s until Shockey arrived. Now, we were the one talking trash to them and backing it up.


Shockey – 2.5 Bavaro – 2.0




Bavaro never put up great playoff numbers…Yeah, he’s put up ok game. But not great. On the other hand, Shockey rocked Peterson. Who, if you remember, shut down Gonzalez. (Who people considered to be the best TE at the time) Yes he dropped a easy TD pass. But it wasn’t the game winning TD. We were up by 21 points at the time. So your argument falls on deaf ears. Nobody could have foreseen the 49ers coming back.

Shockey – 3.0 Bavaro – 2.5




Bavaro through out the years has bad mouth the Giants org. Shockey has never done that… In fact, I think Shockey was invited to join Mr. Mara in his deathbed. That speaks volumes about his character.


Shockey – 4.0 Bavaro – 2.5




Shockey went to 3 in 4 year (Probably more to come BTW). Bavaro went to 2 in 9.


So, as you can see, Shockey was the better Giants TE.

Its been my honor and pleasure for me to make you look like the complete imbecile again.



Oh, before you say Bavaro has 2 SB. It was because of our defense, not our offense.

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Guest Lockhart


I hope you do save and print it... That way when your stupidity starts to over-coming common logic… You can always reference back to this and come back to reality. In fact, if your ever at any social gathering. Take this with you, and use it at any point you feel you’re going to say something completely stupid.


Oh, lets go back to subject at hand, shall we?




Since you pronged ‘put’ to the equation. I’m going to have to do the same thing. You said “Put Bavaro in this pass happy offense and Shockey would never see the field.” Well, the same goes for Shockey. Put Phil Simms and the offensive line that Bavaro had, and you’ll see Shockey break numerous TE receiving records. With 4 different starting QB and a make shift line, Shockey has already put up way better number than Bavaro…


Shockey –1 Bavaro – .5


No, this is clearly erroneous and shows both the lack of knowledge and actual experience in the game. Put Shockey in Simm's offense he is hurt in two weeks. It was a power running offense where Bavaro was a blocker first, then a TE - Shockey would have folded - he has already complained about blocking again no heart. As for receiving, Bavaro had much better hands and after the catch would drag defensers down the field. Shockey is faster, but assuming he doesn't drop the ball, he goes down very easily - too easily.

Then you went with the ignorant line cop-out, assuming the Giant line under Simms was mush better than Todays. That is absolutely wrong. The defenses today are much better and manned by much more athletic individuals - still Tiki rushed for over 1,800 yards, after over 1,500 last season. the lines are fine - its the QB, and the dropped passes that are the problem. Put Bavaro in this offense and he makes Shockey look like the metro-sexual he desires to be. Tiki would not only rush for more yardage, Eli would have a much more reliable receiver . This one isn't even close. Learn the game sunshine.



Ok, I’ll admit, Bavaro was a better blocker than Shockey, But not by much. For example: Tiki’s numbers have dramatically improved the last 2 years. And even though most of it is credited to Tiki…his teammate and Shockey had something to do with it also. And also, on SEVERAL occasion, both Tom Coughlin and Tiki Barber have praised Shockey’s blocking. So since they’re the professional and you’re, well a nobody, I’ll take tom’s and Tiki’s word over your any day. Yes, in the beginning of his career, Shockey couldn’t block to save his life. But like a true professional, he did what he could to improve and got better at blocking.


Shockey – 1.5 Bavaro – 1.5


Not even close Bavaro was a blocker on a power rushing offense - Shockey whines like a girl when he has to black.

Substance and attitude


Both has or had substance and attitude…Yes, Bavaro had a way about him, A quite tough guy feel to him. I remember Bavaro dragging people across the fields, knocking people out. But I don’t recall Bavaro making incredible catches. Shockey does and runs over people. You know Shockey makes some unbelievable catches over the middle. The one catch against San Diego, the one he did against the Rams when orcheleta (sp) was all over him. Also, the one against the 49ers, when Eli over threw an easy completion and Shockey made this unbelievable catch. Shockey run over players all the time. Ask Gibson, tank Williams and LaVar Arrington. Plus, Bavaro was vanilla and never pumped the offense up. Shockey does…before we drafted Shockey, we had a pretty good offense. However, they were always bullied against tougher defenses. That’s until Shockey arrived. Now, we were the one talking trash to them and backing it up.


