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Mario Manningham perhaps?


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I mentioned it yesterday. He was a first round pick but I guess there are problems with his attitude and off field problems. A big risk taking him here.



Yes you're correct, but right now he could be worth the risk.

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In reality.....it's frickin unbeleivable that he fell to the last pick (except comp picks) in the 3rd round. Amazing!
he can replace that injury prone runt (Moss) that we drafted 2 years ago. That was another mistake by that useless GM named Accorsi/ :rolleyes:


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I admit he isn't my first choice at WR, but I am glad we adressed the position fairly early. I'm surprised some of those wr's fell as far as they did, I thought we might trade up and take a guy like Sweed. But all in all Manningham has been productive.



And Manning to Manningham sounds pretty damn cool.

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I think Sinorice is gone now. In fact, if I'm the Giants, I'm shopping him to get a 6th or 7th later on. If you draft mannigham you have to keep him, and you know Tyree is the emergency wideout.


Manningham might be the guy who can make the deep catch that Eli likes to break out from time to time to extend the defense. Fact is Plax wasn't making them last year, Toomer can't and Smith is a possession receiver.


My predicting is done now, hopefully we go Defensive line/offensive line and linebacker help in the rest of the draft. Possibly a running back late.


I like what we've done so far. Giants say that they are not drafting by need, but so far, its working out for us.

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no doubt the Giants needed to expand the playbook. The short methodical drives worked in the playoffs but they won't do it for a 16 game season. Moss isn't the playmaker we expected, and we need a guy who cna turn 10 yards into 55.

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Well Bleedin, I think we jinxed us over in that other thread <_<


I will say this, Mario Manningham is a most excellent football name. Does he have anything else going for him though? Small. Slow. Poor routes. Poor character. Dumb as a brick. And Gil Brandt compared his field vision and toughness to Sinorice Moss - the same Moss that shys from contact and has the worst field vision I can recall seeing in a Giants uniform. I guess if they were looking for a replacement for Moss, they've got their guy. :clap:


...Okay ...::Whew::... I got it out of my system, I won't trash him again until I see him on the field as a pro. Lets go Super Mario!


I will say, he looks much bigger on the field than 5'11". I always thought he was like 6'2". He must have long arms.

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Well Bleedin, I think we jinxed us over in that other thread <_<


I will say this, Mario Manningham is a most excellent football name. Does he have anything else going for him though? Small. Slow. Poor routes. Poor character. Dumb as a brick. And Gil Brandt compared his field vision and toughness to Sinorice Moss - the same Moss that shys from contact and has the worst field vision I can recall seeing in a Giants uniform. I guess if they were looking for a replacement for Moss, they've got their guy. :clap:


...Okay ...::Whew::... I got it out of my system, I won't trash him again until I see him on the field as a pro. Lets go Super Mario!


I will say, he looks much bigger on the field than 5'11". I always thought he was like 6'2". He must have long arms.

Hey Woofer, you should have lookedup his background. He is 6 foot, weighs 178 lbs., and played for a Big 10 team that always plays a great many tough teams. Last year, Mario had 72 receptions for 1,174 yds (avg. of 16 yds. Where did you obtain that derogotory information that you posted about him? (small, slow, poor routes, poor character, dumb) Are you our resident Mel Kiper?


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yeah so useless he only built 95% of a superbowl team :rolleyes:


Actually, at most, Accorsi built only 77% of a superbowl winning team. Hedgecock and Hixon were Reese's, along with the 8 draft picks, and 10 players out of 53 is about 23%. In reality, there were a couple more free agent signings that played minor roles on the team that were Reeses. I do see your point, though.

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