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Gorilla's Game Plan


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Lets say TC, Gilbrite and T.Lewis all die tomorrow of Gonorrhea and the call comes in to you.... What is your game plan against the Eagles?




Offensive Game Plan


This is the easy part... GIVE TIKI THE BALL! Even if it is not working keep feeding Tiki. Start to mix in some play action passes, I do not see NOT using play action on almost every pass. Force them to commit that safety or have the LB's watch the play before attacking. That half a second delay could spell the difference for a 3 yard Tiki rush and a .5 yard Tiki rush. Defiantly use the extra TE set hopefully with Seubert to get an extra block to spring Tiki...or BJ.


You know they are going to bring the pressure, so work in some screens to Tiki and some quick slants to Tyree or Moss. Send Tim Carter and his speed deep on every play, his hands of steel are of no use across the middle on short routes. Use his speed to take the CB and hopefully Safety deep with him. Equally Shockey has got to get the ball in the middle of the field- make sure the D is accounting for him on every play.




Defensive Game Plan.


Throw out the Zone Blitz, it is the most useless play in all of football, especially against a RB like Westbrook. Helmet on a Helmet football and toughness is the only way to win this game on D.


No more sitting in a Cover 0 zone letting the play develop in front of the secondary. Smack someone in the face every down. Bump the receivers at the line, force them to come off their routes and for God's sake cover PEOPLE not an area.


Blitz from every direction, bring Wilson on the blitz, bring CB's and Pierce. Bring 5 or 6 rushers on most plays, yes it will open up the D to the screen or quick pass, but the midget homo cannot see over the line so the faster the pressure the better. Force him to step up and make plays, do not let him roll out of the pocket.




This is a winnable game, if the GIANTS step up and play tough football. If they step back and play candy ass like this coaching staff seems to support it will be a LONG sunday.

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One thing I cannot stand, that we've been doing all freaking year, is throwing on first down. And 9 times out of ten it's an incompletion leaving us in a bad 2nd and long situation, in which we run a freaking draw :confused:.



Run the ball on first down. If it's 2nd long throw the ball, if it's 2nd and medium run the ball again, if it's 2nd and short run the ball or play action.


Defensively, pray a lot on the sidelines, cause it don't matter what we do, we're gonna give up some points and yards.

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One thing I cannot stand, that we've been doing all freaking year, is throwing on first down. And 9 times out of ten it's an incompletion leaving us in a bad 2nd and long situation, in which we run a freaking draw :confused:.



Run the ball on first down. If it's 2nd long throw the ball, if it's 2nd and medium run the ball again, if it's 2nd and short run the ball or play action.


Defensively, pray a lot on the sidelines, cause it don't matter what we do, we're gonna give up some points and yards.

You are right, teams usually run on 2nd down after a 1st down incompletion. i don't mind the pass on 1st down as long as its a high percentage completion type of play. we go down the field too much on 1st down.

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You are right, teams usually run on 2nd down after a 1st down incompletion. i don't mind the pass on 1st down as long as its a high percentage completion type of play. we go down the field too much on 1st down.


I just looked over the play by play of our last 6 losses.

We threw on 1st and 10 74 times.

Completed 40 of those with 3 sacks, 2 fumbles, and 3 int's.

About 54% completion.

Most of the incompletions, as you stated were deep throws.

Most of the completions were to the rb or te short.


Give or take a few on these numbers. I could've missed something here or there.

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I just looked over the play by play of our last 6 losses.

We threw on 1st and 10 74 times.

Completed 40 of those with 3 sacks, 2 fumbles, and 3 int's.

About 54% completion.

Most of the incompletions, as you stated were deep throws.

Most of the completions were to the rb or te short.


Give or take a few on these numbers. I could've missed something here or there.

well those numbers are definitely showing a pattern of impatience, which is a weakness of our coaching staff.

good research, nesta!

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Pass the ball on first down. If we don't do that, we're gonna regret it.


If you think I'm crazy, re-watch the tape of the Panthers game last year. I've kept this stat in my brain ever since the game. Only two times out of seven I think when we were still in the game we passed on first down. A 6 yard pass to Tiki and a 20 yard pass to Shockey. 2/2 for 26 yards. The only good stat of the game.


Pass on first down. If we run and do great, great. If we run and fail, we're dead.

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Pass the ball on first down. If we don't do that, we're gonna regret it.


If you think I'm crazy, re-watch the tape of the Panthers game last year. I've kept this stat in my brain ever since the game. Only two times out of seven I think when we were still in the game we passed on first down. A 6 yard pass to Tiki and a 20 yard pass to Shockey. 2/2 for 26 yards. The only good stat of the game.


Pass on first down. If we run and do great, great. If we run and fail, we're dead.


I think your brain is playing tricks on you. We got outplayed by Carolina.


We passed on 1st and 10 eight times

we completed 5 of those passes for roughly 45 yards when you tally yds lost from sacks..

we were sacked twice (-14), lost one fumble, and threw one int that led to a td the next play.

All of that on 1st and 10.


We ran it on 1st and 10 nine times for only 26 yards, but no turnovers.


We got our asses kicked and it was not because we were not throwing enough on 1st down.

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I don't advocate running the ball on every first down (Gorilla) or passing it on every first down (gateb). What we need to do first is control the line. That means our OL must play smashmouth football and we need to smash them with Jacobs and slice them with Tiki.