Shockey – 2.5 Bavaro – 2.0

Shockey talks like a badass, but that only works when you show it on the field - he drops too many balls, and makes far too many mistakes to be considered a bad ass. Bavaro never said a word, but as Parcells said - "He's scary". In toughness Shockey isn't close to Bavaro - Shockey is all show, and little substance - Bavaro is the quiet assasin.



Bavaro never put up great playoff numbers…Yeah, he’s put up ok game. But not great. On the other hand, Shockey rocked Peterson. Who, if you remember, shut down Gonzalez. (Who people considered to be the best TE at the time) Yes he dropped a easy TD pass. But it wasn’t the game winning TD. We were up by 21 points at the time. So your argument falls on deaf ears. Nobody could have foreseen the 49ers coming back.

Shockey – 3.0 Bavaro – 2.5

This is the biggest joke of all - after Shockey drops the game winning TD as SF, claps his hands and laughs. the 49er fans still laugh at that drop - if shockey catches that lollipop game over. In the Carolina game Shockey and Plaxico quit in the 2nd quarter. Bavaro always played great, even if it meant mostly blocking. Bavaro has two Super Bowl rings - Shockey has two poorly played playoff games. to suggest they are equal is being delusional and a Shockeyite - you fool noone.




Bavaro through out the years has bad mouth the Giants org. Shockey has never done that… In fact, I think Shockey was invited to join Mr. Mara in his deathbed. That speaks volumes about his character.



Perhaps the dopiest of the rankings - Shockey skips the off season workouts the last two years, and you give him a point as he was INVITED TO MARA's FUNERAL - This one is beyond Stupid. He is actually trying to say the TE that refuses to join his teammates for workouts, who throws girlish tantrums on the field showing up his QB, and who complains about blocking too much is somehow a better Giant than Bavaro, who would NEVER missed a practice, even if he was hurting because he thought you were a pussy for missing practice. Shockey quits on his team in a playoff game. This was the greatest of all insults. Shockey isn't even a very good Giant at all, skipping wrokouts and making it clear it is all about him, not the team.

Bavaro complained about the Giants because they cut him after 9 years of service. We all know Shockey would do the same and more when he is cut. Secondly, Bavaro was ALWAYS a team player while a Giant - Shockey never has been. This one really makes no sense I and WILL definitely put this on the Giant.com board for their review (without my comments). To question Bavaro's loyalty will start fistfights.




Shockey went to 3 in 4 year (Probably more to come BTW). Bavaro went to 2 in 9.



Bavaro went to his 2 Probowls, How many did Shockey actually attend? He still has no rings and he still has performed poorly in playoff games. This was perhaps the most infantile and seriously flawed attempt at an analysis I have seen on this board - I know know you never played football and you certainly don't know it very well. You have attempted to demean the best TE in Giant history to benefit the current TE who can't even leave his Miami digs to workout with his teammates.


I dare you to go to the stadium and repeat this garbage.

So, as you can see, Shockey was the better Giants TE.

Its been my honor and pleasure for me to make you look like the complete imbecile again.


Again, I am going to stick this on the giant board without my commen and let's see how it goes.


try again Junior - what you wrote in 80% nonsense.

Edited by Lockhart
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Guest Lockhart
Oh, before you say Bavaro has 2 SB. It was because of our defense, not our offense.



Wrong again moron. Simms still has the Super bowl record going 22 for 25 in the shellacking of the Broncos on an offensive EXPLOSION. winning 39-20 - Bavaro had 4 receptions for 51 yards and a TD. MVP Phil Simms was 22 for 25 for 268 yards and 3 TDs - -----defense huh?


In the Bufalo Super Bowl OJ Anderson the Giant RB won the MVP. Bavaro again clutch with 4 receptions for 50 yards and the Giants win it on the ground with Andersoon and Meggett. Hostetler was the QB as Simms had been knocked out earlier in the season. Still Bavaro did most of his damage blocking. Defense was good, but the ground game ate the clock the Giants had the ball for 40 minutes and 33 seconds - the defense didn't have much to do .


Next time check your stats

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try again Junior - what you wrote in 80% nonsense.

