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Domenik's big day


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Hixon is faster, has shown great footwork under Amani's tutelage. They usually don't let you return kicks unless you are one of the faster guys on the team.

can you point to anything that shows that Toomer is tutoring Hixon? also, droughns was returning kicks for the first 5 or 6 games last year. it's whoever has the best chance of getting the ball past the 30 safely.

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This is what I dont understand though, is if this guy is number one receiver material or even a star receiver....then why isnt he starting over Smith..or even Toomer? It's the same BS that people were saying with London or even that Mix kid we let go acouple years back.


You honestly think if Hixon was 1/10th the WR you claim he is that the coaching staff would even hesitate to start him? So far Smith has shown more to be on the field as the slot WR and will easily be our number two or even our number one when that time comes.


Hixon has been threw two teams, Denver and is with us now. So why is it you claim that he has all these attributes and yet the guy is only returning the occasional punt? or not even our slot WR?


He will get his chance this Sunday and I hope he is what you claim he is and by the way in the preseason teams dont usually plan for opponent WRs.



I completely agree.


And btw, Allstar, you are completely wrong about Steve Smith. He is THE future at WR for the Giants. When Amani Toomer retires, you can bank on Steve Smith getting that job. Was Domenik Hixon even drafted...?


And I have no idea why you seem to think moving Hixon out of the slot will somehow improve his ability to stretch the field...that's what slot guys do....it makes no sense to me to not start Steve Smith in this situation.

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Hixon 6'2"


Smith 5'11"


Not sure who is faster


Hixon does have good hands.


Smith already has the slot receive position. why rearrange 2 wr's in the line up?


Hixon is Burress' back up

Smith is Toomer's back up

go look at the depth chart




did I mention that I sure miss London :(

I've always thought it makes more sense to have a number 1, 2, 3, and 4 on the depth chart...your best guy followed by your 2nd 3rd and 4th best guys...that way you don't drop off so far in talent when something like this, or an injury happens.


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I completely agree.


And btw, Allstar, you are completely wrong about Steve Smith. He is THE future at WR for the Giants. When Amani Toomer retires, you can bank on Steve Smith getting that job. Was Domenik Hixon even drafted...?


And I have no idea why you seem to think moving Hixon out of the slot will somehow improve his ability to stretch the field...that's what slot guys do....it makes no sense to me to not start Steve Smith in this situation.


You are clearly a young football fan. I did say that Smith was Amani-lite. Therefore, I agree, he is a very viable replacement for Amani when he retires... AS THE POSSESSION RECEIVER. Also, your #1 receiver is usually a guy who can stretch the field but also is sure-handed to move the chains. Your #2 guy is the possession guy many times. Not always, as some teams are blessed with two #1 caliber receivers. As for the slot, it depends on the team. Some teams like a guy out of the slot that can get deep. The Giants have a possession guy there (Smith). It depends on team philosophy and personnel. Smith has been the slot receiver for awhile now, it doesn't make sense to move a young player who is comfortable with his role, and move him to the outside.



And Blu, after Hixon had that huge preseason game where he had two touchdowns, one I remember was a tiptoe TD at the back of the end zone, Hixon credited Amani for teaching him how to work on his footwork. I remember specifically Hixon as quoted as learning from Amani. I can find the quote, but I'm not going to bother right now because I'm getting ready for some GIANTS FOOTBALL!


But seriously, I like Smith, but you guys' homerism is affecting your evaluation of his talents. Talk to a non-Giants fan and ask what they think of his potential. He wasn't even the #1 receiver on USC when he was there. He's good, don't get me wrong, but he is a guy that isn't going to light the league on fire. Nothing wrong with that. As long as he works hard and helps the TEAM win, which he IS that kind of player, and I'm grateful the Giants drafted him. But Hixon is the more dangerous receiver to take one deep and I hope he shows that today.


And Hixon definitely is faster.

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Well...I'm just going to eat my crow now.


*nom nom nom nom*



this is some good crow.


To bad Hixon could not go all 4 quarters :brooding:


You may of had to go back for a second helping :P

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To bad Hixon could not go all 4 quarters :brooding:


You may of had to go back for a second helping :P


I'm actually happy my boy Moss got to play.


But the haters will come up with some stupid excuse..."He's too small to have those TDs...Smith must have changed jerseys with him"

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I'm actually happy my boy Moss got to play.


But the haters will come up with some stupid excuse..."He's too small to have those TDs...Smith must have changed jerseys with him"



Or, he catches the ball and runs BACKWARDSSSSSSSSSS!!!111111 :rolleyes:

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I'm actually happy my boy Moss got to play.


But the haters will come up with some stupid excuse..."He's too small to have those TDs...Smith must have changed jerseys with him"

I didn't get to watch the game, so all I got are stats to go by, but the stats are good. :)




Sinorice Moss = waste of roster space. :rolleyes:

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who was their number one at USC, Allstar? Jarrett?



