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I don't want anything to do with the Eagles in the postseason


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AZ is tough at home, or at least doesn't suck as much; and asking a playoff win from a rookie QB is a lot to ask, so I wouldn't rule them out yet. They'll be beaten badly if they get into the divisional round, though, no matter who they play. Claiming to be back on track by beating Seattle doesn't exactly prove anything to me.


Minny just doesn't impress me. They had to play yesterday like a playoff game, and they still barely beat our second stringers.


Philly doesn't particularly scare me by themselves. We were pretty beat up playing them last time, and hopefully the bye week gets us healed up so we're playing closer to 100%. Then we'll see. That's not an excuse, they won fair and square. But the teams split, so it's not like they should strike unbridled fear.


What really scares me is that Philly has a nasty habit of breaking streaks on us. Seems like they always have. I just hope the streak they break next isn't SB trips.


But let's see who wins next week first.


If Carolina had gotten the first seed, they would have scared me a lot more than they do now. A .500 road record isn't one that instills awe, but that's not to say they or any team we play shouldn't be respected.

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how about when you said that the giants were the first team to win three road playoff games and then the super bowl? the dog will kindly await the change to your signature...that is, if you are a man of your word...which the dog already suspects you are not...


Good try doggie poo, but I said the Giants were the first team to win the SB all on the road. You said Pitt did it, and they were the home team for their SB win. We were the road team.




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Good try doggie poo, but I said the Giants were the first team to win the SB all on the road. You said Pitt did it, and they were the home team for their SB win. We were the road team.






That's a pretty weak argument. Oh and Pittsburgh was the away team.




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Good try doggie poo, but I said the Giants were the first team to win the SB all on the road. You said Pitt did it, and they were the home team for their SB win. We were the road team.





you know what? the dog is officially done with you now...you have shown your true character for all to see reaching like that...really, the steelers were the home team in the super bowl? that is what you are hanging this on? ha...the dog finds you too easy and entertaining. pathetic in every way...that is you...ha ha ha ha...WOO!!

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No, they were the home team, they just chose to wear their white jerseys.



What does that have anything to do with it, really? What a dumb argument.

The Superbowl is played at a neutral site, I doubt anyone gets a "home field advantage"

in it.


The Steelers were the 1st team to win 3 games on the road and to win a super bowl,

case close.

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you know what? the dog is officially done with you now...you have shown your true character for all to see reaching like that...really, the steelers were the home team in the super bowl? that is what you are hanging this on? ha...the dog finds you too easy and entertaining. pathetic in every way...that is you...ha ha ha ha...WOO!!


Whats pathetic, is the fact that you tried to prove me wrong, and you did so by bringing up said weak argument. I said point out where Im wrong, and you used this. Now, you're trying to say that Im reaching, but YOU brought it up! lol. Oh, and also, thats like the 3rd time you said you're done with me. :P Also remeber that when this topic first started (winning SB on road) I said I BELIEVE the Giants are the only team to do it on the road. I didnt state anything as fact, I ASKED. Now who's pathetic? Me, or the guy who keeps responding to me? :)



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What does that have anything to do with it, really? What a dumb argument.

The Superbowl is played at a neutral site, I doubt anyone gets a "home field advantage"

in it.


The Steelers were the 1st team to win 3 games on the road and to win a super bowl,

case close.


Nothing. I think you need to quote the dog and ask that. He brought it up.

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Whats pathetic, is the fact that you tried to prove me wrong, and you did so by bringing up said weak argument. I said point out where Im wrong, and you used this. Now, you're trying to say that Im reaching, but YOU brought it up! lol. Oh, and also, thats like the 3rd time you said you're done with me. :P Also remeber that when this topic first started (winning SB on road) I said I BELIEVE the Giants are the only team to do it on the road. I didnt state anything as fact, I ASKED. Now who's pathetic? Me, or the guy who keeps responding to me? :)


here is what you said you silly, silly man:


We havent seen teams swoon at the end and pick it up again in the playoffs, but then again we never saw what happened with the Giants last yr before, winning the SB completely on the road. Every yr it seems that a team does something out of the ordinary, or a surprise team gets hot at the right time. We dont want to lose another game, but its not completely unimaginable that we would pick it up again once the playoffs started.


so now that you were wrong again, the dog wonders when you will change your signature...oh that's right, you won't because of that whole character thingy...ha ha ha ha ha...

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here is what you said you silly, silly man:


We havent seen teams swoon at the end and pick it up again in the playoffs, but then again we never saw what happened with the Giants last yr before, winning the SB completely on the road. Every yr it seems that a team does something out of the ordinary, or a surprise team gets hot at the right time. We dont want to lose another game, but its not completely unimaginable that we would pick it up again once the playoffs started.


so now that you were wrong again, the dog wonders when you will change your signature...oh that's right, you won't because of that whole character thingy...ha ha ha ha ha...


And we havent. The Steelers were the Home team for the SB. Nit picky or not, I was right.




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And we havent. The Steelers were the Home team for the SB. Nit picky or not, I was right.





um, you never said you "believe" as you stated in the previous post, but since we are looking at when you have been wrong in the past, the dog wonders if we can count the time you said that seeding in the playoffs in the event of an even record comes down to conference record before head to head? um, the dog wants your signature to read "The Italian Hotdog is King" in really large font...and since we never discussed the length of time, the dog thinks it would be fair for this to be your signature until the next giant's win...agreed?

