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Hollis Thomas: 'I Would Not Play For The Giants'


Posted Feb 20th 2007 8:37PM by Dan Benton

Filed under: NY Giants, NFC East, New York, NFL Free Agency


Earlier this evening Hollis Thomas was being interviewed on Sirius radio by Adam Schein and when asked if he would play for the Giants he said flat out "no." His major reason for saying no was that the New York media is "too vocal" for him. He also went on to say that there is to much talking in the Giants locker room and that if one anyone said something about him on a radio show he would "choke them out."


Finally, he said another reason is because that Tom Coughlin is a lame duck coach and that if he was signed for three years he wouldn't want to prove himself to someone new after only one season. All are valid reasons but his whole "choke them out" comment seemed very unprofessional.


Thankfully the Giants weren't really looking at him. The last thing they need is another play who doesn't want to be there.



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How does this fall back on Tiki?


Is the NY media bloodthirsty? Yes. What does that have to do with Tiki?


Is the Giants lockerroom a prime media source? Yes. And Tiki was hardly the one making comments throughout the year.


Is Tom Coughlin a douchebag who has no idea how to coach a team in the 21st Century? Yes. Again...what does Tiki have to do with this?



Face it Wellington fucked up. Tiki was the best player on this team and was driven out of football by TC. Did TC fix his fumbling problem? Yes. But a HC should deliver more than just THAT...that should be a RB coaches job! TC is the #1 negative influence on this team, and while the HC pool might have been a bit lacking this offseason another year with TC was guarunteed to signal around the league that the 2007 football season will be a sad and pathetic one for the Giants as they work their way towards a new HC in 08. Why would you come to the Gmen when you know your first season is going to be shot, and who knows what comes after that?


Enough with trying to blame Tiki for this teams failures, he is one of the few honest people willing to step up and admit what is wrong. It sickens me that there are Giants fans who cannot appreciate Tiki and all he did for this team...he WAS Giant Pride for the past 4-5 years and when he steps up and says what we are all thinking you chastise him...well I for one am glad a player is finally stepping up and saying what we all know. I just wish he had been a little more open with the FO about his feelings because I am SURE they reflect heavily on what the players feel in the lockerroom and if what he has said so far is even 50% accurate the lockerroom is already lost when it comes to TC.

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How does this fall back on Tiki?


Is the NY media bloodthirsty? Yes. What does that have to do with Tiki?


Is the Giants lockerroom a prime media source? Yes. And Tiki was hardly the one making comments throughout the year.

Is Tom Coughlin a douchebag who has no idea how to coach a team in the 21st Century? Yes. Again...what does Tiki have to do with this?

Face it Wellington fucked up. Tiki was the best player on this team and was driven out of football by TC. Did TC fix his fumbling problem? Yes. But a HC should deliver more than just THAT...that should be a RB coaches job! TC is the #1 negative influence on this team, and while the HC pool might have been a bit lacking this offseason another year with TC was guarunteed to signal around the league that the 2007 football season will be a sad and pathetic one for the Giants as they work their way towards a new HC in 08. Why would you come to the Gmen when you know your first season is going to be shot, and who knows what comes after that?


Enough with trying to blame Tiki for this teams failures, he is one of the few honest people willing to step up and admit what is wrong. It sickens me that there are Giants fans who cannot appreciate Tiki and all he did for this team...he WAS Giant Pride for the past 4-5 years and when he steps up and says what we are all thinking you chastise him...well I for one am glad a player is finally stepping up and saying what we all know. I just wish he had been a little more open with the FO about his feelings because I am SURE they reflect heavily on what the players feel in the lockerroom and if what he has said so far is even 50% accurate the lockerroom is already lost when it comes to TC.



so I wonder who was the "locker room source" all this time the big name that no one (reporters)would reveal . So , did he stir up a big batch of unhappiness and through it in the oven to cook and have a few bites of bullshit on the way out the door . IF all this anti-coughlin stuff wasn't started by him, then by who??? Tiki was feeding the media small portions of bullshit pie all year behind the scenes and they(NY media) ran with it and blew it up to what it is today . very un-cool end to a very cool career.

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Hollis Thomas: 'I Would Not Play For The Giants'


Posted Feb 20th 2007 8:37PM by Dan Benton

Filed under: NY Giants, NFC East, New York, NFL Free Agency


Earlier this evening Hollis Thomas was being interviewed on Sirius radio by Adam Schein and when asked if he would play for the Giants he said flat out "no." His major reason for saying no was that the New York media is "too vocal" for him. He also went on to say that there is to much talking in the Giants locker room and that if one anyone said something about him on a radio show he would "choke them out."


