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The Neverending Story: Tiki Barber Trashes Coughlin Again

Posted Apr 17th 2007 10:11AM by Dan Benton

Filed under: NY Giants, NFC East, NFL Gossip, New York


tiki-barber-240.jpgTiki Barber has been officially retired since February 12th but that hasn't stopped him from mouthing off about his former coach Tom Coughlin. Prior to his first day at NBC and before heading off to Virginia Tech to cover to unfortunate turn of events that will forever change American society, he made sure to get some additional shots in at Coughlin.


"Tom is the way he is; he's not going to change, and that's fine," Barber said. "Just as it's his prerogative to coach that way and treat people the way he does, it's my prerogative to do something else and give you a reason why."

Barber acts like he hasn't said that enough. At this point he seems to just be repeating himself for the simple fact of hearing himself talk. When will he realize that we all get it? He didn't like Coughlin and blames his retirement on him -- fantastic, now shut your mouth! But he doesn't and won't.


"If I was lying, if I said, 'Tom was a great guy,' that he said, 'Tiki, I know you're hurt, take a day off,' or if we screwed up he didn't yell at me and said, 'OK, Tiki,' with positive reinforcement, then I'd be lying and I'd be wrong," Barber added.

[insert the sound of a baby crying here.] I used to have such respect for Tiki Barber as a player and as a person but this has gotten ridiculous. It's like a broken record that never seems to end and even though Coughlin and the Giants have moved on, Barber clearly has not.

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dear lord :LMAO:


I will tell you what Tiki has now, its called retirees remorse. He never realized that the people in NY will not come up to you and say "great job Tiki, you had a great career, congrats on the early retirement", they will walk up to you and say "jesus Tiki what the fuck? you are healthy, have had back to back to bck tremendous years and you still do not have a championship, why the fuck you leaving?". So Tiki in his typical "not my fault" way(see comments after Carolina playoff game"hey I was asked the question", same as Jags game and his much publicized verbal war with Michael Strahan)has to blame someone else. He figures that the fans will blame public enemy #1 in Tom COughlin by blaming him as to why he is leaving. GUess what Tiki? You are making Coughlin a martyr. Something tells me that when Tiki and his handlers leaked this story to the NYT writer(because do not let anyone fool you it was Tiki and his agent Lepselter who leaked the retirement story)he would have said it was because of Coughlin, Tiki has never been shy about running his big mouth and would have said this back in October when his negotiating for a TV contract , errrrr retirement became public.


Tiki Barber has been about himself for years. HIs media aspirations go back to 1998 when he hosted a talk show on WFAN in the off season, when he was nothing more than a 3rd down back. Its apparent what his intentions were all along. I only wish he looked like Bob Whitfield, maybe then he would have no choice but to play football to make millions.


I was at the Knick game this year when they flashed him on the screen and much to his surprise the crowd loudly booed him. THis is NY Tiki, not bumfuck nowhere USA, we all see right through clowns like you!

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dear lord :LMAO:


I will tell you what Tiki has now, its called retirees remorse. He never realized that the people in NY will not come up to you and say "great job Tiki, you had a great career, congrats on the early retirement", they will walk up to you and say "jesus Tiki what the fuck? you are healthy, have had back to back to bck tremendous years and you still do not have a championship, why the fuck you leaving?". So Tiki in his typical "not my fault" way(see comments after Carolina playoff game"hey I was asked the question", same as Jags game and his much publicized verbal war with Michael Strahan)has to blame someone else. He figures that the fans will blame public enemy #1 in Tom COughlin by blaming him as to why he is leaving. GUess what Tiki? You are making Coughlin a martyr. Something tells me that when Tiki and his handlers leaked this story to the NYT writer(because do not let anyone fool you it was Tiki and his agent Lepselter who leaked the retirement story)he would have said it was because of Coughlin, Tiki has never been shy about running his big mouth and would have said this back in October when his negotiating for a TV contract , errrrr retirement became public.


Tiki Barber has been about himself for years. HIs media aspirations go back to 1998 when he hosted a talk show on WFAN in the off season, when he was nothing more than a 3rd down back. Its apparent what his intentions were all along. I only wish he looked like Bob Whitfield, maybe then he would have no choice but to play football to make millions.


I was at the Knick game this year when they flashed him on the screen and much to his surprise the crowd loudly booed him. THis is NY Tiki, not bumfuck nowhere USA, we all see right through clowns like you!

Yeah his character was revealed for all the world to see during that Strahan/Tiki not-Battle that took place a couple of years back. From that point I separated Tiki the Ballplayer and Giant from Tiki The All Too Obvious Self-Promoter. Either come back and play....or move on already. You are right this is The City not East BumFuck where they worship self-promoters like him.

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remember when we were a classy organization that stayed out of the press?


so true blun, I remember when Parcells was there even with the crap that always surronded LT you never heard players pop off at the mouth about him, their coach, their careers outside football etc and certainly never ever ever about gameplans, and this goes back to long before Bill Parcells became the Bill PArcells that we know now.

