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Stop with the "Return of the Wills" will ya. They were overated. So you don't want Madison and Webster, but you don't replace them with 2 guys who seemed to always have "upside". That's not a major improvement.

I'd only take Will Allen back over Corey Webster.


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Stop with the "Return of the Wills" will ya. They were overated. So you don't want Madison and Webster, but you don't replace them with 2 guys who seemed to always have "upside". That's not a major improvement.

Yes they were overrated. And I wouldn't be thrilled to have either back. But compared to what's going on right now, I wouldn't mind Peterson.

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Pass on Will Allen. But I'd take Will (Peterson) James back, so long as his back is ok.

Agreed. We did the "glory days" bit with Coughlin. I'd rather have a Ron Rivera or LSU's coach. If we have to struggle, how about we do it with someone with some upside.

There was three minutes left to play in Dallas, and we were down by 10 points. We were completely blown out of the water today, and our "defense" forced what, one punt? What would have been the point of pushing our luck?


As for the guys complaining about drafting Smith, do you remember what happened when Toomer went down last year?

Les Miles (LSU's coach) is interesting, and it would be better to lose him to the Giants than Michigan. :)

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Les Miles (LSU's coach) is interesting, and it would be better to lose him to the Giants than Michigan. :)

I would have said Rich Rodriguez from WVU as well, but he's coaching his alma mater, and he's way too offensive-minded. I've seen enough 38-35 games, thank you. We need a defensive mentality coach.

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Getting the Wills back etc etc is all meaningless bullshit. We are stuck two God Damn shitty ass corners and I dont have too much faith in Ross either. This is not something that can turn overnight, but the whole defensive strategy has to change if we are to keep from making the CBs and safeties look like the retards that they are. Spags being such a great LB coach etc and someone with a defensive mind who made the Philly D do wonders, has a week of fire under his ass. I have a feeling after all the heat they will take for the rest of the week, they will come back and play a solid game to appease us and then go back into oblivion. What this team needs is a big time change at the helm. Coughlin is a fucking moron! I was against him right at the time of his hire, his colonel disciplinary bullshit can only work this much. He doesnt even have anything remotely resembling a brain. I wouldnt say this season is tanked, I rarely give up on this team, and I always hope they can prove me right, but it hasnt happened in a few years, and it doesnt look like it this year either. Come on G-fucks, prove the kind of faith the fans have on this team!


Sometimes, looking at how casual the players look when they are getting their asses handed over to them, makes you wonder - Jesus Christ, Im supposed to be a diehard fan, and these bastards are sitting around making a mockery and not even trying? Get raped, but get raped fighting. Dont lie down at the drop of a hat and open wide.

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Pass on Will Allen. But I'd take Will (Peterson) James back, so long as his back is ok.

Agreed. We did the "glory days" bit with Coughlin. I'd rather have a Ron Rivera or LSU's coach. If we have to struggle, how about we do it with someone with some upside.

There was three minutes left to play in Dallas, and we were down by 10 points. We were completely blown out of the water today, and our "defense" forced what, one punt? What would have been the point of pushing our luck?


As for the guys complaining about drafting Smith, do you remember what happened when Toomer went down last year?


To show your team that you have faith in what they can do. Try to bring something positive out of the game. Sure they are blitzing like crazy, now pick appart that secondary.


The worst thing a team can do is give up on the field. That mentality is too hard to break. TC needs to go, he should be out looking for a coordinator job with a powderpuff football team in the midwest somewhere.

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Stop with the "Return of the Wills" will ya. They were overated. So you don't want Madison and Webster, but you don't replace them with 2 guys who seemed to always have "upside". That's not a major improvement.

Allright, the "Wills" aren't the answer either but Madison, McQ, Webster, etc are the worst secondary in the NFL. Even the Raiders secondary is better (is or are??).


But why do you think after 2 weeks (and part of last year) this secondary hasn't gotten it?

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To show your team that you have faith in what they can do. Try to bring something positive out of the game. Sure they are blitzing like crazy, now pick appart that secondary.


The worst thing a team can do is give up on the field. That mentality is too hard to break. TC needs to go, he should be out looking for a coordinator job with a powderpuff football team in the midwest somewhere.


Again, in Dallas Manning left with 3 minutes in the game and us down by 10.


Yesterday, Manning was playing hurt, and we were down by over 3 tds well into the 4th when he was pulled, with absolutely no indication that our "defense" was capable of stopping anything. What positive could be pulled from the game that would be worth further injury to Manning? At least this way, Lorenzen is getting some real game time in, which may turn into a positive.


Frankly, our "defense" gave up much earlier than that.

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Again, in Dallas Manning left with 3 minutes in the game and us down by 10.


Yesterday, Manning was playing hurt, and we were down by over 3 tds well into the 4th when he was pulled, with absolutely no indication that our "defense" was capable of stopping anything. What positive could be pulled from the game that would be worth further injury to Manning? At least this way, Lorenzen is getting some real game time in, which may turn into a positive.


Frankly, our "defense" gave up much earlier than that.



3 minutes down by 10- TD and an onsides kick..... plenty of time.