Yes he was. I really wish Domenik didn't suffer that concussion! He was having a great game but I am happy he had the success he did nonetheless. Domenik proved that all his hard work has paid off, he is a real talent, and he did it against a pretty good secondary. I was also pleased with how Sinorice played stepping into that role as well.


But we, as Giant fans, should be most happy about how yet again, Eli showed that he IS the consistently good QB who can go in there and light it up. He is showing that he is rounding into form as a top 10 QB in the NFL.

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Hixon 6'2"


Smith 5'11"


Not sure who is faster


Hixon does have good hands.


Smith already has the slot receive position. why rearrange 2 wr's in the line up?


Hixon is Burress' back up

Smith is Toomer's back up

go look at the depth chart




did I mention that I sure miss London :(


That all means nothing. Smith is no nore the slot receiver than Toomer or even Burress for that matter. The Giants move all of their receivers around with regularity. That's a consequence of trying to create favorable match-ups.


Toomer was lined up in the slot on that deep corner route that set-up Jacobs' first TD. He was guarded by Jordan Babineaux -- Seattle's dime CB -- while Smith was isolated on the left side of the formation. Later in the game, Smith was lined up in the left slot on the long catch he made where he lost his shoe. This time, Toomer was isolated on the right side of the formation, across from Marcus Trufant. Smith and Toomer were both the wideouts on Sinorice Moss's 23-yard TD. You might recall that Moss entered the game in place of Domenik Hixon. Moss later scored his second TD when he was isolated against Trufant. Toomer and Smith were both lined up slot left on this play, with Mario Manningham as the outside receiver.


Saying that Plax is X, or Toomer is Y, or Smith and Moss are strictly slot guys, or Hixon is sexy or whatever ... it's all nonsense. All the receiver are deployed in a variety of ways that cannot be limited to a simple title. It's a complexity that requires all the receivers to be familiar with multiple roles, and it's designed to accentuate their relative strengths and the skillset of the QB.

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That all means nothing. Smith is no nore the slot receiver than Toomer or even Burress for that matter. The Giants move all of their receivers around with regularity. That's a consequence of trying to create favorable match-ups.


Toomer was lined up in the slot on that deep corner route that set-up Jacobs' first TD. He was guarded by Jordan Babineaux -- Seattle's dime CB -- while Smith was isolated on the left side of the formation. Later in the game, Smith was lined up in the left slot on the long catch he made where he lost his shoe. This time, Toomer was isolated on the right side of the formation, across from Marcus Trufant. Smith and Toomer were both the wideouts on Sinorice Moss's 23-yard TD. You might recall that Moss entered the game in place of Domenik Hixon. Moss later scored his second TD when he was isolated against Trufant. Toomer and Smith were both lined up slot left on this play, with Mario Manningham as the outside receiver.


Saying that Plax is X, or Toomer is Y, or Smith and Moss are strictly slot guys, or Hixon is sexy or whatever ... it's all nonsense. All the receiver are deployed in a variety of ways that cannot be limited to a simple title. It's a complexity that requires all the receivers to be familiar with multiple roles, and it's designed to accentuate their relative strengths and the skillset of the QB.



Ok so do you want me to hit myself across the Knuckles with a ruler now Or what?

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I completely agree.


And btw, Allstar, you are completely wrong about Steve Smith. He is THE future at WR for the Giants. When Amani Toomer retires, you can bank on Steve Smith getting that job. Was Domenik Hixon even drafted...?


And I have no idea why you seem to think moving Hixon out of the slot will somehow improve his ability to stretch the field...that's what slot guys do....it makes no sense to me to not start Steve Smith in this situation.



I bet you that if/when Toomer retires, Hixon becomes the "starter" ahead of Smith. Furthermore, I bet you that despite being the starting flanker, Hixon doesn't get any more playing time than Smith. They both are terrific young players with excellent attitudes, and they both factor into the team's long-term plans. Arguing over who is better or who will start or who is deserving of more playing time is nitpicking ... it's just as silly as insisted that "Smith should be the flanker and Hixon the slot" or whatever variation you prefer. Like I said in the previous post, they'll be consistently moved around in order to exploit favorable match-ups. If the Giants decided that Smith would be flanker, Burress the split-end, and Hixon is the slot receiver on every down without fail ... well, our Giants would be suddenly much easier to defend. They would be, dare I say, predictable.


Regarding your latter point, Hixon was routinely lined up as the X yesterday (Plax's position). While my previous post provided examples where all the receivers were deployed from various locations, Hixon's pre-snap location was almost always as an outside receiver (although the team does move Burress around a lot). So it looks like they see Hixon better suited to be on the outside of the formation rather than in the slot. And being outside does enhance his ability to strecth the field. Slot receivers are generally used as zone busters, working the middle of the field, getting underneath targets, and so on. It's difficult to use slot receivers as deep threats because they are lined up closer to the opponents safeties than the wideouts. An outside receiver, on the other hand, will force the safety to cover more ground when he challenges the defense vertically...the safety has to move laterally in addition to moving away from the LOS.


Hixon was a 4th round pick in '06.

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