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so true blun, I remember when Parcells was there even with the crap that always surronded LT you never heard players pop off at the mouth about him, their coach, their careers outside football etc and certainly never ever ever about gameplans, and this goes back to long before Bill Parcells became the Bill PArcells that we know now.

Mara had a lot to do with it. He was an egoless, private guy and it trickled down to all.

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dear lord :LMAO:


I will tell you what Tiki has now, its called retirees remorse. He never realized that the people in NY will not come up to you and say "great job Tiki, you had a great career, congrats on the early retirement", they will walk up to you and say "jesus Tiki what the fuck? you are healthy, have had back to back to bck tremendous years and you still do not have a championship, why the fuck you leaving?". So Tiki in his typical "not my fault" way(see comments after Carolina playoff game"hey I was asked the question", same as Jags game and his much publicized verbal war with Michael Strahan)has to blame someone else. He figures that the fans will blame public enemy #1 in Tom COughlin by blaming him as to why he is leaving. GUess what Tiki? You are making Coughlin a martyr. Something tells me that when Tiki and his handlers leaked this story to the NYT writer(because do not let anyone fool you it was Tiki and his agent Lepselter who leaked the retirement story)he would have said it was because of Coughlin, Tiki has never been shy about running his big mouth and would have said this back in October when his negotiating for a TV contract , errrrr retirement became public.


Tiki Barber has been about himself for years. HIs media aspirations go back to 1998 when he hosted a talk show on WFAN in the off season, when he was nothing more than a 3rd down back. Its apparent what his intentions were all along. I only wish he looked like Bob Whitfield, maybe then he would have no choice but to play football to make millions.


I was at the Knick game this year when they flashed him on the screen and much to his surprise the crowd loudly booed him. THis is NY Tiki, not bumfuck nowhere USA, we all see right through clowns like you!


well said. i always used to say that if he were on any other team i'd hate him, now it's easy

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I think what's worse here is that while Tiki is supposed to be going to cover a tragedy, some reporter has the perfect timing in asking his opinion about Coughlin!. And what's worse is Tiki lacks any professionalism to at least say "now's not the time".

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well said. i always used to say that if he were on any other team i'd hate him, now it's easy


HOLD THE FUCKIN PHONE for just a minute......You used to say if he were on another team, you'd hate him???? I'll bet money, that you didnt. ;)


Whats wrong with the people that are commenting on this? You call yourseves Giant fans? You all sound like hippocrites. EVERYONE LOVED TIKI WHILE HE WAS ON THE TEAM...and dont try to tell me otherwise. And whoever brought up the Strahan thing a few years back, PUHLEASE!!! It was Micahel we all were mad at for arguin about money and his contract. We werent bashing Tiki for his comments, we were praising him, how soon one forgets. :confused:


You act like he just wakes up and wants to talk shit, Im sure he was ASKED these questions. If you ask me, its not Tiki that needs to shut up, but some on this MB do.


Sorry my fellow Gmen fans, but this is hipocrisy at its best.

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well said. i always used to say that if he were on any other team i'd hate him, now it's easy


HOLD THE FUCKIN PHONE for just a minute......You used to say if he were on another team, you'd hate him???? I'll bet money, that you didnt. ;)


Whats wrong with the people that are commenting on this? You call yourseves Giant fans? You all sound like hippocrites. EVERYONE LOVED TIKI WHILE HE WAS ON THE TEAM...and dont try to tell me otherwise. And whoever brought up the Strahan thing a few years back, PUHLEASE!!! It was Micahel we all were mad at for arguin about money and his contract. We werent bashing Tiki for his comments, we were praising him, how soon one forgets. :confused:


You act like he just wakes up and wants to talk shit, Im sure he was ASKED these questions. If you ask me, its not Tiki that needs to shut up, but some on this MB do.


Sorry my fellow Gmen fans, but this is hipocrisy at its best.

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Worst part is, we are all sitting here putting Tiki on a stake while that dumbfuck douchebag egomaniac foolish Tom Coughlin is still there and has actually been given a fucking extension by our wonderful organisation! sheesh!
I remind the critics of Tiki that in this country we have freedom of speech. Without it, you would not be able to be critics. He is saying what needs to be said because the management of the Giants is as dumb as a bucket of rocks. They keep Dictator Tom who cannot inspire players and has such a terrible reputation as a leader that he can't attract qualified assistant coaches. Last year we had stupid Huffnagle and Loser Lewis because no one else wanted to be part of an organization that was lead by a dumb dictator. Let's also remember that Tom, after playing college football, never was drafted by a pro team or played one second in the pros. That speaks volumes about his personal abilities and possibly why he is critical of good professional players. The Giants will never make it to the Super Bowl so long as Classless Coughlin is with them.
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HOLD THE FUCKIN PHONE for just a minute......You used to say if he were on another team, you'd hate him???? I'll bet money, that you didnt. ;)


Whats wrong with the people that are commenting on this? You call yourseves Giant fans? You all sound like hippocrites. EVERYONE LOVED TIKI WHILE HE WAS ON THE TEAM...and dont try to tell me otherwise. And whoever brought up the Strahan thing a few years back, PUHLEASE!!! It was Micahel we all were mad at for arguin about money and his contract. We werent bashing Tiki for his comments, we were praising him, how soon one forgets. :confused:


You act like he just wakes up and wants to talk shit, Im sure he was ASKED these questions. If you ask me, its not Tiki that needs to shut up, but some on this MB do.