No, this is clearly erroneous and shows both the lack of knowledge and actual experience in the game. Put Shockey in Simm's offense he is hurt in two weeks. It was a power running offense where Bavaro was a blocker first, then a TE - Shockey would have folded - he has already complained about blocking again no heart. As for receiving, Bavaro had much better hands and after the catch would drag defensers down the field. Shockey is faster, but assuming he doesn't drop the ball, he goes down very easily - too easily.

Then you went with the ignorant line cop-out, assuming the Giant line under Simms was mush better than Todays. That is absolutely wrong. The defenses today are much better and manned by much more athletic individuals - still Tiki rushed for over 1,800 yards, after over 1,500 last season. the lines are fine - its the QB, and the dropped passes that are the problem. Put Bavaro in this offense and he makes Shockey look like the metro-sexual he desires to be. Tiki would not only rush for more yardage, Eli would have a much more reliable receiver . This one isn't even close. Learn the game sunshine.




Ok, fine. If that's the case...then if you put Bavaro in today offense, he too slow to get open and in two weeks he is benched and only used in running situation. Since you like to come up with bullshit senarios, I guess I will too. The fact of the matter is Shockey has better recieving yards than Bavaro after 4 years playing period!


Shockey is faster, but assuming he doesn't drop the ball, he goes down very easily - too easily

Yep, you're right, he does down very easily... :rolleyes:




Bavaro Wishes he could make catches like this:




Once again, you show your ignorance with this comments:


The defenses today are much better and manned by much more athletic individuals - still Tiki rushed for over 1,800 yards, after over 1,500 last season. Not even close Bavaro was a blocker on a power rushing offense - Shockey whines like a girl when he has to black.


But yet both Tom Couglin and Tiki Praised Shockey's Blocking. Hmm, Who do I believe, The "Profession Head Coach and Player" or a complete moron? I'll stick with the head coach and player.




Shockey talks like a badass, but that only works when you show it on the field - he drops too many balls, and makes far too many mistakes to be considered a bad ass. Bavaro never said a word, but as Parcells said - "He's scary". In toughness Shockey isn't close to Bavaro - Shockey is all show, and little substance - Bavaro is the quiet assasin.

This is the biggest joke of all - after Shockey drops the game winning TD as SF, claps his hands and laughs. the 49er fans still laugh at that drop - if shockey catches that lollipop game over. In the Carolina game Shockey and Plaxico quit in the 2nd quarter. Bavaro always played great, even if it meant mostly blocking. Bavaro has two Super Bowl rings - Shockey has two poorly played playoff games. to suggest they are equal is being delusional and a Shockeyite - you fool noone.



Again, we were up by 21 points at the time. I'm sorry, but when your offense score 39 point and still loses the game. Your defense lost the game, not your offense. Even M. Strahan took full responsiblity for them losing that game. So good try, but no one is buying it.


Again, Shockey had 6 drop balls (well, actually 5...but that's a complete different story) Yep, that's alot.


Perhaps the dopiest of the rankings - Shockey skips the off season workouts the last two years, and you give him a point as he was INVITED TO MARA's FUNERAL - This one is beyond Stupid. He is actually trying to say the TE that refuses to join his teammates for workouts, who throws girlish tantrums on the field showing up his QB, and who complains about blocking too much is somehow a better Giant than Bavaro, who would NEVER missed a practice, even if he was hurting because he thought you were a pussy for missing practice. Shockey quits on his team in a playoff game. This was the greatest of all insults. Shockey isn't even a very good Giant at all, skipping wrokouts and making it clear it is all about him, not the team.

Bavaro complained about the Giants because they cut him after 9 years of service. We all know Shockey would do the same and more when he is cut. Secondly, Bavaro was ALWAYS a team player while a Giant - Shockey never has been. This one really makes no sense I and WILL definitely put this on the Giant.com board for their review (without my comments). To question Bavaro's loyalty will start fistfights.


:huh: Maybe you didn't read what I wrote "Shockey was invited to Mr. Mara's 'DEATHBED'. I know this is WAY above your head, since no one will ever want to spend their last hours on earth with you. But when someone invites you to their DEATHBED, its considered a great honor. And oh yeah, bavaro only played 6 years with the Giants. But you already knew that right? :doh:




Bavaro went to his 2 Probowls, How many did Shockey actually attend? He still has no rings and he still has performed poorly in playoff games. This was perhaps the most infantile and seriously flawed attempt at an analysis I have seen on this board - I know know you never played football and you certainly don't know it very well. You have attempted to demean the best TE in Giant history to benefit the current TE who can't even leave his Miami digs to workout with his teammates.


