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How big of a deal is the steroid use in baseball? With the upcoming mega anouncment from a former club house worker who suposedly suplied dozens of players with roids, are steroids a big enough deal to warrant jepordizing the game itself?



Myself, I was a big anti-roids guy for a while, now I'm truely on the fence. I really don't know anymore if roids are bad enough to risk what could happen to the game.

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How big of a deal is the steroid use in baseball? With the upcoming mega anouncment from a former club house worker who suposedly suplied dozens of players with roids, are steroids a big enough deal to warrant jepordizing the game itself?

Myself, I was a big anti-roids guy for a while, now I'm truely on the fence. I really don't know anymore if roids are bad enough to risk what could happen to the game.


When it comes to comparing the players of today with the players of old, I am completely against roids. There is no way anybody can mention Bonds, Sheffield, McGwire, and Sosa in the same breath as Ruth, Mantle, Dimaggio, and Cobb. So as far as records go, steroids should be banned.

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When it comes to comparing the players of today with the players of old, I am completely against roids. There is no way anybody can mention Bonds, Sheffield, McGwire, and Sosa in the same breath as Ruth, Mantle, Dimaggio, and Cobb. So as far as records go, steroids should be banned.

Ok, but baseball players have always found ways to cheat, it's not like cheating is a recent development. You can't compare todays players to those players anyway. I mean, would you consider a pitcher who has tommy john surgery and then goes on to strike out 6,000 batters in the same league as Nolan Ryan as far as strikeout pitcher? Maybe steroids is todays spit ball or Cocaine - a - cola. Is it acceptable for a player to get a cortizone shot and then take the field?



As for the records, who cares anymore? The longer this gameis played the more inflated the records will be, regardless of what people use to obtain them. I do agree steroids should be banned from baseball, but why should peoples lives be ruined cause they used a not illegal substance not long ago?

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I feel like people don't appreciate how much pitchers have improved in the game of baseball. Maybe not in pitch counts, nobody can throw 300 a game anymore, but in terms of pure pitching ability. But yah, despite the fact that pitchers do and did use steroids, it takes a lot more than a drug to be able to throw these pitches for strikes...breaking pitches especially. I'm not actually sure though, what are the effects of steroids on pitchers other than maybe throwing a bit harder? I mean, hitters can hit for a bit more power, turn their doubles into homeruns. Lala, ranting. But the problem with baseball now is that it's too worried about it's past and former names. Baseball has no need to start dragging players through the mud, they should be concentrating more on cleaning up the sport now and looking toward the future.


VG, Michael Young, 0-9? He's killing me, man.

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I feel like people don't appreciate how much pitchers have improved in the game of baseball. Maybe not in pitch counts, nobody can throw 300 a game anymore, but in terms of pure pitching ability. But yah, despite the fact that pitchers do and did use steroids, it takes a lot more than a drug to be able to throw these pitches for strikes...breaking pitches especially. I'm not actually sure though, what are the effects of steroids on pitchers other than maybe throwing a bit harder? I mean, hitters can hit for a bit more power, turn their doubles into homeruns. Lala, ranting. But the problem with baseball now is that it's too worried about it's past and former names. Baseball has no need to start dragging players through the mud, they should be concentrating more on cleaning up the sport now and looking toward the future.




VG, Michael Young, 0-9? He's killing me, man.




The whole damn team is a joke. Ian Kinsler and Robinson Tejada are the only, THE ONLY bright spots right now.

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i could care less. nothing will ever take away how impressed i was with barry bonds or how much of a thrill it was to watch caminiti (the few times i could). sure it was a little disappointing to hear they juiced but it doesn't take away past feelings

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Well, first of all, I think you have to differentiate between steroids and HGH. I don't think there's anybody in their right mind who is still doing steroids, but I think there are lots of guys who are still using HGH, and there will be until they figure out a test for it. To me, it does ruin the game a little, but not enough to stop caring.

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Well, first of all, I think you have to differentiate between steroids and HGH. I don't think there's anybody in their right mind who is still doing steroids, but I think there are lots of guys who are still using HGH, and there will be until they figure out a test for it. To me, it does ruin the game a little, but not enough to stop caring.

This guy knows, because after all he's a doctor and a scientist.


Thanks specs for your beneficial incite. :clap:

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Cheating has always been a part of baseball. I say let them all do whatever they want, and let the best cheater win.



I'm not changing my anti-steroid stance due to the fact that the '86 Mets could possibly be in question due to a former employee who is now a known distributor of steroids. I swear. :)

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Well, first of all, I think you have to differentiate between steroids and HGH. I don't think there's anybody in their right mind who is still doing steroids, but I think there are lots of guys who are still using HGH, and there will be until they figure out a test for it. To me, it does ruin the game a little, but not enough to stop caring.

you've changed your stance considerably.

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Fact is all our teams have had guilty members, which says something about how wide spread this issue is. To me, if 70 % of the league was using, it's niot worth finding out. let whats happened stay in the past and strictly enforce the current steroid policy now that we allknow. Nothing good for baseball can come from an announcment that over half of the players were on the juice.

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Fact is all our teams have had guilty members, which says something about how wide spread this issue is. To me, if 70 % of the league was using, it's niot worth finding out. let whats happened stay in the past and strictly enforce the current steroid policy now that we allknow. Nothing good for baseball can come from an announcment that over half of the players were on the juice.




By the way, since his 0-9, Michael Young has gone 8/13 with 6 runs, 6 RBI, and two homeruns.

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By the way, since his 0-9, Michael Young has gone 8/13 with 6 runs, 6 RBI, and two homeruns.

The last 3 games it's been an entirely different team, I think they're back on the juice. :LMAO: I mean, 3 straight brilliant pitching performances and the bats found all the holes in the field? Now lets see if we can go to the Bronx and play at the same level.

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The last 3 games it's been an entirely different team, I think they're back on the juice. :LMAO: I mean, 3 straight brilliant pitching performances and the bats found all the holes in the field? Now lets see if we can go to the Bronx and play at the same level.


Please do. I mean, we can strike an agreement here. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Texas Ranger, let us walk side by side.

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