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Yankee Stadium is a Cathedral


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That's what we've been hearing for the last month or so, anyway, or words to that effect. So why are they tearing it down if it's so hallowed? Money, of course. Do they need the money? I guess that's debateable. Although they have higher revenues, by far, than any other team in baseball, the object of running a business is to maximize profits. I'm sick and tired, though, of hearing about what a special place this is while they're getting ready to demolish it and sell every last chip of concrete to the highest bidder.


Not trying to stir the pot here, I'm just interested in hearing the take on this from Yankee fans. Do you think this is a good idea? Do you think the Yankees will lose some of their "mojo" in a new stadium, one that seems to be much less intimate and intimidating? Are you inconvenienced getting to or watching a game in the current stadium? I'm not going to sit here and tell you that the Sox would never replace Fenway, either. They were ready to do it a few years ago, but couldn't make it happen. They then changed course and decided the more fiscally responsible thing to do was improve the current stadium. I'm sure the subject will again come up in the future.


I'm interested in hearing your opinions, Yankee fans.

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As an impartial 3rd party, I'll miss Yankee Stadium, I love the old parks, except for Wrigley. Maybe I'm odd, but other than the Ivy, i really have no love for Wrigley. I'd have to say Fenway is my favorite old time stadium, and the old Tiger Stadium was awesome too. Though I do like the Rangers new park more than the old Arlington Stadium.



Getting back on track, Yankee stadium is special, and I hate to see it go. But money is the bottom line, the Yankees are the most popular team and they won't have any trouble selling tix in a new stadium. I understand the financial side, but it's still a shame.



I do agree with what the Sox are doing though, putting seats on the monster was fucking brilliant.

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Even cathedrals need better toilet facilities.




VG, I regard to what you said, I wouldn't be so quick to say that they'll have no problem sellling it out. Initially, in the first season or two, there will of course be a high demand for tickets. This economy is going into the shitter, though, and once the initial novelty wears off, one of the first things corporations start to cut is excessive entertainment expenses. If we end up in a prolonged recession, many of them will dump the luxury boxes for open-air seats with the regular joes. Likewise, the people who are sitting in field level seats next year will move up to cheaper ones, and so on, with middle-class fans going to fewer and fewer games each year. Obviously, a lot of this depends on the success of the team, and they sure picked a bad time to miss the playoffs for the first time in forever. But we saw in the 80s and early 90s that fans are fickle, and if the team isn't winning, the ride to the Bronx, parking, prices in the stadium, etc. all begin to feel like bigger inconveniences.

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What fucking mojo? They're just a bunch a weak minded failures who like to embarass the shit out of themselves.


But, I'll miss Yankee Stadium, I would rather them try and upgrade it. I'll probably miss it more when they actually tear down the old one. The new one should have been built football sized 60,000-70,000 seats so the Yankees can have more people from the Bronx instead of Manhattan going to the games.

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What fucking mojo? They're just a bunch a weak minded failures who like to embarass the shit out of themselves.


But, I'll miss Yankee Stadium, I would rather them try and upgrade it. I'll probably miss it more when they actually tear down the old one. The new one should have been built football sized 60,000-70,000 seats so the Yankees can have more people from the Bronx instead of Manhattan going to the games.

Man, I am so glad you're a Yankee fan.

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What fucking mojo? They're just a bunch a weak minded failures who like to embarass the shit out of themselves.


If my team made the playoffs for 14 straight years and won 4 world series in that time, i wouldn't be able to call them failures. NJ Smalls, you were probably in diapers the last time they were out of the playoffs.

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I'm not going to sit here and tell you that the Sox would never replace Fenway, either. They were ready to do it a few years ago, but couldn't make it happen. They then changed course and decided the more fiscally responsible thing to do was improve the current stadium. I'm sure the subject will again come up in the future.

It's not very fiscally responsible when you have to cram 36k fans every game. I wonder how much they're losing every year by not building a new park.


I'm sick and tired, though, of hearing about what a special place this is while they're getting ready to demolish it and sell every last chip of concrete to the highest bidder.

I don't know what your beef is here, mickeef. You don't think the same shit will come down when they finally demolish Fenway, which, btw, I will even miss.


Me thinks you guys are still pissed at us stealing the Babe from you.

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If my team made the playoffs for 14 straight years and won 4 world series in that time, i wouldn't be able to call them failures. NJ Smalls, you were probably in diapers the last time they were out of the playoffs.

I was talking strictly about this year's team. Give me some credit, I was seven the last time they didn't make the playoffs. :ph34r:

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It's not very fiscally responsible when you have to cram 36k fans every game. I wonder how much they're losing every year by not building a new park.



I don't know what your beef is here, mickeef. You don't think the same shit will come down when they finally demolish Fenway, which, btw, I will even miss.


Me thinks you guys are still pissed at us stealing the Babe from you.


Listen, I said I wasn't trying to stir the pot, and I also said I'm sure the Sox will eventually start talking about a new stadium again, too. What more do you want? The Babe? You guys don't really think that still bothers us, do you?


As for fiscal responsibility, they won't be paying for the building and upkeep of a brand new facility during a recession/depression, that's for sure.

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What more do you want? The Babe?



Would you falling down a staircase, breaking your neck in compound fashion and dying painfully after 5 days of lying there and not being discovered until maggots start dripping through the floor beneath be too much to ask?



You guys don't really think that still bothers us, do you?


Actually, we know it does.


As for fiscal responsibility, they won't be paying for the building and upkeep of a brand new facility during a recession/depression, that's for sure.



What's more for sure is no one important from the red Sox org. would ever tell you anything.

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I was either in the eight grade or just starting h9igh school.

It started in 93 (if you dont count the strike shortened 94 season, in which we also had the best AL record until). So by that I was just getting out of the military and starting my party life at a ripe 20 Y/O

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Would you falling down a staircase, breaking your neck in compound fashion and dying painfully after 5 days of lying there and not being discovered until maggots start dripping through the floor beneath be too much to ask?





Actually, we know it does.





What's more for sure is no one important from the red Sox org. would ever tell you anything.



Is that really necessary?

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Did you notice Roger was suspiciously missing from all the highlights and hoopla?


"Oh, my goodness gracious....."


They had an article in the Post today that said he was home in Texas, watching in the dark on a battery powered TV due to the hurricane (somehow I doubt that part). Would be kinda sad...if it wasn't Clemens.

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They had an article in the Post today that said he was home in Texas, watching in the dark on a battery powered TV due to the hurricane (somehow I doubt that part). Would be kinda sad...if it wasn't Clemens.

they must've "mis-remembered" to invite him.

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Despite a poor economy and sky rocketing costs, 4 million people travel to the Bronx to see this team year in and year out. The stadium is antiquated and in all honesty should have been replaced in the mid 70's instead of what was done to remodel it. It was needed and it also will help boost the neighborhood around the stadium , where lets not forget George wanted to abandon in the late 80's and early 90's and head west to NJ.


It was needed and is nothing but a good thing.

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The REALLY fucked up, casually missing person was Torre. I thought that was bullshit, not one mention. Guy got us to the playoffs every year while he skippered, and got us 4 titles... and not one mention. :TD:

that is surprising. i mean even knoblach got on the highlight reel.

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The REALLY fucked up, casually missing person was Torre. I thought that was bullshit, not one mention. Guy got us to the playoffs every year while he skippered, and got us 4 titles... and not one mention. :TD:


I think they might start photoshopping him out of all that along with Clemens

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