I dare you to go to the stadium and repeat this garbage.

:huh: Last time I check, Shockey was select to THREE Probowls...I know adding wasn't your forte, but come on.


Once again you failed....Now shoo little girl. Go read the gossip collum, leave the sports section to the real men.

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Wrong again moron. Simms still has the Super bowl record going 22 for 25 in the shellacking of the Broncos on an offensive EXPLOSION. winning 39-20 - Bavaro had 4 receptions for 51 yards and a TD. MVP Phil Simms was 22 for 25 for 268 yards and 3 TDs - -----defense huh?


In the Bufalo Super Bowl OJ Anderson the Giant RB won the MVP. Bavaro again clutch with 4 receptions for 50 yards and the Giants win it on the ground with Andersoon and Meggett. Hostetler was the QB as Simms had been knocked out earlier in the season. Still Bavaro did most of his damage blocking. Defense was good, but the ground game ate the clock the Giants had the ball for 40 minutes and 33 seconds - the defense didn't have much to do .


Next time check your stats

I guess the Defense holding them to 3 and outs had nothing to do with it either. Yep, it was all the offense, not the defense. :doh:

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starting a topic about who's better Shockey versus Bavaro is just a cheap way to take shots at Shock. Believe me I'm a fan of Jeremy, but realistically he's got some ways to go before he can be considered better than Bavaro. Bavaro's play against the 49ers is possibly the guttiest play of all time and it alone stuck a dagger in the 49ers that game and sent a huge message to the team and the league that the Giants were simply not going to be beaten. Bavaro's blocking was better and his hands were like a vacuum. He made his plays, put the ball down and returned to the huddle with no pizazz. Parcells said once, "i wouldn't want to have to fight that guy" and truth was nobody would have wanted to, he was that tough. Shockey has time on his side but as of now, you're kidding yourself if you think Shockey is better,


That said, if this was 3 years ago, and the question was Hampton versus Tiki, back then I would have said Hampton, I loved Big Rod, he played on some shit teams, and never fumbled. But there's no doubt anymore that Tiki is better of the 2. Time changes everything.


Hell, while we're at it, let's compare Lionel Manuel/ Bobby Johnson or even mark Ingram to Plaxico. Hell, they don't compare to Plaxico in stats, but in crunch time, who would you rather. You'd have to think about it, most older Giant fans wouldn't be saying Plaxico.

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Oh, before you say Bavaro has 2 SB. It was because of our defense, not our offense.


Nem, Superbowl 25, the offense had the ball for 40 minutes. ball control won the game for us and in fairness, late in the game the defense gave up big chunks of yardage when we had good field position on them.

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Guest Lockhart
I guess the Defense holding them to 3 and outs had nothing to do with it either. Yep, it was all the offense, not the defense. :doh:



The defense was only on the filed less than 20 minutes, and in fact caved in badly the last 2 minutes giving up a long drive - the Bills misses a 48 yard FG with time running out. The Giant defense gave up 19 points and wasn't evemn on the field 20 minutes. It's a good thing the Giant offense held the ball MORE than 40 minutes as the shredded Giant defense was giving up 1 point per minute - try again kid.


For what it's worth -you silly little rating is getting slaughtered on th eGiant.com message board, as it should. Comparing a Playoff game choke to the Giant's two-time Super Bowl and all-time TE is an insult to Bavaro.

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Nem, Superbowl 25, the offense had the ball for 40 minutes. ball control won the game for us and in fairness, late in the game the defense gave up big chunks of yardage when we had good field position on them.

And we scored what, 30 points in the second half in super bowl 21?

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Guest Lockhart
Ok, fine. If that's the case...then if you put Bavaro in today offense, he too slow to get open and in two weeks he is benched and only used in running situation. Since you like to come up with bullshit senarios, I guess I will too. The fact of the matter is Shockey has better recieving yards than Bavaro after 4 years playing period!

Yep, you're right, he does down very easily... :rolleyes:




Bavaro Wishes he could make catches like this:




Once again, you show your ignorance with this comments:

But yet both Tom Couglin and Tiki Praised Shockey's Blocking. Hmm, Who do I believe, The "Profession Head Coach and Player" or a complete moron? I'll stick with the head coach and player.