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um, you never said you "believe" as you stated in the previous post, but since we are looking at when you have been wrong in the past, the dog wonders if we can count the time you said that seeding in the playoffs in the event of an even record comes down to conference record before head to head? um, the dog wants your signature to read "The Italian Hotdog is King" in really large font...and since we never discussed the length of time, the dog thinks it would be fair for this to be your signature until the next giant's win...agreed?


Now who's reaching. We're talking things like flat out getting a players position wrong, or something like that. This is what I mean by "chewin the rag." If you're one of those annoying dipshits that during the course of a converstaion, you stop every little sentence to say, "thats not entirley true, the fact is...." then I would be surprised if you have any teeth left. I said I thought confernce seeding was first. I didnt know. :rolleyes:


Oh, btw, its flattering that you follow me around. I knew you'd dig up some stuff, you're like a lil puppy dog. :P

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Now who's reaching. We're talking things like flat out getting a players position wrong, or something like that. This is what I mean by "chewin the rag." If you're one of those annoying dipshits that during the course of a converstaion, you stop every little sentence to say, "thats not entirley true, the fact is...." then I would be surprised if you have any teeth left. I said I thought confernce seeding was first. I didnt know. :rolleyes:


Oh, btw, its flattering that you follow me around. I knew you'd dig up some stuff, you're like a lil puppy dog. :P


um...once again, in every thread today, it was you that started with the dog (just to be clear on that one), as well as you bumping up a thread from over a week ago to respond to what the dog had said...


as per this little debate, as per the usual, you start something, then when clearly wrong, you try and change the rules to fit what you want...quite amusing, but again, your true colors show, and it speaks to character and integrity...you were quite wrong on the giants being the first team to win three games on the road in the playoffs...you were quite wrong when you stated that conference record is the tie breaker over head-to-head...and you were quite wrong on all other accounts that you were kind enough to mention above. but don't change your signature as you said you would...the dog gives you a pass, since you can't run away from your character...or lack there of...WOO!

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um...once again, in every thread today, it was you that started with the dog (just to be clear on that one), as well as you bumping up a thread from over a week ago to respond to what the dog had said...


as per this little debate, as per the usual, you start something, then when clearly wrong, you try and change the rules to fit what you want...quite amusing, but again, your true colors show, and it speaks to character and integrity...you were quite wrong on the giants being the first team to win three games on the road in the playoffs...you were quite wrong when you stated that conference record is the tie breaker over head-to-head...and you were quite wrong on all other accounts that you were kind enough to mention above. but don't change your signature as you said you would...the dog gives you a pass, since you can't run away from your character...or lack there of...WOO!


As a loser of a bet two years in a row in which I had to change my avatar to something pro-Yankee :puke:, I have to agree with the dog on this one, the debt should be paid, and signature changed. Nothing personal blue...


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As a loser of a bet two years in a row in which I had to change my avatar to something pro-Yankee :puke:, I have to agree with the dog on this one, the debt should be paid, and signature changed. Nothing personal blue...


Pay a debt my ass, theres no debt to be paid. He tries to say everything I say is non factual, and I said prove it. Were talking about maybe 2 things here, which I pointed out already, thats not everything. The first to win 3 on the road, the conference head to head, thats not what we're talking about nor did I get those wrong. Those were never a direct conversation between us where he asked me a question and I got it wrong. He cant just pull shit from other conversations and twist them in his favor. Now, like I said to the dog....NEXT! :)

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Still such a weak fucking argument though.


"OOOHHH, but Pittsburgh was the home team for THEIR superbowl victory"


No one cares, Jesus Christ.


You might wanna come in at the beginning of the conversation before you start talking like you know whats going on. Yeah, no one does care about that, normally. But the dog is bringing that up, and that's just one part of what we're talking about. He is saying that I get EVERYTHING wrong that I say. And I told him to prove it. He used a time where I said we were the first team to win it all on the road, and he said it was PITT. I said technically it was us because PITT was the home team for that SB but chose to wear their white jerseys. Weak? yes. Does it make me right? Yes as well. But the dog tried to use that weak ass argument to prove me wrong, not I. I bet him that if he could prove that I am putting forth such inaccurate info such as what position Keith Elias played(which is still weak IMO) then he would win. See? This is a weak argument, but it wasnt waht I was talking about. Its the dogs weak attempt at winning the bet.

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I hate them as much as the next Giants fan, but they looked scary yesterday. add to that that its probably Reid and McNab's last season. Also, they fought hard to get into the playoffs and look like they are peaking. I'd rather play any other team in the NFC

they looked scary against the Redskins last week also I presume.

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Pay a debt my ass, theres no debt to be paid. He tries to say everything I say is non factual, and I said prove it. Were talking about maybe 2 things here, which I pointed out already, thats not everything. The first to win 3 on the road, the conference head to head, thats not what we're talking about nor did I get those wrong. Those were never a direct conversation between us where he asked me a question and I got it wrong. He cant just pull shit from other conversations and twist them in his favor. Now, like I said to the dog....NEXT! :)


Oh snap, I've been NEXTED.



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What does that have anything to do with it, really? What a dumb argument.

The Superbowl is played at a neutral site, I doubt anyone gets a "home field advantage"

in it.


The Steelers were the 1st team to win 3 games on the road and to win a super bowl,

case close.

the napa grapes just did that last week. :flex:

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I hate them as much as the next Giants fan, but they looked scary yesterday. add to that that its probably Reid and McNab's last season. Also, they fought hard to get into the playoffs and look like they are peaking. I'd rather play any other team in the NFC

97, Initially I felt the same way.. but really.. fuck it. Bring on the fucking eagles. They're a good team and we have to beat them on our way to our 2nd title in a row.. no sense of backing down or wishing someone else takes care of them.

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