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Oh no, Dear God no!. Somebody might take Frank Walker from us!!


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Its simple really...Who's the fastest corner on our team? Frank Walker

Who's quicker and has an easier time breaking on a ball on our team? Um, Walker.

Who has has the best ability to catch the ball on our team? Walker...


There's a reason why EA hasn't cut F. Walker and why Reese hasn't done it yet... He is, by far, more physically gifted than any of our other cornerback. I know you can't see pass the penalties, but its true. Unfortunately, he will probably never reach his full potential with TC at the helm.


You know, its funny really. With J. Fassel, this kid looked like he had a bright future ahead of him. The Vikings and Bucs games come to mind. But he makes one mistake against Cincinnati, and he's been in TC dog house even since. Even though he had an endzone int in that game and did fairly well against Chad Johnson. But hey, what can you say. People expect a player, a cornerback, to not play for nearly a year and just come in and play right were he left off.

:clap: Thats absolutely true, noone on our team at the CB positition has more physical tools and more nose for the ball than Walker. He makes mistakes, playing sporatically will do that.

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Its simple really...Who's the fastest corner on our team? Frank Walker

Who's quicker and has an easier time breaking on a ball on our team? Um, Walker.

Who has has the best ability to catch the ball on our team? Walker...


Who still manages to get hit for a penalty every time he plays, despite these supposed advantages? Frank Walker, PI.


There's a reason why EA hasn't cut F. Walker and why Reese hasn't done it yet...


He's a Free Agent?

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Its simple really...Who's the fastest corner on our team? Frank Walker

Who's quicker and has an easier time breaking on a ball on our team? Um, Walker.

Who has has the best ability to catch the ball on our team? Walker...


There's a reason why EA hasn't cut F. Walker and why Reese hasn't done it yet... He is, by far, more physically gifted than any of our other cornerback. I know you can't see pass the penalties, but its true. Unfortunately, he will probably never reach his full potential with TC at the helm.


You know, its funny really. With J. Fassel, this kid looked like he had a bright future ahead of him. The Vikings and Bucs games come to mind. But he makes one mistake against Cincinnati, and he's been in TC dog house even since. Even though he had an endzone int in that game and did fairly well against Chad Johnson. But hey, what can you say. People expect a player, a cornerback, to not play for nearly a year and just come in and play right were he left off.


Where did he leave off????


Walker is no further in the dog house than the likes of Shockey and Burress and Jacobs, don't get hung up on that idea. And what you failed to mention Nem is that while he may be fast and he may have good hands, that would make him ideal for a wide receiver, not a corner. He can't cover worth a damn Nem, and when does get playing time out there he's done some bonehead things. As was noted earlier, against the Titans, everyone gets on Kiwi but Walker's mistakes was worse. I won't miss him at all, addition by subtraction.


One of EA's biggest problems was that he drafted a lot of guys because of potential, Ron Dixon is a prime example, how many years did we sit waiting for Carter's potential. Because he drafted them, EA liked to keep them around way past the expiration date. Reese can't afford that anymore and I think you'll see that in the future, It's time to draft football players.

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Where did he leave off????


Walker is no further in the dog house than the likes of Shockey and Burress and Jacobs, don't get hung up on that idea. And what you failed to mention Nem is that while he may be fast and he may have good hands, that would make him ideal for a wide receiver, not a corner. He can't cover worth a damn Nem, and when does get playing time out there he's done some bonehead things.

I disagree. Speed is very important for a corner. And, the ability to catch the ball away from his opponent is extremely important too. Ask any coach in the NFL and they will all tell you the same. Listen, I want to apologize. Maybe I'm not explaining myself properly. So allow me to start from the beginning again.


Hmm, hmm...


Frank Walker is our most physically talented corner back on our team. He's faster than the other coners (Advantage Mr. Walker). He's quicker and breaks on the ball alot easier than other cornerback on this team. (Advantage Mr. Walker) . And he's catches the ball and has a nose for the ball alot better than the other Corners. (Again, advantage Mr. Walker). Can't cover worth a damn? I believe he did a great job against Chad Johnson a few years back. So much so, even Chad was getting frustrated with Walker. So, he can cover a little bit.



As was noted earlier, against the Titans, everyone gets on Kiwi but Walker's mistakes was worse. I won't miss him at all, addition by subtraction.

I not going to defend Walker because he messed up on that play. But, keep in mind he had a split second decision to tackle a player, who at any moment, can turn it up field and score TD.



One of EA's biggest problems was that he drafted a lot of guys because of potential, Ron Dixon is a prime example, how many years did we sit waiting for Carter's potential. Because he drafted them, EA liked to keep them around way past the expiration date. Reese can't afford that anymore and I think you'll see that in the future, It's time to draft football players.


Well isn't that point of the draft Boohyah? Drafting players who have the potential to become good players for our team. I think the problem with EA is that he hire coaches who doesn't know how to develope our potential players. Especially on the defesive side of the ball.

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Gee fish, I guess Champ Bailey wouldn't make your roster either. :confused:


If Champ Bailey had as many penalties in as little playing time as Frank Walker, no he wouldn't. But of course, Champ has field awareness that is light years beyond what Walker could ever hope for, not to mention some self-discipline; and that's the difference.


Walker, PI has had how many years to get his act together? Four, isn't it? If it hasn't happened by now, it isn't happening. They're not re-signing him, and the spot is better served with a draft choice, or Dockery, or Underwood.


Did you really just compare Frank Walker to Champ Bailey?