Again, we were up by 21 points at the time. I'm sorry, but when your offense score 39 point and still loses the game. Your defense lost the game, not your offense. Even M. Strahan took full responsiblity for them losing that game. So good try, but no one is buying it.


Again, Shockey had 6 drop balls (well, actually 5...but that's a complete different story) Yep, that's alot.

:huh: Maybe you didn't read what I wrote "Shockey was invited to Mr. Mara's 'DEATHBED'. I know this is WAY above your head, since no one will ever want to spend their last hours on earth with you. But when someone invites you to their DEATHBED, its considered a great honor. And oh yeah, bavaro only played 6 years with the Giants. But you already knew that right? :doh:

:huh: Last time I check, Shockey was select to THREE Probowls...I know adding wasn't your forte, but come on.


Once again you failed....Now shoo little girl. Go read the gossip collum, leave the sports section to the real men.



Good thing Wellington Mara wasn't on his Deathbed during the off -season, or Shockey would have refused to leave his Miami Digs to see Wellington. By the way, your little analysis is getting murdered on the Giant.com site.

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Guest Carbo

Nemesis, if this thread has proven one thing, it would be that there is no limit to your lack of understanding of the game of football. To quote impotent statistics as a way of bolstering your stance is understandable, yet pathetic. If you are so ignorant, and so shortsighted, as to rely solely on stats as the determining factor in rating a player's performance and ability, you really need a check up from the neck up.

Even more so, you and the other clowns on this board who keep shouting about the Pro Bowl as an indicator of Shockey's greatness need to realize that the Pro Bowl these days is nothing more than a beauty pagaent. Once it was turned over to the fans, instead of the coaches and players, it became nothing more than a popularity contest.

Honestly, to compare Shockey to Bavaro is an embarrassment to both. They are not cut from the same cloth, and Jeremy would not have been able to even make the team back in the day.

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Guest Lockhart
Nemesis, if this thread has proven one thing, it would be that there is no limit to your lack of understanding of the game of football. To quote impotent statistics as a way of bolstering your stance is understandable, yet pathetic. If you are so ignorant, and so shortsighted, as to rely solely on stats as the determining factor in rating a player's performance and ability, you really need a check up from the neck up.

Even more so, you and the other clowns on this board who keep shouting about the Pro Bowl as an indicator of Shockey's greatness need to realize that the Pro Bowl these days is nothing more than a beauty pagaent. Once it was turned over to the fans, instead of the coaches and players, it became nothing more than a popularity contest.

Honestly, to compare Shockey to Bavaro is an embarrassment to both. They are not cut from the same cloth, and Jeremy would not have been able to even make the team back in the day.



Shockey would have had to make the team as a slow WR or backup TE with his blocking abilities.

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Nemesis, if this thread has proven one thing, it would be that there is no limit to your lack of understanding of the game of football. To quote impotent statistics as a way of bolstering your stance is understandable, yet pathetic.


The Ol' "You don't know anything about football " card comes out. [Enter sarcasm]Well, I apologize for using stats, common knowledge and quotes from professional player and coaches. I guess I should of known my audience and used a more "He said, she said" method of making an argument. . Maybe instead using sport news website, sports articles and coaches as resources to make my argument. I should of used what the Fag4 uses instead. (The gossip column, the local mall and hair salon.) [/Enter Sarcasm]


The truth is, none of you guys have actual evidence to back your side of your argument. The only thing you have shown is your personal opinion. And I hate to burst your bubble, but your opinion means shit to the rest of us. You are a nobody...No one actual cares about your opinion.


So lets review :

- I was able to prove, even with a worse QB and Offensive line, Shockey was able to put better numbers than Bavaro.

-You said Shockey isn't a very good blocker. (Again, your personal opinion. But keep in mind you're a nobody.) But I brought the fact that both Tiki and Coughlin said other wise. (They are a somebody)

If you are so ignorant, and so shortsighted, as to rely solely on stats as the determining factor in rating a player's performance and ability, you really need a check up from the neck up.

You, out of all people is accusing me of being ignorant? please, you're the very defenition of ignorance.


Even more so, you and the other clowns on this board who keep shouting about the Pro Bowl as an indicator of Shockey's greatness need to realize that the Pro Bowl these days is nothing more than a beauty pagaent. Once it was turned over to the fans, instead of the coaches and players, it became nothing more than a popularity contest.

