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Sammy Knight


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Wait the same Eugene Wilson that was benched in the Superbowl for a rookie?



Wait, the same Sammy Knight that played 10 years ago(exaggeration, I know) for the Miami Dolphins next to Sam Madison in his prime...? When he first left Miami, I was definitely down for signing him, but now, at this point, it's a waste. No matter how much we give him.

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Haha, what's delusionary is thinking that Michael Johnson will EVER be a starter on our team. If that's the young guy you plan on replacing Knight(if we sign him) with, then you're the one with delusions. Now, say we draft a Safety, like first round, then yah, sure. But if we're looking for a full replacement, Eugene Wilson is where to go.


Oh, and you're right, I've never played football at the upper level, but neither have you. A vet safety isn't going to be able to tell the younger players where to be and how to play, like you said, that's something they learn on their own. And I mentioned that the dline is different.



Gibril Wilson will tell you differently. I remember reading and article saying that

Brent Alexander was the "coach" on the field and he lined up all the players in the secondary.

Take it for what it's worth, but that is what I read.


I agree with you that Michael Johnson isn't a starter on this team....yet. When he played

he still made mistakes, but he did show alot of hustle on the field.

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Wait, the same Sammy Knight that played 10 years ago(exaggeration, I know) for the Miami Dolphins next to Sam Madison in his prime...? When he first left Miami, I was definitely down for signing him, but now, at this point, it's a waste. No matter how much we give him.


So you would rather take a guy who got benched for a rookie and hasn't had a full season in 3 ofr his 5 years in the league over a guy who has missed one game in his whole career and continues to play at a consistent level?


Id sign Knight to a one to two year deal, let him come in and share his experiance with our younger guys, all Wilson will do is get benched for Butler anyways.

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Gibril Wilson will tell you differently. I remember reading and article saying that

Brent Alexander was the "coach" on the field and he lined up all the players in the secondary.

Take it for what it's worth, but that is what I read.


I agree with you that Michael Johnson isn't a starter on this team....yet. When he played

he still made mistakes, but he did show alot of hustle on the field.



Oh definitely, the vet safety is gonna be calling the plays, just like Pierce calls the plays for the front 7...I realize that...you still just can't teach someone how to cover a guy one on one...yah, you're gonna know where your help is if you have a good safety behind you...but still...


and yah, the dude did hustle his ass off...but so did Frank Ferrarra, but if the talent and playmaking abilities aren't there, it's not gonna matter...

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So you would rather take a guy who got benched for a rookie and hasnt had a full season in 3 ofr his 5 years in the league over a guy who has missed one game in his whole career and continues ro play at a consistent level?


Id sign Knight to a one to two year deal, let him come in and share his experiance with our younger guys, all Wilson will do is get benched for Butler anyways.



Dude, the whole point of Coughlin's regime was to get younger and faster...nastier, too, if you will...so yah, I'd rather take the young gun who I have no idea why he was benched for, but do know before he was mysteriously benched, he was pretty damn good. Sam Madison and RW Mcquarters are the vets in our secondary, and personally, I wouldn't care if both of them were showed the door, too. They're old and slow, too.

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2004 NYG 8 56 49 7 5 3.0 1 0 3 39 0

2005 NYG 16 114 92 22 5 3.0 2 0 2 36 0

2006 NYG 15 103 77 26 10 0.0 3 0 2 25 0

2007 NYG 13 92 78 14 7 0.0 0 0 4 12 0



2004 MIA 16 100 67 33 4 0.0 2 0 4 32 0

2005 KAN 16 91 71 20 13 2.0 2 80 2 12 0

2006 KAN 16 84 75 9 4 2.0 1 5 1 27 0

2007 JAC 16 93 79 14 11 0.0 1 0 4 31 0


Where is the drop in production? Where is the decline?