What positive could have been pulled... I don't know, maybe some reassurance that it is a capable offensive team on the field? It is about attitude, when a team starts to quit on games they have no chance. Jload did not get 'real game' experience, his team had already given up and Green Bay was still playing football.


Do you think Billichek would have pulled Brady? It was a Herm Edwards type of call.....:puke:

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3 minutes down by 10- TD and an onsides kick..... plenty of time.


What positive could have been pulled... I don't know, maybe some reassurance that it is a capable offensive team on the field? It is about attitude, when a team starts to quit on games they have no chance. Jload did not get 'real game' experience, his team had already given up and Green Bay was still playing football.


Do you think Billichek would have pulled Brady? It was a Herm Edwards type of call.....:puke:

But at the time, no one knew what damage had happened to his shoulder. Did you really want to risk an entire season on the slim chance that we score and pull off a successful onsides kick? With the way our special teams are doing?


Attitude? Our "defense" was sulking on the sidelines during the 3rd quarter--what reassurance did the offense have?


Last year, with Manning healthy and Seattle slaughtering us, Coughlin did exactly what you're talking about: kept Eli in the game. But under the circumstances, I think TC made the right decision.



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Let's try and understand that yes the defense looked demoralised, but if you think about it, Tynes misses a field goal, Shockey and Toomer commited dumb penalties that took away TD chances. If those points are on the board, then Green Bay has to play differently. The front line was making some plays, and if Favre has to throw then there's more chance to make plays. When a defense knows that for the rest of the game that the opponent is running the rest of the game, it is demoralizing.


We're an offensive team now. Big Blue D is gone for now. We simply must outpoint the opponent. A few stops on D would help, but Eli and co are now responsible for carrying this team. The studs are on the offensive side of the ball. If they can't control the game, then we are fucked.


Pulling Eli with a few minutes and putting in Fat Joe is not an issue, we were cooked. All teams have done it in the past. Every team gets a beating now and then and you've just got to accept it and move on. What's ridiculous is that Jared Lorenzen is our backup QB, if you want to see how comical we seem to the rest of the league, he personifies it. He's too fucking slow to step up in the pocket, and he gets nailed because of it. And what is even sadder is that Anthony wright runs onto the field. That shouldn't be happening. Meanwhile Byron Leftwich sits at home somewhere.

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Coaching staff from top to bottom shouldn't necessarily get canned, except maybe Coughlin. He can bitch and moan to the players all he wants, but they need to have the desire to play and play well. They lack heart across the board. None of them play...none of them. Pierce probably tries the hardest, but being the middle fucking linebacker...you'd think if he was playing well the TE on the other team might not be wide open on every damn play. Maybe it's not his job every play, but you can be damn sure that at some point, he's blowing coverages too.


Bottom line is simply that we cannot stop the pass and the run opens up from there. I'm looking at 2 or 3 wins at this rate unless there are massive defensive changes, number 1 being they actually show that they care.

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This team would become a complete circus event with Parcells here, could you imagine that?


He'd be a step up from what we got now, but I just don't want to bring him in.


Hell, maybe we can find some Mangini magic and pick up that Josh McDaniels guy from NE. He's there OC. Supposedly a really bright mind.


I just don't think Parcells is that good a coach anymore, and that he wouldn't bode well with this team in this era.


It's not all the coaching guys, this team screws themselves every goddamn oppurtunity. Toomer dropping the pass in the end zone, the 15 yard penalties, the stupid plays by Shockey. Our defense sucks, no denying that. But our coaches did put our offense in position to make some plays and we failed.

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This whole parcells talk to me is just nonsense. You cannot come full circle. If there was ever a coach in the NFL who you would think could come back and be a success, it was Joe Gibbs and even I'm shocked about his lack of success.


I've absolutely no interest in him coming back, none. IMO he and Jerry Reese couldn't work together because Parcells would simply have no respect for the guy and constantly think he could do the job better. Plus, we don't need a guy who as soon as he has a down year, leaves.


The Giants need to make a splash, they need to basically steal someone. Somebody here wrote off Cowher, but how could you not consider a guy who's won a superbowl and who was successful with a club with a history of getting rid of their best players. I truly feel Pete Carroll can come in and do the job. Call up John Fox and feel him out, call Jimmy Johnson, I mean I'd fucking call Lovie Smith again and say I"'m really fucking sorry how dopey we werre the first time, see that Brinks Truck out there......." Do something big, get someone with instant respect who has a background. I loved Fassel but he had no head coaching before the Giants, Coughlin was a product of some serious hard on the Org had to bring him in here. Make a fucking statement with the guy you bring in.

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Giants aint hiring BB, not after this mess he created. Look for a Parcells reunion at Giants Stadium as after the Accorsi book comes out Reese will be the GM that can work with Parcells.


Notre Dame is 0-3. How long before we start hearing the Weis rumors again?

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And what was with the lack of care during the game. The D looked like they didnt even have heart, or the desire to want to win.


They probably watched film of Tiki Barber doing the same thing on the bench during last year's playoff loss to Philly for motivation. :P

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