Hey, don't hate the player, hate the game.

Honestly, to compare Shockey to Bavaro is an embarrassment to both. They are not cut from the same cloth, and Jeremy would not have been able to even make the team back in the day.

Yaaaaawn, yeah, yeah...save it for someone who cares. Yet another "Put Shockey in the past" senerios you can't prove. OK, since that how you like to play, here's mine. Put Bavaro in todays offense, and he doesn't get passed NFL Europe.


Thank you for playing "Why the fag4 are complete morons"


This house is cleared. ;)

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Guest Carbo
Put Bavaro in todays offense, and he doesn't get passed NFL Europe.
:rolleyes::LMAO: That pretty much secures you the Win, Place, and Show positions for this year's Height of Stupidity Award. Congratulations, nemesis!

By the way, don't thank me. A similar thread over on giants.kiddies.com is also ripping you for posting such blather. You are defending an indefensible position. Please do stop. We are actually moved to pitying you at this point.

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:rolleyes::LMAO: That pretty much secures you the Win, Place, and Show positions for this year's Height of Stupidity Award. Congratulations, nemesis!

By the way, don't thank me. A similar thread over on giants.kiddies.com is also ripping you for posting such blather. You are defending an indefensible position. Please do stop. We are actually moved to pitying you at this point.

Trust me, your:

They are not cut from the same cloth, and Jeremy would not have been able to even make the team back in the day.


Already permantly placed you for such honor.


Ripping me? :LMAO: I guess when over 50% of the posters agree that shockey will, and is a better TE than Bavaro. I guess they are "Ripping" me. :rolleyes:


There may be a on going debate on whether who is the better TE. But one thing is for sure, and every agrees on this. You're a complete moron.

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Guest Floyd The Barber

50% of posters are stupid...id even give them the benefit of the doubt and go on a limb to say 75% of posters are stupid...reason being ?? i would mortgage that 75% of posters on this board, as well as giants.kiddie.com never even watched Bavaro play a season, let alone a play...


if they had, this wouldnt even be debateable...Bavaro could teach Shockey a few things about playing TE in the NFL no matter what the era is...he could probably also teach him how to carry a pint like a man through a crowded pub without spilling any...

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Guest Lockhart
50% of posters are stupid...id even give them the benefit of the doubt and go on a limb to say 75% of posters are stupid...reason being ?? i would mortgage that 75% of posters on this board, as well as giants.kiddie.com never even watched Bavaro play a season, let alone a play...


if they had, this wouldnt even be debateable...Bavaro could teach Shockey a few things about playing TE in the NFL no matter what the era is...he could probably also teach him how to carry a pint like a man through a crowded pub without spilling any...



Whatever - certainly that pre-teen crowd that thinks Shockey is better than Bavaro falls into the brain-dead group. Even the Kiddie.com board trashed those lost souls that erroneously stated Shockey was better. I guess that would be called pre-teen on pre-teen crime! Anyone who saw Bavaro play knows thiese adolescent illiterates yelping that Shockey is better is just another example of the ignorance of youth. As they mature and become more learned they will understand their mistake.


Even the overwhelming majority on Kiddie.com knew that Bavaro was much better than Shockey - just the same few Madden players that wouldn't know Bavaro from Hillary Clinton chose Shockey.......they too were berated by all.

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50% of posters are stupid...id even give them the benefit of the doubt and go on a limb to say 75% of posters are stupid...reason being ?? i would mortgage that 75% of posters on this board, as well as giants.kiddie.com never even watched Bavaro play a season, let alone a play...


if they had, this wouldnt even be debateable...Bavaro could teach Shockey a few things about playing TE in the NFL no matter what the era is...he could probably also teach him how to carry a pint like a man through a crowded pub without spilling any...


really what is bavaro going to teach shockey?


keep your mouth shut? Do what the coaches say without question? let your play of the field speak for itself?


all things that shockeys father should have taught him...


There are few players in the league now with Bavaros mental toughness...and in a day and age of "fantasy" football you convincing anyone Barvaro is better in any other sense then TD's probowl appreances and Yards can't be done...


the term Metro sexual should be well know by you considering your part of the Fab 4...


I would wager a guess that lockhart has an eagle flag "tat" right under his rainbow dolphin...

