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Soriano to Sign With Cubs

Blue Jeans

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Needless to say, I was dumbfounded when I read this. Honestly, an eight year commitment to a 31 year old player? What the fuck are they thinking?! But honestly, I'm more peeved at Speier signing with the Angels, though 4.5 million a year is pricey...he was in the running for the Sox closer.

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a. terrible signing. even if you're desperate you could still get him for less. no free agents had any business getting 100 mil this season.


b. anythying can happen in that garbage division but the stros will counter with carlos lee anyway and the cubs still have no pitching and no closer

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A healthy starting staff of Zambrano, Prior, Wood, and it seems like Meche now could be one of the best in the majors.


that has been said for the past 3 years. we're now past the point where anyone should expect anything from prior and wood

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A healthy starting staff of Zambrano, Prior, Wood, and it seems like Meche now could be one of the best in the majors.

What makes you think they are going to be healthy? And what makes you think if they are healthy means that they are going to be effective.


This team is a question mark year in and year out. All of us have no clue what to expect out of the Cubs. Soriano will probably hurt his hammy in spring training, Lou will force him to play through it, and then Sori will be out 4 months. That wouldn't surprise me.

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I realize it's been said for the past three years, but that doesn't make it false.


i think it does, especially in the case of wood. prior i could still see someday turning it around cuz he's young. on the other hand, wood is getting older and he isn't even in their rotation this season, he'll be their closer

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i think it does, especially in the case of wood. prior i could still see someday turning it around cuz he's young. on the other hand, wood is getting older and he isn't even in their rotation this season, he'll be their closer

Wood said he wanted to be in the pen this year to rest his arm, I still think Wood will someday be a dominant pitcher.




Either way, what a shame from a baseball fan standpoint that these two guys have been injured.

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