We know the Eagles are blitz happy and we need to make them pay for it early... the way to do that is by throwing screens to Tiki, Jacobs, and Moss. Mix in the plays so much that the Eagles just can't figure out what's coming. The Eagles are terrible against the run but they've had success stopping our run because we do a terrible job keeping them guess. Mixing in the play action, screens, and implementing the uptempo game (which Eli excels at) will keep them on their heels. And let's not forget we still have Shockey and Plax (should shocky play that is)


Run the ball and run it often also will help keep the drives long which means we control the clock.. that means our shaky D stays off the field.


Defensively, be aggressive. Take risks. That means blitz. If we give Garcia all the time in the world, he will shred us. Our corners can't cover anyone anyway.. so why not rattle Garcia into making mistakes.


Again the Key here is to also control the line of scrimmage. Our D must bring back the run-stopping prowess we had early in the season.


I think this game will come down to how Jacobs plays. And let's not forget the turnover battle, team discipline (no stupid penalties), and special teams. The basics folks... field position.

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Here's another interesting stat for you guys.


Of Eli's 18 int's on the year:

6 were thrown on first down

4 thrown on second down

7 thrown on third down

and 1 thrown on fourth down.


Usually the purpose for throwing on 1st down(and even 2nd in some cases) is catching the defense off guard. It's not working for us apparently.

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I don't advocate running the ball on every first down (Gorilla) or passing it on every first down (gateb). What we need to do first is control the line. That means our OL must play smashmouth football and we need to smash them with Jacobs.


Run it often also will help keep the drives long which means we control the clock.. that means our shaky D stays off the field.


Defensively, be aggressive. Take risks. That means blitz.

I think this game will come down to how Jacobs plays.

...or IF Jacobs plays. 6 carries isn't gonna do it UNLESS Tiki is chewing it up on the ground.

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Our secondary should worry more about defending a pass or making a solid tackle, instead of going for the inteception.


We got to Blitz the shit out of the Eagles. Osi needs to regain some of his 2005 form and get to the QB.


Eli has to stand in the pocket, take the hits and for once beat the pressure that will be brought against him. Teams have seen all season long that just some pressure will make Eli's mechanics go to shit.

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I think your brain is playing tricks on you. We got outplayed by Carolina.


We passed on 1st and 10 eight times

we completed 5 of those passes for roughly 45 yards when you tally yds lost from sacks..

we were sacked twice (-14), lost one fumble, and threw one int that led to a td the next play.

All of that on 1st and 10.


We ran it on 1st and 10 nine times for only 26 yards, but no turnovers.


We got our asses kicked and it was not because we were not throwing enough on 1st down.

I think your looking at the whole game. I'm talking about when we were still in it. When it was 10-0, not 17-0 or w/e it became.


Running on first down did no good for us. That's my point.

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1st play of the game Flea Flicker.


Nope. Leave the tricks for the end of the game. I want us to play the game of football the way it was meant to be played. Here I come... you know what I'm doing and I know you know what I'm doing and I dare you stop it. We need to run the ball down their throats... no fancy shit. now towards the end of the game (and I remember Fassel did this) and the game is deadlocked, we can go for a little razzle dazzle. That ought to put them away.. going for it on the first play gives them the entire game to recover.

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I think your looking at the whole game. I'm talking about when we were still in it. When it was 10-0, not 17-0 or w/e it became.


Running on first down did no good for us. That's my point.


From the time the score was 10-0 til the end of the game, here are your stats for 1st and 10 plays.


Runs: 4 atts , 16yards , 4.0avg. Even better than when you count the whole game.


Pass: 7atts, 3 comp. for 39 yards. 2 sacks (-14), 1 fumble lost, 1 int that resulted in a td the next play.

Even worse than when you count the whole game.


You say you're referring to just the time when the score was 10-0 until the score was 17-0.

That's ridiculous to assume that those 4 1st down plays decided the outcome of this game.

Here are the results of just those 4 1st and 10s.

Runs: 2 for 9 yards, getting even better at more than 4ypc.

Pass: 1 compl, 2 atts. 25 yards, 1 INT that became a td on the next play.


I guess I'm just not seeing what you're talking about.

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From the time the score was 10-0 til the end of the game, here are your stats for 1st and 10 plays.


Runs: 4 atts , 16yards , 4.0avg. Even better than when you count the whole game.


Pass: 7atts, 3 comp. for 39 yards. 2 sacks (-14), 1 fumble lost, 1 int that resulted in a td the next play.

Even worse than when you count the whole game.


You say you're referring to just the time when the score was 10-0 until the score was 17-0.

That's ridiculous to assume that those 4 1st down plays decided the outcome of this game.

Here are the results of just those 4 1st and 10s.

Runs: 2 for 9 yards, getting even better at more than 4ypc.

Pass: 1 compl, 2 atts. 25 yards, 1 INT that became a td on the next play.


I guess I'm just not seeing what you're talking about.

No I was saying until the score became 17-0 we rarely passed on first down.


And I never said it decided the game, but they knew we were running on first down. It was so damn obvious.

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No I was saying until the score became 17-0 we rarely passed on first down.


And I never said it decided the game, but they knew we were running on first down. It was so damn obvious.


We passed more than run on 1st down. Passing on 1st is what did us in.

It created two Eli turnovers that put us out of the game.

Maybe running didn't get us points, but it didn't create turnovers either.

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