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And that equates to fantasy how exactly?


fantasy: An imagined event or sequence of mental images, such as a daydream, usually fulfilling a wish or psychological need.


the dog is just saying, you have stated that you have this mental image...perhaps the dog is jumping the gun that this fulfills a wish or need of yours, but...

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Unless I am mistaken, he was also arrested on income tax charges and for failing to pay child support. So, if certain Cowboys players are idiots for doing coke and cheating on their wives, why does LT get the free pass? Is he not hurting anyone by not paying support payments?


If that were true, he'd be hurting his kids. Well, not hurting them physically, but, you know. But I've never heard that. The unpaid taxes.....you know that didnt hurt anyone but himself. Just like Plax.

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Pierce is in a tough spot. Plax did not want medical attention, it was obviously not life threatening and what is Pierce to do? Walk away and say "go fuck yourself, I am leaving?". Its such a tough spot no one here knows what they would do. Its almost as if in Pierces case it would have been better off had the wound been very bad and very deep that the club would have been forced to call an ambulance. Ironically Plax doing no major damage to himself(other than pissing away his career) caused more harm for everyone else involved.


What everyone from the Giants, to the hospital to Pierce and his Plax' own family is guilty of is going out of their way for this guy. Sooner or later these types that keep getting enabled by people that try and see the good in them burn everyone else around them. Its sad in a way when you think about it from strictly a human standpoint.



You hit the nail right on the head 21-25-42. Especially the doctor who has had her name and likeness plastered all over creation for Plaxes holery. Jesus what a walking pit of problems this guy has become. A true rebel without a cause.

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I have no problem with someone misspelling Manhattan, but what is weird is saying you were "near" Manhattan. Now those of us that know the city and its outlining areas know you are either in Manhattan or you are not. To say you were near is to be for instance at 161st Street in the Bronx, yes you are not in Manhattan, but you certainly are close enough in the Bronx to proclaim to be near it. And being near it and its traffic patterns(say for instance 161st street and River Avenue at say 11 pm on the night of a Yankee game) has no bearing on the traffic patterns of 51st and lex in midtown Manhattan.


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I have no problem with someone misspelling Manhattan, but what is weird is saying you were "near" Manhattan. Now those of us that know the city and its outlining areas know you are either in Manhattan or you are not. To say you were near is to be for instance at 161st Street in the Bronx, yes you are not in Manhattan, but you certainly are close enough in the Bronx to proclaim to be near it. And being near it and its traffic patterns(say for instance 161st street and River Avenue at say 11 pm on the night of a Yankee game) has no bearing on the traffic patterns of 51st and lex in midtown Manhattan.


My aunt used to live a few blocks past Woodmere off of River, about 173rd Avenue if I remember correctly when I was young. I walked to a few Yankees games when we were younger, my cousin and I.

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