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Guest Lockhart
really what is bavaro going to teach shockey?


keep your mouth shut? Do what the coaches say without question? let your play of the field speak for itself?


all things that shockeys father should have taught him...


There are few players in the league now with Bavaros mental toughness...and in a day and age of "fantasy" football you convincing anyone Barvaro is better in any other sense then TD's probowl appreances and Yards can't be done...


the term Metro sexual should be well know by you considering your part of the Fab 4...


I would wager a guess that lockhart has an eagle flag "tat" right under his rainbow dolphin...



Shockey talks tough but gets hurt easy - Bavaro WAS tough and PLAYED tough. Bavaro could teach Shockey how to be a much better all-around TE, a better teammate (Shockey is in Miami isn't he - where are his teammates?)- and finally to start acting like an adult and a pro instead of some UM punk. If Shockey had a better attitude his game would improve.

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Shockey talks tough but gets hurt easy - Bavaro WAS tough and PLAYED tough. Bavaro could teach Shockey how to be a much better all-around TE, a better teammate (Shockey is in Miami isn't he - where are his teammates?)- and finally to start acting like an adult and a pro instead of some UM punk. If Shockey had a better attitude his game would improve.

Toughness is not taught...


Shockey is not an adult...


But in his defense he's a good football player....


I don't know whats worse the shockey tijuana off season workout program...


or the I'm a whinny bitch with sand in my vagina offseason shockey threads

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It's amazing how irrelevant this thread is in its second week.


This is just dopey.


Here's what you can ascertain from this, the author is somewhere between 27 and 37 (ish) and what his daddy taught him about the Giants is about all he knows.


Yes, we all enjoyed the glory years of the Giants in the 80's but much in the game has changed, so let's put on our big boy pants and stop playing the "I wish" game.


This is beyond iritating, it's getting to be boring.

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Shockey talks tough but gets hurt easy - Bavaro WAS tough and PLAYED tough. Bavaro could teach Shockey how to be a much better all-around TE, a better teammate (Shockey is in Miami isn't he - where are his teammates?)- and finally to start acting like an adult and a pro instead of some UM punk. If Shockey had a better attitude his game would improve.



If Bavaro is so good why did he only go to 2 Probowls in 9 years when there wasn't as many good tight ends as there are today and the Voting was done by coaches and player? Shockey has 3 in 4 years When TE's are at there highest production in NFL history


In this day and age players are faster stronger and more agile..That's a fact....Look at weight training alone...Its grown leaps and bounds since the 80's ...Same could be said of Speed training....


Comparing Bavaro to Shockey is like comparing Atari (Bavaro) to XBOX 360 (Shockey) sure they were a lot of fun and we all miss them just a little bit, but 360 is an all around better machine and given a choice we would all take the 360




If Shockey had a better attitude his game would improve.



Dude Shockey is fueled by his Attitude....You don't watch football do you....You don't seem to see that he has been the catalyst on many occasions, Pumping up the team getting every one playing harder

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Guest Lockhart
If Bavaro is so good why did he only go to 2 Probowls in 9 years when there wasn't as many good tight ends as there are today and the Voting was done by coaches and player? Shockey has 3 in 4 years When TE's are at there highest production in NFL history


In this day and age players are faster stronger and more agile..That's a fact....Look at weight training alone...Its grown leaps and bounds since the 80's ...Same could be said of Speed training....


Comparing Bavaro to Shockey is like comparing Atari (Bavaro) to XBOX 360 (Shockey) sure they were a lot of fun and we all miss them just a little bit, but 360 is an all around better machine and given a choice we would all take the 360

Dude Shockey is fueled by his Attitude....You don't watch football do you....You don't seem to see that he has been the catalyst on many occasions, Pumping up the team getting every one playing harder



It's fitting that you use an X-Box comparison as you have no idea about Bavaro. Bavaro would have destroyed Shockey. Shockey's "attitude" consists of bravado and mouth, while Bavaro showed his attitude on the field. Bavaro was voted to two Pro bowls by the coaches and players - not the popularity contest of Today. Bavaro showed up and played in his two pro bowls - Shockey skipped some of his to party in Miami. Bavaro played great in playoff games - Shockey doesn't - Bavaro has two Super Bowl Rings - Shockey doesn't - you little X-boxers and Madden players should learn some Giant history, so you would know better.

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