Sorry my fellow Gmen fans, but this is hipocrisy at its best.


actually i was mad at tiki during that whole debacle and it's one of the first reasons why i started to become disgusted with him. you NEVER comment on your teammate's contract or negotiation. it's just an unwritten rule. and i'll bet you any amount of money that i've said what i claim to have said many many times. i rooted for him becuase he wore my team's uniform, that's it. i dont like him as a person and i never have. i never liked his shameless self-promotion, i never liked him smiling and joking with guys hwo just tackled him after a play, and i certainly didn't like him leaking his retirement announcement to the ny times so the attentnion would be on him during a monday night game. the dude's a phony and im glad my fellow giant fans are beginning to realize it as well

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HOLD THE FUCKIN PHONE for just a minute......You used to say if he were on another team, you'd hate him???? I'll bet money, that you didnt. ;)


Whats wrong with the people that are commenting on this? You call yourseves Giant fans? You all sound like hippocrites. EVERYONE LOVED TIKI WHILE HE WAS ON THE TEAM...and dont try to tell me otherwise. And whoever brought up the Strahan thing a few years back, PUHLEASE!!! It was Micahel we all were mad at for arguin about money and his contract. We werent bashing Tiki for his comments, we were praising him, how soon one forgets. :confused:


You act like he just wakes up and wants to talk shit, Im sure he was ASKED these questions. If you ask me, its not Tiki that needs to shut up, but some on this MB do.


Sorry my fellow Gmen fans, but this is hipocrisy at its best.


actually i was mad at tiki during that whole debacle and it's one of the first reasons why i started to become disgusted with him. you NEVER comment on your teammate's contract or negotiation. it's just an unwritten rule. and i'll bet you any amount of money that i've said what i claim to have said many many times. i rooted for him becuase he wore my team's uniform, that's it. i dont like him as a person and i never have. i never liked his shameless self-promotion, i never liked him smiling and joking with guys hwo just tackled him after a play, and i certainly didn't like him leaking his retirement announcement to the ny times so the attentnion would be on him during a monday night game. the dude's a phony and im glad my fellow giant fans are beginning to realize it as well

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HOLD THE FUCKIN PHONE for just a minute......You used to say if he were on another team, you'd hate him???? I'll bet money, that you didnt. ;)


Whats wrong with the people that are commenting on this? You call yourseves Giant fans? You all sound like hippocrites. EVERYONE LOVED TIKI WHILE HE WAS ON THE TEAM...and dont try to tell me otherwise. And whoever brought up the Strahan thing a few years back, PUHLEASE!!! It was Micahel we all were mad at for arguin about money and his contract. We werent bashing Tiki for his comments, we were praising him, how soon one forgets. :confused:


You act like he just wakes up and wants to talk shit, Im sure he was ASKED these questions. If you ask me, its not Tiki that needs to shut up, but some on this MB do.


Sorry my fellow Gmen fans, but this is hipocrisy at its best.


What is your criteria for being a Giant fan?. Don't talk shit about ex players, even after they talk shit about their ex team.


What about the fact even though Tiki may have been asked this question (which i noted earlier), however, and especially in light of the fact that Tiki was on his way to cover the VT tragedy, that Tiki could have, and probably should have just said "no comment".


But of course "Tiki the TV man" blurted out the same rhetoric, he's been spewing since he left the game, and what will probably end up as a chapter in this book he's supposed to be doing.


Tiki was a great running back, and often showed a lot of class on the field, showed no class here, he could have taken the high road, he continuously refuses to do so. He continues to beat the dog (Coughlin) while he's down. Why?. What's the point?


Blue, it is possible to praise a person one minute and bash them the next without being a hypocrite. Giving credit where credit is due, regardless of what you think of the person as a whole.

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actually i was mad at tiki during that whole debacle and it's one of the first reasons why i started to become disgusted with him. you NEVER comment on your teammate's contract or negotiation. [/b]it's just an unwritten rule. and i'll bet you any amount of money that i've said what i claim to have said many many times. i rooted for him becuase he wore my team's uniform, that's it. i dont like him as a person and i never have. i never liked his shameless self-promotion, i never liked him smiling and joking with guys hwo just tackled him after a play, and i certainly didn't like him leaking his retirement announcement to the ny times so the attentnion would be on him during a monday night game. the dude's a phony and im glad my fellow giant fans are beginning to realize it as well



So, Strahan bitching about it was OK, but Tiki commenting on it is worse?? C'mon my friend, lets be real. Thats what leaders do, step up when needed. I just want to know why you mention Tiki in that instance, when it was Micahel who opened his mouth 1st.


Look, if you dont like him, to each his own. But I wish I could bring back some chat from this board from when Tiki was still a Giant and there was no talk of retirement, I'd bet money no one bashed Tiki.

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