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These Giants don't deserve a trip to Texas Stadium...


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This is the team that has been given the opportunity to play opening night at Texas Stadium?


Two ugly preseason games...


They better start earning it...

Ok bright guy. Call the NFL networks and Giddell and call the Giants/Dallas game off.


Wow!!!! U are a nut! :confused:

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This is the team that has been given the opportunity to play opening night at Texas Stadium?


Two ugly preseason games...


They better start earning it...


I can only imagine what stupidity you would come up with had they played POORLY vs the Ravens first team.

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This is the team that has been given the opportunity to play opening night at Texas Stadium?


Two ugly preseason games...


They better start earning it...


Let me guess, Philly was never gonna be that good now? :rolleyes:


We're gonna whoop dem cowgirlz good :TU:

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This is the team that has been given the opportunity to play opening night at Texas Stadium?


Two ugly preseason games...


They better start earning it...

More horse shit from BadEgg. This just proves my belief that he has SHIT for brains. :rolleyes:


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