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5 days hae come and gone, I have flown back to NY, went to the parade on Tueday on nothing but adrenaline, made it back to work to have everyone I know get a huge smile from me this week and here I still am as a fan of this team STILL on clod nine.


I have seen a total of 5 championships for my pro teams in my lifetime and I have never been more satisfied and happy than this one(that includes the Giants first, the Mets 86 miracle and the Rangers 1940 no more). I feel so honored to call myself a fan of the New York football Giants. This makes all the bad Sundays, the ones where you have to drink the pain away and the loooong MOndays, where you avoid the papers and WFAN and cannot bear to watch ESPN seem worth every minute of it.


I hope that everyone is enjoying this one as much as I am. I remember 1991 like it was yesterday, I was a junior in high school and not yet aware that things do not happen in this world simply to please me and quite frankly 17 years was too long.


To all my Giants fans friends here at SW I sincerly hope you are enjoying this as much as I am. I have also decided I want another pronto!

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I'm pretty conflicted. The Sox winning it all, and the way they did it, in '04, just seemed like the pinnacle for me. But this is scarily, somehow, almost better. There's a great line from the comedian Stephen Wright in an '04 Sox video I have where he says, "If it were a movie, it would be a bad movie, because everybody would say, "Oh, that could never happen."" This is the same. So many story lines, so many twists and turns to the season, and in the end, an improbable victory in the last minute of the Super Bowl over an undefeated opponent. Sad thing is, this is truly as good as it is going to get as a Giant fan (but only because it couldn't possibly get any better).

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I'm pretty conflicted. The Sox winning it all, and the way they did it, in '04, just seemed like the pinnacle for me. But this is scarily, somehow, almost better. There's a great line from the comedian Stephen Wright in an '04 Sox video I have where he says, "If it were a movie, it would be a bad movie, because everybody would say, "Oh, that could never happen."" This is the same. So many story lines, so many twists and turns to the season, and in the end, an improbable victory in the last minute of the Super Bowl over an undefeated opponent. Sad thing is, this is truly as good as it is going to get as a Giant fan (but only because it couldn't possibly get any better).



Unless we meet the Patriots in the SB next yr again and beat em'.


then no on can doubt us.

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Unless we meet the Patriots in the SB next yr again and beat em'.


then no on can doubt us.


lol I was thinking the same thing, but even then, what are the chances it would come down to the last minute? And anyway, people would actually expect us to win this time.

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All of my teams have multiple championships

Giants - 86-87, 90-91, 07-08


Bulls - 1991, 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 1998


Lakers - Too Many to name Lakers Wikipedia


Mets - 1969, 1986


Devils - 1995, 2000, 2003


However NONE of the other championships come close to making me feel the way I felt Sunday night. I cried for almost 20 minutes. Maybe it's because I'm not old enough to really appreciate the other championships (Giants and Mets). Maybe it's because the massive success (Bulls/Lakers/Devils) had me spoiled. Either way it goes I have never felt such joy from a sporting event. "The 2007-08... Super Bowl XLII Champions... The New York Football Giants" This is the greatest story that I've ever witnessed.

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is there a cloud 10?



p.s. how could you like the bulls and the lakers???

The first Basketball game I ever saw was during the 90-91 NBA Finals. I was six and I couldn't decide who to root for (Didn't have that issue in any other sport) so I ended up loving them both. When they play each other I don't care who wins unless it effects one's playoff positioning. That is the only time I show allegiance to one over the other.


P.S. What's wrong with me liking the Devils?

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lol I was thinking the same thing, but even then, what are the chances it would come down to the last minute? And anyway, people would actually expect us to win this time.

How about put some Giants stuff in your sig instead? For fuck sakes.

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5 days hae come and gone, I have flown back to NY, went to the parade on Tueday on nothing but adrenaline, made it back to work to have everyone I know get a huge smile from me this week and here I still am as a fan of this team STILL on clod nine.


I have seen a total of 5 championships for my pro teams in my lifetime and I have never been more satisfied and happy than this one(that includes the Giants first, the Mets 86 miracle and the Rangers 1940 no more). I feel so honored to call myself a fan of the New York football Giants. This makes all the bad Sundays, the ones where you have to drink the pain away and the loooong MOndays, where you avoid the papers and WFAN and cannot bear to watch ESPN seem worth every minute of it.


I hope that everyone is enjoying this one as much as I am. I remember 1991 like it was yesterday, I was a junior in high school and not yet aware that things do not happen in this world simply to please me and quite frankly 17 years was too long.


To all my Giants fans friends here at SW I sincerly hope you are enjoying this as much as I am. I have also decided I want another pronto!


I feel the same way. It seems with all the other stresses in life, I needed something to smile about...


Man I was driving home from work today.. after yet another shouting match with the "boss".. and I couldn't help but smile when I thought about the string of games between playing the Patriots the last game of the regular season... to the last game for the entire season... :)


Our team made history in so many ways... we played the Patriots tough the first game.. we went to Tampa Bay and proved the "experts" wrong... we went to Dallas and made TO cry... "That's my quarterback"... and Jerry Jones' face ... we went to GB and we won a classic... and... man I can't stop watching those highlights..


I can't wait for the DVD to get here.

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Unless we meet the Patriots in the SB next yr again and beat em'.


then no on can doubt us.


This SB might've just began a true NY-Boston rivalry football-wise. They will always remembered who denied the perfection.. both teams remember all the trash talk... I'm sure Strahan wouldn't have said what he said at city hall if he hadn't heard enough of their shit.

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nothing, just never met a devils fan before. you must have been that guy at the parade :P

Nah... I wish I was at the parade. I had to go to work. :(


I admit to knowing little-to-nothing about Hockey, but I'm from NJ and the Devils are from NJ so it kinda clicked. I just can't watch it like I do with Football, Basketball and Baseball.

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The janitor at my school is a Giants fan, and I talk to him every morning.


EVERY day since the Super Bowl we've been talking about the game.


You're all right... it can't really get any better than this. Biggest upset in Super Bowl history, finding your francise QB and a stud RB, a D that won't quit, and the veterans who deserved it getting their ring.


It really doesn't get any better than this.

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The janitor at my school is a Giants fan, and I talk to him every morning.


EVERY day since the Super Bowl we've been talking about the game.


You're all right... it can't really get any better than this. Biggest upset in Super Bowl history, finding your francise QB and a stud RB, a D that won't quit, and the veterans who deserved it getting their ring.


It really doesn't get any better than this.

Repeat? You know what? Not a chance. Repeating would be amazing, but I seriously doubt that it would be as amazing as this year.

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Repeat? You know what? Not a chance. Repeating would be amazing, but I seriously doubt that it would be as amazing as this year.


The first is always the best. This is probably how the real Pats fans felt when they beat the Rams.

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This SB might've just began a true NY-Boston rivalry football-wise. They will always remembered who denied the perfection.. both teams remember all the trash talk... I'm sure Strahan wouldn't have said what he said at city hall if he hadn't heard enough of their shit.

Most of the Giants, including the non-talkers said the Patsies are one of the most talkative teams they have ever come across. LOL! Now they want sympathy and are trying to come off as sportsmen. Fuck em. :)

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I too am still floating. I haven't fully digested the whole thing yet.

This is easily my favorite superbowl of all time.


Same here... every time I picture the game and how it went down, it feels like a very good dream... you just can't get enough of. I've been watching youtube clips and it never gets old... everytime hear the fans roar when Plax caught that TD, i get goose bumps... man I know winning covers a lot of things.. but something was cemented: Defense wins championships..

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