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I disagree. Speed is very important for a corner. And, the ability to catch the ball away from his opponent is extremely important too. Ask any coach in the NFL and they will all tell you the same. Listen, I want to apologize. Maybe I'm not explaining myself properly. So allow me to start from the beginning again.


Hmm, hmm...


Frank Walker is our most physically talented corner back on our team. He's faster than the other coners (Advantage Mr. Walker). He's quicker and breaks on the ball alot easier than other cornerback on this team. (Advantage Mr. Walker) . And he's catches the ball and has a nose for the ball alot better than the other Corners. (Again, advantage Mr. Walker). Can't cover worth a damn? I believe he did a great job against Chad Johnson a few years back. So much so, even Chad was getting frustrated with Walker. So, he can cover a little bit.

I not going to defend Walker because he messed up on that play. But, keep in mind he had a split second decision to tackle a player, who at any moment, can turn it up field and score TD.

Well isn't that point of the draft Boohyah? Drafting players who have the potential to become good players for our team. I think the problem with EA is that he hire coaches who doesn't know how to develope our potential players. Especially on the defesive side of the ball.

It's been 4 years. We would know by now if Walker can start for us. It's obvious he can't. The only thing he can do is catch. There was a reason he wasn't starting in a porous secondary... its because he wasnt good. He had his chance against the Titans, and completely blew it towards the end. He got torched by whoever he was covering.

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I disagree. Speed is very important for a corner. And, the ability to catch the ball away from his opponent is extremely important too. Ask any coach in the NFL and they will all tell you the same. Listen, I want to apologize. Maybe I'm not explaining myself properly. So allow me to start from the beginning again.


Hmm, hmm...


Frank Walker is our most physically talented corner back on our team. He's faster than the other coners (Advantage Mr. Walker). He's quicker and breaks on the ball alot easier than other cornerback on this team. (Advantage Mr. Walker) . And he's catches the ball and has a nose for the ball alot better than the other Corners. (Again, advantage Mr. Walker). Can't cover worth a damn? I believe he did a great job against Chad Johnson a few years back. So much so, even Chad was getting frustrated with Walker. So, he can cover a little bit.

I not going to defend Walker because he messed up on that play. But, keep in mind he had a split second decision to tackle a player, who at any moment, can turn it up field and score TD.

Well isn't that point of the draft Boohyah? Drafting players who have the potential to become good players for our team. I think the problem with EA is that he hire coaches who doesn't know how to develope our potential players. Especially on the defesive side of the ball.


Nem, seriously take a breath here. I've read this and the next one, I never said speed wasn't vital for a corner, but coverage skills are and he doesn't have them. Having good hands is a plus but his job was not to spend the entire game looking to catch the ball.One game with Chad Johnson?? C'mon?


The play he messed up on Nem, was one where the guy was out of bounds and then he hit him, so no, he could not have turned up the field and ran, and he cost us a vital stop. It was a huge blunder!!


The point I was making on the draft was that EA liked projects. Walker was a project. He was left on the squad last year because the team wanted to give him one last year to prove them right. It's not the first time they did it. Ron Dixon and Tim Carter are other examples. They were constantly looking for the next Armstead/ Sehorn.


He sucks Nem, he simply sucks and he's zero loss. But the good thing is with all his speed he'll be very fast leaving Giants Stadium.

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Why not fill the WR hole made by Carter's departure with Walker? I mean, the argument seems to be that he is fast, and has hands, but can't cover, and commits too many penalties. If he's going to get cut/traded anyway, why not fill a hole from within?

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Who still manages to get hit for a penalty every time he plays, despite these supposed advantages? Frank Walker, PI.

He's a Free Agent?



wel since you can count on one hand how many times that has happened I dont tink its a big deal. And as far as coverage and speed skills. I dunno. But if you cant keep up with a WR having coverage skills id kind of obsolete.

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Hmm....quite a comprehensive Frank Walker debate.


Whats the most saddening part - I guess everyone's right. Carter is about as valuable as a fragment of human excreta, but then again, he truly might be the best we've got. Webster has 'BUM' tattooed on his forehead.


FUCK - Nem and VG might be right. He actually might be the best we've got. And that speaks volumes! :ph34r:

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A Key Aspect that Frank Walker lacks as a CB might just be the most important one and that is, Discipline, knowing how to jam the WR at the line within the rules of the five yards, knowing the defensive play that is called and realizing where you are supposed to be when the play develops. Frank Walker has shown zero ability to grasp ANY of this. He has shown a tendency to jump routes, which at times can result in a big play, but in Franks case often has resulted in one for the opposition. His inability to know the proper plays has been well chronicled, being out of position and nowhere near where he is supposed to be has been the norm. You would think a guy who has SO MUCH to prove and has played SO LITTLE as many claim would have plenty of time to study the play book and pay attention in meetings and practice. Not Frank, his mental abilities regressed over 4 years. His propensity for the big penalty has been well documented. Like I said before the one against the Titans was the one that cost them the game, it was 21-7 with 6 minutes to go and the Giants getting the ball back there, Young was stopped. Walker as claimed was not dealing with a player that could turn it up and go upfield, in the NFL you see when you are out of bounds that is not allowed, yet brain dead Walker decides to lead, with his helmet at a QB. Not exactly Einstein typ football.


Guys a bum, plain and simple. Afew years back I went to Baltimore to see the Giants play the Ravens. Ravens manhandled the Giants that day and the night before we partied in Baltimore to the wee hours. Saw a Giant player at Larry Flynts club at 2 am with an entourage of thugs and low level hanger ons, know who that player was? None other than Frank Walker. Game was a 1PM Sunday start.


Sure this guy has some ability but has never shown the willingness to harness his altheticism into hard work and study top become a better player.

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