Oh wait, here's the drop in production:


2004 NWE 15 69 60 9 7 0.0 2 0 4 51 0

2005 NWE 16 68 44 24 7 0.0 0 0 1 0 0

2006 NWE 4 24 20 4 2 0.0 0 0 0 0 0

2007 NWE 11 31 27 4 3 0.0 0 4 1 5 1


(The funny part is the old guy is the only one of the three that played every game in the last 4 years!)


And yes, I do think Johnson could be a starter for us (he has started for us in a couple games already). But we should draft a safety as well. Otherwise, you're not getting the most out of the vet.

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Out of curiousity storm....how old are you? :confused:


When Coughlin says "getting younger and faster" (although, I've never heard him say that...maybe you could reference that), he doesn't mean that he wants a team full of rookies and no vets. We had 8 rookies on the team last year, but for the most part, they were on the bench. Ross and Smith got quite a bit of playing time, but DeOssie, Koets, Alford, Mathews, Pope, Ware, etc., got no, or almost no, field time. The only reason Boss and Bradshaw got significant playing time in the second half of the season is because Shockey went out for the season and RBs Ward and Droughns went down and we were shit out of options. That is certainly not something that Coughlin wanted. It's great that the youngsters held their own, but that was an aberration. One would not plan on being that lucky and still keep the head coaching job.


Also...for you information, the human male produces more testosterone than it depletes until he reaches the age of 29 - 30. Statistics prove in the sports world that on average, athletes perform at their peak when they are between the ages of 28 - 30. Not only do they have their greatest strength and quickness....but if they have a few years of experience under their belt, they are mentally quick as well. A 32 year old player with 10 years experience would normally have the strength and quickness that he had when he was in his mid-20's, but is a hell of a lot smarter (position-wise). Of course....a players injury history can radically change all this.


Regardless....the last thing you want to do is target nothing but youth and then get rid of them when they turn 25 or 26 and replace them with younger players. If the average age of a football team is 26 - 28, then you are right where you want to be. If the teams ave age is 22....prepare to replace the Dolphins with a 1-15 (or 0-16) record. Typically, teams that desire youth over experience and then let their players walk after getting 3 or 4 years under their belts, are really little different than a farm team for the serious contenders.

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But we aren't good in the secondary. Sammy Knight isn't going to make us better back there. Like it was our weakest position(dbackfield in general) and we go and let the player that's been in the system the longest go. It's retarded, I'm sorry. This would be exactly like a Brent Alexander pick up...a decent signing but obviously not what you want for the long term. And I thought that was our goal, resigning our guys and shoring up through the draft and a couple free agents...keeping our SUPER BOWL VETS, not picking up someone's castoff that's been around the league for several different teams for years(there is a reason why he keeps getting released). Isn't that what Reese was saying? And Gibril Wilson may not be the 3rd best safety in the league but he's definitely top ten and worth the money he got. He was a good, solid player for us and often, the only one in the secondary making plays.


And my age is 21, though it has nothing to do with anything.


But you're right, it would suck having the team average out to 22 years old or something...but I just feel like first of all, Gibril Wilson was our guy at the safety position for YEARS to come, and second, if he's gonna leave our team for more money(good for him), you replace him with another young guy so you dont HAVE to worry about signing free agents to replace your players every year because they are old as dirt(football age).

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Haha, what's delusionary is thinking that Michael Johnson will EVER be a starter on our team. If that's the young guy you plan on replacing Knight(if we sign him) with, then you're the one with delusions. Now, say we draft a Safety, like first round, then yah, sure. But if we're looking for a full replacement, Eugene Wilson is where to go.


Oh, and you're right, I've never played football at the upper level, but neither have you. A vet safety isn't going to be able to tell the younger players where to be and how to play, like you said, that's something they learn on their own. And I mentioned that the dline is different.


WHy will Michael Johnson never be a starter? Because he was a 7th round pick? In fact the man started 2 games this year due to injuries and the Giants won both. He was and is in fact the Giants fastest player on the roster at the safety position. If nothing else he proved at a very young age is a viable backup and special teams player who adds some good depth.


Gbril Wilson was worth nowhere near the money he got, plain and simple. With many more important players on the horizon in need of new deals, breaking the bank for a very replaceable one would have been stupid.