Finally, he said another reason is because that Tom Coughlin is a lame duck coach and that if he was signed for three years he wouldn't want to prove himself to someone new after only one season. All are valid reasons but his whole "choke them out" comment seemed very unprofessional.


Thankfully the Giants weren't really looking at him. The last thing they need is another play who doesn't want to be there.



I hate to say it, but that's a fair assessment of the situation. Between the players, the coaching situation, and the media, this doesn't exactly seem like an appealing place to play. An interesting thing to note is that Thomas didn't say anything negative about Coughlin except that "He's a lameduck coach" and said nothing about his ability or lack of same. I'm not saying this proves/disproves anything, just interesting to note.


And if all the locker room talk was from Tiki, then Thomas wouldn't think this was still an issue, since Tiki retired. And although Tiki has been the poster child for saying crap to the media after the season ended, he wasn't the only one saying stupid things to the media during the season.


It looks like the FO has a lot of work cut out for them to mend the perception players have about this club. There's obviously a great deal of damage done by these players, coaches, and owners. Us fans will probably have to deal with the backlash for some time to come.

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First off..............HOLLIS THOMAS????


The same guy who got banned in mid season for 4 games for substance abuse.


I'm sure he was a popular player in that locker room last year and that there weren't teamates who would have choked him out for being so irresponsible and hurting his team during a crucial stretch run last year.


I'm sure the Giants are saying, "boy that Hollis Thomas would be a nice pickup".


And the New York Media too vocal?, nah!, the New York Giants were too vocal, you can't pin the blame on the media for last year.


As for Tiki, I'm not sure why Tiki would "leak" information to the press one day and then "blurt" out information the next. I'm not saying he wouldn't, but I'd be curious how he decides what way he leaks info to the press.


As for his behaviour now, it's clear he's doing it to make an impact with his new employers and nothing else. It's the old "I'm on your side now...........right now". Plus it's the easiest source to get Tiki to talk about. "Tiki, now that you're no longer a Giant, what really happened?". And Tiki starts mouthing off. It's too bad, and he gets no points from me, but it doesn't take away from what he did on the field. Hell last year I read LT's book and truthfully, he comes off as an asshole big time, however you can't take away from what he did on the field, he just left it all out there, and that's how I wish to remember him.


As for the Giants, they are getting good publicity right now with Reese, so no question he should be made the front man for all media relations because as crazy as it sounds, he has extra credit with the New York media for being a black GM. Coughlin needs to stay in the background as much as possible, and undoubtedly at some press conference in the future, someone will ask about Tiki. And when they do, Tom should respond "Tiki is entitled to his opinion, he was nothing but a fantastic player for us and I appreciate everything he did, and I wish him nothing but the best in the future". Believe me, that's going to stick right up Tiki's ass if the Giants take the high road with him, because he's going to come off as a huge dick the next time he mouths off.

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I hate to say it, but that's a fair assessment of the situation. Between the players, the coaching situation, and the media, this doesn't exactly seem like an appealing place to play.



I agree 100%. That's why I keep saying we need to get rid of the Plaxes, Shockeys, etc. of this team. They're as much a cancer with thier yapping and on-field bullshit as anyone else. Shit, Strahan has started plenty of shit during his career... remember him, Tiki, and Hamilton fighting over thier contracts in the media a few years back? Or how about the bullshit this year? I'm not saying get rid of all those guys, but too many mouths ruins a team.



We can worry about getting rid of Coughlin after this year. Trust me... with an offense ranked in the bottom third, there'll be plenty of reasons to can him.

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Hollis Thomas.....sheesh!


Either way, simply shouting from the ass with foolish statements like get rid of Plax, Shockey and then putting Tiki on the stake is immature and idiotic.


The only thing that everybody and their grandmothers can see but for some fucking reason not a single soul is able to figure out what the hell is this Front Office thinking by keeping Coughlin around when it is quite obvious that he doesnt know his dick from his asshole when it comes to intelligently coaching a football team and wouldnt know it if a decent co-ordinator hit him in the face!


I am still waiting for a sane explanation for keeping Coughlin when it was evident he is a fool. The Bill Cowher, Bellichick, Weiss arguments dont convince me.

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