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Heard on "Late Hits," Jerry Rice's show...


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...Eli didn't stand up and say a word.



For real. I forget who co-hosts the show with Jerry, but they've talked to some of the Giants players, and rumor has it Manning didn't say anything.


I'm sorry, but when you're the QB of a football team... I don't care who's been there before you... you have to be a fucking leader, and FUCKING SAY SOMETHING to the team. Something to show them "I'm the man." Do you think Roethlisberger had nothing to say when Bettis and Hines Ward were playing with a rookie QB? How about Phillip Rivers, playing ball with Tomlinson and Gates... think that might be a little intimidating? I don't want to hear that he's afraid of Shockey, Tiki, and Strahan. As a QB, you are the fucking leader of this team, whether you like it or not.


I've had just about enough of the "Aww, shucks, I suck," and "woe is me" pussy-face from Eli. I can see if you don't get in someone's face. I can see if you don't yell and scream like Shockey. But for Christ's sakes, ACT LIKE YOU CARE ABOUT THE GAME IN A PLAYERS ONLY FUCKING MEETING. STOP BEING SUCH A GODDAMNED PUSSY AND TAKE FUCKING CONTROL, TAKE OFF THE SKIRT, OR RETIRE. :furious:



<---------- off the Eli bandwagon.


(and sorry about the caps, I just couldn't fucking believe it when I heard this).

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Eli seems like he wants to lead by example. Given his recent play, I doubt that he felt like he was in a position to get on other players on the team.


That said, I do hope he begins to grab the leadership reins, cuz this team is gonna need someone to do that once Tiki is gone.

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I can also remember Phil Simms telling Parcells to "shut up" on the sidelines. I can remember Phil Simms grabbing Ronnie Lott's facemask, and flipping people the bird and telling them to go fuck themselves. I remember Phil Simms showing a lot of emotion, and playing the game with more heart than any other QB I've ever seen... and acting with class when he was unjustly benched twice in his career (though I was a little too young to remember the Scott Brunner incident).



Manning is no Phil Simms.

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Calm down. Phil Simms has an article about the meeting as well and he said that he also never said a damn thing in the 15+ players-only meetings that he had through his career.


Simms Article

Since when is what Phil Simms does the only thing that matters. I'm tired of everyone comparing what Eli does to someone else. Not saying anything worked for Phil, that doesn't meant that that's what Eli should do.

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Eli seems like he wants to lead by example. Given his recent play, I doubt that he felt like he was in a position to get on other players on the team.


That said, I do hope he begins to grab the leadership reins, cuz this team is gonna need someone to do that once Tiki is gone.


Well said.

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I'm saying that the greatest QB in Giants history didn't say a damn thing in the meetings either so why are we jumping on Eli for doing the same thing? Seems like a double standard to me. mws44 said it before, "Eli seems like he wants to lead by example. Given his recent play, I doubt that he felt like he was in a position to get on other players on the team." I think that if his play wasn't bad over the last few weeks he probably would've said something. Also what the fuck is wrong with Eli not showing emotion now that we have a losing streak going? Before you guys are like "Yea he doesn't let anything get to him. Eli's the man." and now "He needs to show some emotion and stop being a little kid."

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Believe me when I say, Nothing would please me more then for SOMEONE to tell Coughlin and Huffy to STFU.


Also Michael Vick just got fined for flipping someone off and pretty much telling them to go fuck themself, do you really want that type of shit happening here? If it happened everyone would be busy calling them immature and a cancer to the team.


You're right, Eli is no Phil Simms. He doesn't wear his emotions on his sleeve like other QBs, but before Everyone loved that about his personality, and now that he's in a slump everyone has a different tune.

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Believe me when I say, Nothing would please me more then for SOMEONE to tell Coughlin and Huffy to STFU.


Also Michael Vick just got fined for flipping someone off and pretty much telling them to go fuck themself, do you really want that type of shit happening here? If it happened everyone would be busy calling them immature and a cancer to the team.


You're right, Eli is no Phil Simms. He doesn't wear his emotions on his sleeve like other QBs, but before Everyone loved that about his personality, and now that he's in a slump everyone has a different tune.


From a psychological standpoint, I totally understand Eli's position. If you need to be yelled, you don't belong in this league.. you definitely don't belong in my Giants.

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Believe me when I say, Nothing would please me more then for SOMEONE to tell Coughlin and Huffy to STFU.


Also Michael Vick just got fined for flipping someone off and pretty much telling them to go fuck themself, do you really want that type of shit happening here? If it happened everyone would be busy calling them immature and a cancer to the team.


You're right, Eli is no Phil Simms. He doesn't wear his emotions on his sleeve like other QBs, but before Everyone loved that about his personality, and now that he's in a slump everyone has a different tune.


I totally agree about Eli's demenor. I don't have a problem if he doesn't throw his helmet and yell at coaches and players and refs. We have Shockey for that. That even keel is the same emotion that allows him to come back in the 4th quarter like he has ice water in his veins. He will continue to do that once he gets a little confidence back, in himself and his receivers. The loss of Toomer is much larger than I initially realized. He was obviously his clutch go to guy. Now teams don't even have to cover the 2nd receiver (I'm not even sure we have one on the field) and the coverage is shifted to Plax. Tough situation for a QB. I'm sure he will get his mojo back and everyone will praise how nothing bothers him again.

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I don't think he needs to yell and scream. I do think he needs to be a fucking leader. Because when you're the QB, whether you like it or not, you're the FUCKING LEADER OF THE FOOTBALL TEAM. That's why you get paid more than the Defensive Tackles.


Leaders stand up and say something in team meetings.



And sorry, Phil, but I don't agree with you. I love Phil Simms, but he also said that there was no reason to pull Bledsoe and put Romo in. How'd that one work out for the Cowboys? When you're the team leader, you say SOMETHING.



<-----off the Eli bandwagon. Wait till that asshole gets booed when he throws his first wobbler to Plax in triple coverage.

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I can also remember Phil Simms telling Parcells to "shut up" on the sidelines. I can remember Phil Simms grabbing Ronnie Lott's facemask, and flipping people the bird and telling them to go fuck themselves. I remember Phil Simms showing a lot of emotion, and playing the game with more heart than any other QB I've ever seen... and acting with class when he was unjustly benched twice in his career (though I was a little too young to remember the Scott Brunner incident).

Manning is no Phil Simms.

Simms to Richard Dent after Dent sacks him and starts a celebration in his face, Simms pushes off and says very loudly "Fuck you" and gives him the finger on good ol CBS. Dent stood there speechless for a couple of seconds...probably thinking "I just busted his ass and he should be running scared about now..but he ain't. What's wrong with this picture?". :confused:

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Hate to burst your bubble guys, but there are no leaders on this team.


If there were, you wouldn't have heard about this and you wouldn't be seeing a complete melt-down of a season for the 2nd time in 4 years.


Tiki's retiring, so he's ruled out immediately. And if Strahan was the leader he thinks he is, then he would have kept his mouth shut until after he talked to Plax. Toomer's IR'd, so no help there. O'hara? Pierce? Just got here.


The coaches aren't much better.

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yugi raises a good point, eli doens't have a leg to stand on with his recent play + his offense is a bunch of veterans. fish is right as well, there are no leaders on this team, strahan is the closest one and i did like the fact that he went after plax but he went overboard when he went after the media

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