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The Rose Colored Glasses:


...we'll beat the Skins this week.


Our D will actually show up. We make substitutions this week that doesn't make us great... but adequate. And our pass rush comes alive in week 3... as it's done the last few years (we're slow starters). Campbell gets sacked 5 times en route to a 24-17 victory by our beloved Giants


We go on to shock the world by beating the 2-1 Eagles the next week. Mc Nabb throws for 345 yards and three TDs... but Jacobs makes an early return and rushes for two scores, and Eli throws for another two. Suddenly we're 2-2.


The Jets, Atlanta, Miami, and San Francisco fall as easily.. suddenly, we're 6-2... and in the same position as last year when we fell so badly.


But THIS TIME we have Brandon Jacobs, who NO ONE is talking about since he's been injured the first three games of the season! We crush and punish Dallas (our new pass rush harasses Homo all day), but incredibly, fall to a rejuvinated Lions team. We're 7-2. Minnesota clobbers us (trap game that the Giants always fall for), Chicago and Philly both clobber us... suddenly we're 7-5. "We suck" dominates the headlines, and Giants fans are all gloom and doom.


But alas! Washington, our next opponent, sucks balls! And so does Buffalo! We win both... which brings us to our looming game against New England! But upset special! With home field firmly in place, New England only plays its starters for a quarter... and the Giants starters just BARELY eek out a win against the Pats' scrubs for a 33-28 victory! 10-6 gets the G-men in the playoffs!



...try 'em on... they're nice glasses.


EDIT: My math is off somewhere... it's hard to see with these glasses on sometimes...

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I see 3-3 as a more reasonable hope. Need to win the next 2 and split the Jets and Falcons. Of course if they win the next 2 then all bets are off.


As much as I hate the Jets, I would sign for 3 NFC wins and a loss to them to get to 3-3 at this point.

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I see 3-3 as a more reasonable hope. Need to win the next 2 and split the Jets and Falcons. Of course if they win the next 2 then all bets are off.


As much as I hate the Jets, I would sign for 3 NFC wins and a loss to them to get to 3-3 at this point.


....and I would too. Couldnt said it better myself. I know Sep was throwin sarcasm out there, but I agree with your assesment. It is more likely and we have started slow as of late. But Ive never remembered us to be so depleted at LB AS WELL, as the secondary. The secondary Im used too, this Im not.

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....and I would too. Couldnt said it better myself. I know Sep was throwin sarcasm out there, but I agree with your assesment. It is more likely and we have started slow as of late. But Ive never remembered us to be so depleted at LB AS WELL, as the secondary. The secondary Im used too, this Im not.


Its time for some changes on the defensive side of the ball.I think Blackburn has to get some more time and they have to honestly assess if Kiwi can play LB. Only the coaches tapes can show that, but from what I have seen its a mess. Mitchell seems to be more suited to playing MLB as he did in KC, that spot also might have to be re-evaluated. Maybe Ross should just get some starting time? If nothing else he can get some experience. Corey Webster just blows. Maybe its high time that Strahan becomes a backup, at least until he proves he actually can and wants to play. It's high time that Chief Osi starts playing like the money he is making. Better LB play on the outside will help Pierce, he alone is trying to mask where people are missing spots.

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Its time for some changes on the defensive side of the ball.I think Blackburn has to get some more time and they have to honestly assess if Kiwi can play LB. Only the coaches tapes can show that, but from what I have seen its a mess. Mitchell seems to be more suited to playing MLB as he did in KC, that spot also might have to be re-evaluated. Maybe Ross should just get some starting time? If nothing else he can get some experience. Corey Webster just blows. Maybe its high time that Strahan becomes a backup, at least until he proves he actually can and wants to play. It's high time that Chief Osi starts playing like the money he is making. Better LB play on the outside will help Pierce, he alone is trying to mask where people are missing spots.


Osi's probably playing the best of em, but not worth the money he is making, true. I think we should scrap the Kiwi experiment immediatley and give Blackburn a shot. Ross too. Webster gets burned easily and cant cover OR tackle, complete garbage. If they move Kiwi back to DE, then they can rotate Tuck and Kiwi to keep Mike and Osi fresh. Something does absolutley need to be done.

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I think Campbell is easily our best shot at beating defensively out of the qb's of the first 3 games.

But we seem to be having more than just problems. We have a stink of bad luck on us.

We'll probably still lose this one unless some major changes have already begun.


And when you're secondary stinks this bad, you don't let a first round draft pick sit on the bench. Even if you don't think he's ready. We've got nothing to lose by starting Ross, although I think he'll be just as bad.

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Its time for some changes on the defensive side of the ball.I think Blackburn has to get some more time and they have to honestly assess if Kiwi can play LB. Only the coaches tapes can show that, but from what I have seen its a mess. Mitchell seems to be more suited to playing MLB as he did in KC, that spot also might have to be re-evaluated. Maybe Ross should just get some starting time? If nothing else he can get some experience. Corey Webster just blows. Maybe its high time that Strahan becomes a backup, at least until he proves he actually can and wants to play. It's high time that Chief Osi starts playing like the money he is making. Better LB play on the outside will help Pierce, he alone is trying to mask where people are missing spots.


I respect your opinion, but did you forget he was originally not even expected to play for another week or two? That he even got onto the field, and made his presence known says a lot about the guy.

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The other glasses show a different story


Our missurable secondary and LB corp continues to make HOFers out of oppossing QB's/TE's. Gmen get to 0-10 and Coughlin is sent packing starting the short even worse tenure of Gilbrite....... until Bill Cowler Rides in to town to rebuild a once proud team built on Defense and Power Running Game.

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The other glasses show a different story


Our missurable secondary and LB corp continues to make HOFers out of opposing QB's/TE's. Gmen get to 0-10 and Coughlin is sent packing starting the short even worse tenure of Gilbrite....... until Bill Cowher Rides in to town to rebuild a once proud team built on Defense and Power Running Game.


Cooley is no scrub at TE so the Giants are basically screwed next week. :(

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I think we should go for it on every 4th down.:ph34r: I mean, the defense is going to give up a TD on every drive.


Cooley will have over 100 yards receiving and at least 1 TD. Moss and Randle El will have at least 3 TDs and over 250 yards combined.

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