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WHy will Michael Johnson never be a starter? Because he was a 7th round pick? In fact the man started 2 games this year due to injuries and the Giants won both. He was and is in fact the Giants fastest player on the roster at the safety position. If nothing else he proved at a very young age is a viable backup and special teams player who adds some good depth.


Gbril Wilson was worth nowhere near the money he got, plain and simple. With many more important players on the horizon in need of new deals, breaking the bank for a very replaceable one would have been stupid.



2 games he had to start because we had no one else...which will happen again because instead of shoring up our starting positions, we let our players go when the whole goal was resigning the returning Super Bowl vets. Instead we lose 3 of our defensive starters, with Gibril being the biggest loss. We have the cap room...from what I remember, we were under by quite a lot, too...it's not breaking the bank if you're signing him to a long term deal...

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But we aren't good in the secondary. Sammy Knight isn't going to make us better back there. Like it was our weakest position(dbackfield in general) and we go and let the player that's been in the system the longest go. It's retarded, I'm sorry. This would be exactly like a Brent Alexander pick up...a decent signing but obviously not what you want for the long term. And I thought that was our goal, resigning our guys and shoring up through the draft and a couple free agents...keeping our SUPER BOWL VETS, not picking up someone's castoff that's been around the league for several different teams for years(there is a reason why he keeps getting released). Isn't that what Reese was saying? And Gibril Wilson may not be the 3rd best safety in the league but he's definitely top ten and worth the money he got. He was a good, solid player for us and often, the only one in the secondary making plays.


And my age is 21, though it has nothing to do with anything.

We certainly have to improve our secondary....no doubt. Crying over Wilson's departure won't accomplish anything. He's gone. Nothing we can do now.


The entire world gave the Giants no chance this past season. Hell....the media proclaimed to the world that the Giants had the worst defense in the NFL by the 3rd week. However, between Coughlin and especially Spags...they got the guys they had to play the game their way, instead of the players doing it their own way. Spags and Coughlin have been systematically grooming players for a particular style of play and they know how Gibril fit in far better than us fans. There had to be a reason why they let Wilson go.


So anyway....have a little faith in Spags and our scouts. If they are under the belief that Knight is a good fit for the team at present...then they probably know much more about the guy than we do. Last year this board was bitching about picking up Mitchell, but Mitchell fit into our scheme very well. Regardless, it's not like there is a superstar safety in free agency just waiting to be plucked. It's a hard position to fill with a highly skilled player.


As far as the age goes....just wondering because you started some posts with "Dude...", which is fricken irritating.

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2 games he had to start because we had no one else...which will happen again because instead of shoring up our starting positions, we let our players go when the whole goal was resigning the returning Super Bowl vets. Instead we lose 3 of our defensive starters, with Gibril being the biggest loss. We have the cap room...from what I remember, we were under by quite a lot, too...it's not breaking the bank if you're signing him to a long term deal...


That 16 mil and 39.5 overall is breaking the bank when you consider the type of player Gbril Wilson is. You have to think long term and this IMO would have been foolish to do simply to keep a team togther. Would it have been nice to have Wilson back, yeah sure, but for that price? No way. Mitchell was a bad loss, but they like Wilkinson, as for Torbor, he is a product of what happens to good teams backups, someone pays them way too much to start and then find out why they were a backup who played well when called upon instead of in that starters role from day one.


As for Johnson, he is very athletic, was atremendous athelete at the University of Arizona and in limited time had 22 tackles, 20 of which were solo. He showed some good promise and I would actually have no problem if he starts as opposed to Butler, the defensive coaches rave about them both, in them I shall trust.


Sometimes tough decsions have to be made, its better to run a team with some objectivity in mind rather than falling in love with every aspect simply because the team won. Resigning Gbril at that money would have been foolish. Its almost an 8 million dollar a year average, way too high for a saftety. I would rather save that money for the Wr's, T's. DE's and Cb's.

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