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Rangers Trade Danks for McCarthy (basically)


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Wow...John Danks being traded. Granted Brandon McCarthy is a great pitcher who will finally get to start but I never expected a move like this.


Rangers get: Brandon McCarthy, David Paisano

White Sox get: John Danks, Nick Masset, Jacob Rasner



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Yeah i saw that, dumb if you ask me. But what the fuck do i know?


A decent amount, from what I've seen. I guess the Rangers are trying to move forward in an AL West division that hasn't exactly strengthened itself too much this offseason. The A's, Angels, and Mariners haven't improved much with the Athletics signing Piazza and Embree, the Angels signing Matthews Jr., Speier, and Darren Oliver, and the Mariners signing Miguel Batista and Jose Guillen. This gives the Rangers another big league starter who they can slot behind Millwood and Padilla while giving up a heralded but inconsisent uber-prospect (granted he's been younger than his competition) who will help bolster the starters in the White Sox wings who is younger and more affordable. Once again it'll be a three team race in the AL West for most of the season. You should be worried about a healthy Rich Harden.

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A decent amount, from what I've seen. I guess the Rangers are trying to move forward in an AL West division that hasn't exactly strengthened itself too much this offseason. The A's, Angels, and Mariners haven't improved much with the Athletics signing Piazza and Embree, the Angels signing Matthews Jr., Speier, and Darren Oliver, and the Mariners signing Miguel Batista and Jose Guillen. This gives the Rangers another big league starter who they can slot behind Millwood and Padilla while giving up a heralded but inconsisent uber-prospect (granted he's been younger than his competition) who will help bolster the starters in the White Sox wings who is younger and more affordable. Once again it'll be a three team race in the AL West for most of the season. You should be worried about a healthy Rich Harden.

I just hate giving up top minor league pitching, especially for a guy who has proved virtually nothing. I mean, I really don't see the plus for us, we gave up a potentially good SP and gained a potentially good SP. I understand trading projected talent for proven talent, but I'd rather get something a bit more proven. Ofcourse I don't see alot of Sox games, I basically only really pay attention to the Rangers and maybe the O's just because i live where I do. But i'm not really knowledgable in other teams really young players. for the most part.

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I just hate giving up top minor league pitching, especially for a guy who has proved virtually nothing. I mean, I really don't see the plus for us, we gave up a potentially good SP and gained a potentially good SP. I understand trading projected talent for proven talent, but I'd rather get something a bit more proven. Ofcourse I don't see alot of Sox games, I basically only really pay attention to the Rangers and maybe the O's just because i live where I do. But i'm not really knowledgable in other teams really young players. for the most part.


Well, there's the satisfaction of knowing that your team drafted a guy and he made it through to the major leagues to not only be a star but a fixture of the team. Now I think you're not giving Brandon McCarthy enough credit. He's a good pitcher who was thrust into long relief because the White Sox, one of the few teams who had five good starters the last couple of years, were full in the rotation with Garcia, Buehrle, Garland, Vazquez, and Contreras. He only spent four seasons in the minors though, I don't know why he spent only one in triple A...I seriously doubt contractual reasons. Probably they wanted to break him into the majors the old fashioned way with starting him as a reliever. Hey, it worked for Liriano, but he had undeniable talent as is. McCarthy, though good in the minors, only mustered a 3.39 minor league ERA with a 1.09 WHIP and 10.26 K/9 and 1.76 BB/9. One has to like the ratios though...and despite having problems with the gopher ball, Ameriquest Field is probably less of a hitters park than US Cellular in terms of homeruns right now. VG, as of right now, Brandon McCarthy is a Texas Ranger and he deserves the respect that you'd give to any other member of your cherished team.

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Well, there's the satisfaction of knowing that your team drafted a guy and he made it through to the major leagues to not only be a star but a fixture of the team. Now I think you're not giving Brandon McCarthy enough credit. He's a good pitcher who was thrust into long relief because the White Sox, one of the few teams who had five good starters the last couple of years, were full in the rotation with Garcia, Buehrle, Garland, Vazquez, and Contreras. He only spent four seasons in the minors though, I don't know why he spent only one in triple A...I seriously doubt contractual reasons. Probably they wanted to break him into the majors the old fashioned way with starting him as a reliever. Hey, it worked for Liriano, but he had undeniable talent as is. McCarthy, though good in the minors, only mustered a 3.39 minor league ERA with a 1.09 WHIP and 10.26 K/9 and 1.76 BB/9. One has to like the ratios though...and despite having problems with the gopher ball, Ameriquest Field is probably less of a hitters park than US Cellular in terms of homeruns right now. VG, as of right now, Brandon McCarthy is a Texas Ranger and he deserves the respect that you'd give to any other member of your cherished team.

Oh I wasn't trying to dissrespect B. M., Basically, it's hearing about the wonderfull John Danks and Thomas Diamond, and how they are the future of Rangers pitching and how they together and along with Tejada, Volquez etc are going to save the Rangers future. Then starting to see them beging their journey to being stars elsewhere, plus, i've seen the mighty John Daniels masterfull tardes enough already, I can't bare to see another Chris Young and Adrian Gonzalez traded for a rental. Not saying thats the case with BM, but, ya see what I'm getting at?

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Oh I wasn't trying to dissrespect B. M., Basically, it's hearing about the wonderfull John Danks and Thomas Diamond, and how they are the future of Rangers pitching and how they together and along with Tejada, Volquez etc are going to save the Rangers future. Then starting to see them beging their journey to being stars elsewhere, plus, i've seen the mighty John Daniels masterfull tardes enough already, I can't bare to see another Chris Young and Adrian Gonzalez traded for a rental. Not saying thats the case with BM, but, ya see what I'm getting at?


Yah, but these things happen. We, as fans, don't have that much power but we do what we can believing in our teams and the moves they make. I hope for success for the Rangers, just to mix things up. You break the pattern and capture your division and we'll capture ours, deal?

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