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Is Gibril a Giant on Monday?


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Middle of the pack safeties don't average over a hundred tackles a year, with several sacks and several interceptions each year. I challenge you to come up with stats from another safety in the NFL that tops Wilsons. Middle of the pack safeties average between 55-65 tackles a year and rarely get interceptions of sacks. And no safety in the history of the NFL hits as hard a Wilson does.


I understand where you're coming from, I just think there's a reason other teams are going to pay through the ass to have him on our team. I just hope that if he goes....he doesn't go to a team in our division. That would suck to see him hit Smith so hard that we lose our up and comer WR from injuries.


You know.. the way I see it our defensive backfield has been our weak spot... Wilson is a good and respectable athlete but he's no Bob sanders. He benefited from our DL more than anything. All I'm saying is put a price on him, offer him that price.. if another team thinks he's worth more, then be it.

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I'm shocked no one said Jack Tatum. Tatum remains as one of the most feared defensive players to ever play the game. Geez, he was nicknamed "The Assassin". He also had one of the hardest hits in SuperBowl history.


Bleedin', I always enjoy reading your stuff, and you usually are pretty on target, but your comment about Wilson was a bit of a reach, buddy, to put it mildly!


I was equally surprised at bleedin's comments. He has summerized my feelings about almost every issue relating to the Giants and football in general.. this is probably the first time I feel he's way off.

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One of the Hardest hitting safteties ever?


Umm anyway ok. Wilson goes he goes, I am through with the days of overpaying for our own players. If this were Tuck, or Osi, or Strahan, or even one of the corners or Pierce then I would be concerned. Gbril Wilson is quite replaceable.


Btw, once upon a time Shaun Williams hit harder than Wilson, as has John Lynch, Rodney Harrison, Brian Dawkins, Roy Williams, just to name a few.

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One of the Hardest hitting safteties ever?


Umm anyway ok. Wilson goes he goes, I am through with the days of overpaying for our own players. If this were Tuck, or Osi, or Strahan, or even one of the corners or Pierce then I would be concerned. Gbril Wilson is quite replaceable.


Btw, once upon a time Shaun Williams hit harder than Wilson, as has John Lynch, Rodney Harrison, Brian Dawkins, Roy Williams, just to name a few.

Very replaceable, but by who?


Erik Coleman could be an adequate replacement.


All I know is I'm happy we didn't shell out that much money. Hopefully we find another Tanard Jackson in this years draft.

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