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Now I can turn Troy and Butt Munch back up. LOL!!! Manning was untouched all day....whereas Rottenburger got his ass kicked. Good game O-Line. :cheers:


Not a great game with run blocking but they got the job done and gave him time.


Against one of the best defenses in the league they stepped up and got the job done.


Defense is really what won the game though. 3 picks? 4 really if you wanna count the throwaway. Fuck that FOUR INTERCEPTIONS! Huge game by the defense.

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Now I can turn Troy and Butt Munch back up. LOL!!! Manning was untouched all day....whereas Rottenburger got his ass kicked. Good game O-Line. :cheers:


Boy, I need advil after all this...


I'm glad we won but I'm still mad over the bullshit calls for the Steelers and non-calls for us...


Dallas Next.

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Not a great game with run blocking but they got the job done and gave him time.


Against one of the best defenses in the league they stepped up and got the job done.


Defense is really what won the game though. 3 picks? 4 really if you wanna count the throwaway. Fuck that FOUR INTERCEPTIONS! Huge game by the defense.



I think some of our running woes were because J was not seeing some of the holes out there today. But Manning's jersey is clean today. LOL. Lets go check Rottenburger's ....heh.

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Doesnt matter Ward showed why we need to pay him at the end of the season.



Agree....I would have rather have seen Ward on some of those runs J had stuffed. He is a bit more nifty and waits for the play to develop instead of lowering his head into battering ram mode. But hey they all have their roles.

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Und dat is vhy vee are zee best.


Seriously we are the biggest ethnic group?


Ayup...the largest unrecognized ethnic group. Slightly above WASPs and ahead of the Irish.....with Blacks at number 4. So raise the stein for the Deutschlanders ....lol.

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Ayup...the largest unrecognized ethnic group. Slightly above WASPs and ahead of the Irish.....with Blacks at number 4. So raise the stein for the Deutschlanders ....lol.


Well damn I need to start a NAAGP group then. I mean all the Nazi accusations I got as a kid...

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